What in the World?

Coal is unfashionable in advanced economies, but if the global order breaks down, it will thrive on international markets. Reuters

Coal will thrive on global market if globalization breaks down

What would a cyberattack on the U.S. power grid look like, is it feasible and should Americans be concerned? AP Images

Are US power grids vulnerable to cyberattacks?

Iran does not have the technology to make a nuclear weapon, and even if it did, delivering it as a viable weapon is a different matter. Getty Images

Does Iran actually have a nuclear weapon?

A culture of political violence is one factor contributing to the assassination attempt on Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico. Reuters

Assassination attempt on Slovakia’s prime minister explained

Amidst political turmoil and violence across West Africa, can Nigeria emerge as Africa’s first modern-world superpower? AP Images

Will Nigeria become Africa’s first superpower?

Sergei Shoigu has been ousted as Russia’s Minister of Defense. What happens next, and what does it mean for Ukraine and the West? Getty Images

Why Putin axed Shoigu

As the Ukraine war persists and Russia faces arms supply challenges, Russia, North Korea and Iran find themselves in evolving roles. Reuters

New roles for Russia, North Korea, Iran in global arms trade

Due to stubborn inflation, higher interest rates look more likely over the next few years instead of rate cuts this year. Getty Images

Why interest rates will be higher for longer

If the low birth rate continues, eventually the U.S. economy could see a decline similar to the Germans and Koreans. Getty Images

How to handle plunging US birth rate before it’s too late

Japan needs to overcome its pacifist culture to face resurgent military threats and to play a meaningful role in Western alliances. Getty Images

Japan must confront reality of military threats

Russia is the world’s largest producer of enriched uranium. That may present an issue for Western supply chains as sanctions escalate. Reuters

US may need to find new sources of uranium

China’s new aircraft supercarrier, the Fujian, has sounded some alarms across the Pacific. Here’s why Americans should not be worried. Reuters

China’s Fujian aircraft carrier is nothing to worry about

Russia has a new drone-resistant tank, but it might be vulnerable to heavy artillery – as long as the Ukrainians don’t run out of munitions. Getty Images

Russia unveils drone-resistant ‘turtle tanks’

The Texas energy model is failing. It will soon force Texans to make uncomfortable decisions and large investments. Getty Images

Texas heat challenges a strained energy grid

Japan’s navy is getting a big upgrade in response to increasing threats from China and growing public support for a larger military presence. Reuters

Japan’s navy gets an upgrade

What would an independent RFK Jr. campaign mean for the Trump and Biden campaigns, and who would it impact the most? Reuters

How could RFK Jr. impact 2024 election?

Could global warming melt the Russian ice and open up new maritime shipping lanes between Russia and China? Getty Images

Global warming won’t impact Russian-Chinese shipping

The US shale revolution has provided America with bountiful oil supplies. Can other nations replicate our success? Reuters

Can other nations replicate success of US shale revolution?

Israel and Iran successfully de-escalated their conflict and avoided a major regional war in the Middle East. What comes next? Reuters

Peace between Israel and Iran, at least for now

The stability and security of the global internet are at risk due to the precarious state of internet cable systems. Reuters

Global internet in a precarious state, but that could be a positive

Fears of future wars over potable water fail to account for some significant factors, and ultimately those conflicts are unlikely to occur. Getty Images

Water wars are an unlikely future

Russia's hypersonic missiles are more bluster than a real threat, as they can often be detected from long distances and intercepted easily. AP Images

Are Russia’s hypersonic missiles too good to be true?

Norway will now be sending F-16s to Ukraine. As U.S. global leadership declines, more and more EU states are stepping in to defend Ukraine. Reuters

Norway sending F-16s to Ukraine

A Russian tactic designed to kill as many emergency responders as possible is just one more item to add to the list of war crimes in Ukraine. Reuters

Russians targeting civilian emergency crews in Ukraine