In the end, it wasn’t close, despite polls and algorithmic models that said the 2024 election was a jump ball that could go either way. Donald Trump defeated Kamala Harris smoothly and comprehensively. Trump’s triumph sets American politics and the American right on a nationalist and populist course, Trump is the first person elected to non consecutive presidential terms in more than 120 years. He won every swing state, racking up a total of 312 Electoral College votes for the best showing by Republicans since 1988
he is the first Republican to win Nevada since George W Bush, and he is the first Republican since Ronald Reagan, to surmount the blue wall states of Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania in two elections, Trump’s coalition has transformed. His 2016 victory was based on overwhelming support among white voters without college degrees. His 2024 coalition includes working class Americans of every race and ethnicity. Most significantly, Trump made major inroads with Hispanic voters. The Hispanic shift toward the GOP benefited Trump, not just in swing states such as Nevada and Pennsylvania. It also cut into democratic margins in blue strongholds such as Virginia and New Jersey, where Harris won, respectively, by a closer than anticipated, five and six points. This is not demographic drift. It is a restructuring of American politics happening in real time.
The voter participation declined since 2020 possibly due to a reduction in voting by mail. Turnout in 2024 was nevertheless the second highest in this century. The Fox News voter analysis showed that more voters identified as Republicans, 49% than as Democrats, 45%
party registration has not tilted Republican in a presidential year since Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s New Deal,
the Trump sweep had down ballot consequences as well. Republicans picked up four Senate seats, giving them control of the upper legislative chamber for the first time since 2020 and they will maintain control of the House of Representatives.
Nor is the Republican Party of 2024 the same as it was during Trump’s inauguration in 2017
the congressmen and senators in charge of the elected branches and the Cabinet Secretaries and agency directors atop the executive branch will be Trump’s Republicans. They will have little or no connection to the GOP of John McCain, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, Mitch, McConnell, Liz and Dick Cheney and other officials who have opposed, disagreed with or undermined The Once and Future president.
The basis for Trump’s majority is not trump the man. It is the change that the man represents. According to The Real Clear Politics average of polls, 63% of voters say that the nation is headed in the wrong direction in the 2024 exit poll, 73% of voters said that they felt dissatisfied or angry about the way things are going in the country today. 28% of those voters, moreover, said that they based their decision on a candidate’s ability to bring needed change. Trump won them by a 50 point margin.
What voters want is no secret. They seek to restore the conditions that prevailed when Trump was president at the onset of the COVID 19 pandemic in 2020,
economic growth with rising incomes and stable prices, a secure southern border and a world without wars in Ukraine and the Middle East.
Behind voters sentiment on topics such as the economy, immigration and foreign policy is a broader sense of disgust toward liberal elites. This intense antipathy begins with President Biden, but does not end with him. Biden’s approval rating in the exit poll was 40%
his approval ratings have been underwater Since 2021
his physical and mental decline has been apparent for some time, and was embarrassingly broadcast to the world during his June 27 debate with Trump,
and yet that decline remains taboo inside the mainstream media and Democratic machine.
Furthermore, while Biden’s mismanagement of the economy the border and the world has been obvious to voters for years, his incompetence has been downplayed or denied by the men and women who rely on the Democratic Party for access favors, jobs and funding, and when Biden withdrew from the presidential race to make way for Kamala Harris, no, no one within the Biden or Harris camp seems to have recognized that the Vice President ought to have separated herself from his legacy.
According to blueprint a democratic polling firm, the top reason swing voters chose Trump was that, quote Kamala Harris has focused more on cultural issues like transgender issues, rather than helping the middle class close. Quote, yet, swing voters had plenty of reasons to be disappointed. In fact.
Population, open borders, social disorder, political correctness, gender ideology, law fare conducted against the political opposition, anti semitism on campuses and in the streets and ongoing wars in Europe and the Middle East. This is the record that Biden and Harris asked America to extend for another four years.
America refused, and by doing so, America opened the curtain on a new and unknown political era in.
Why the presidential election result wasn’t even close
By Straight Arrow News
President-elect Donald Trump is the first person in over 120 years to be elected to two non-consecutive presidential terms. He swept every swing state and made significant gains among Hispanic voters, narrowing Democratic margins in traditionally blue states like Virginia and New Jersey. He won the Electoral College decisively, although the national popular vote margin was the narrowest it has been since 2000.
Watch the video above as Straight Arrow News contributor Michael Continetti discusses how Trump’s 2024 victory differs from his 2016 win and analyzes where he says his Democratic opponents went so far off course.
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The following is an excerpt from the above video:
Furthermore, while Biden’s mismanagement of the economy, the border and the world has been obvious to voters for years, his incompetence has been downplayed or denied by the men and women who rely on the Democratic Party for access, favors, jobs and funding, and when Biden withdrew from the presidential race to make way for Kamala Harris, no one within the Biden or Harris camp seems to have recognized that the vice president ought to have separated herself from his legacy.
According to Blueprint, a Democratic polling firm, the top reason swing voters chose Trump was that “Kamala Harris has focused more on cultural issues like transgender issues, rather than helping the middle class.”
Yet swing voters had plenty of reasons to be disappointed. In fact, population, open borders, social disorder, political correctness, gender ideology, lawfare conducted against the political opposition, antisemitism on campuses and in the streets, and ongoing wars in Europe and the Middle East — this is the record that Biden and Harris asked America to extend for another four years. America refused, and by doing so, America opened the curtain on a new and unknown political era.
In the end, it wasn’t close, despite polls and algorithmic models that said the 2024 election was a jump ball that could go either way. Donald Trump defeated Kamala Harris smoothly and comprehensively. Trump’s triumph sets American politics and the American right on a nationalist and populist course, Trump is the first person elected to non consecutive presidential terms in more than 120 years. He won every swing state, racking up a total of 312 Electoral College votes for the best showing by Republicans since 1988
he is the first Republican to win Nevada since George W Bush, and he is the first Republican since Ronald Reagan, to surmount the blue wall states of Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania in two elections, Trump’s coalition has transformed. His 2016 victory was based on overwhelming support among white voters without college degrees. His 2024 coalition includes working class Americans of every race and ethnicity. Most significantly, Trump made major inroads with Hispanic voters. The Hispanic shift toward the GOP benefited Trump, not just in swing states such as Nevada and Pennsylvania. It also cut into democratic margins in blue strongholds such as Virginia and New Jersey, where Harris won, respectively, by a closer than anticipated, five and six points. This is not demographic drift. It is a restructuring of American politics happening in real time.
The voter participation declined since 2020 possibly due to a reduction in voting by mail. Turnout in 2024 was nevertheless the second highest in this century. The Fox News voter analysis showed that more voters identified as Republicans, 49% than as Democrats, 45%
party registration has not tilted Republican in a presidential year since Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s New Deal,
the Trump sweep had down ballot consequences as well. Republicans picked up four Senate seats, giving them control of the upper legislative chamber for the first time since 2020 and they will maintain control of the House of Representatives.
Nor is the Republican Party of 2024 the same as it was during Trump’s inauguration in 2017
the congressmen and senators in charge of the elected branches and the Cabinet Secretaries and agency directors atop the executive branch will be Trump’s Republicans. They will have little or no connection to the GOP of John McCain, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, Mitch, McConnell, Liz and Dick Cheney and other officials who have opposed, disagreed with or undermined The Once and Future president.
The basis for Trump’s majority is not trump the man. It is the change that the man represents. According to The Real Clear Politics average of polls, 63% of voters say that the nation is headed in the wrong direction in the 2024 exit poll, 73% of voters said that they felt dissatisfied or angry about the way things are going in the country today. 28% of those voters, moreover, said that they based their decision on a candidate’s ability to bring needed change. Trump won them by a 50 point margin.
What voters want is no secret. They seek to restore the conditions that prevailed when Trump was president at the onset of the COVID 19 pandemic in 2020,
economic growth with rising incomes and stable prices, a secure southern border and a world without wars in Ukraine and the Middle East.
Behind voters sentiment on topics such as the economy, immigration and foreign policy is a broader sense of disgust toward liberal elites. This intense antipathy begins with President Biden, but does not end with him. Biden’s approval rating in the exit poll was 40%
his approval ratings have been underwater Since 2021
his physical and mental decline has been apparent for some time, and was embarrassingly broadcast to the world during his June 27 debate with Trump,
and yet that decline remains taboo inside the mainstream media and Democratic machine.
Furthermore, while Biden’s mismanagement of the economy the border and the world has been obvious to voters for years, his incompetence has been downplayed or denied by the men and women who rely on the Democratic Party for access favors, jobs and funding, and when Biden withdrew from the presidential race to make way for Kamala Harris, no, no one within the Biden or Harris camp seems to have recognized that the Vice President ought to have separated herself from his legacy.
According to blueprint a democratic polling firm, the top reason swing voters chose Trump was that, quote Kamala Harris has focused more on cultural issues like transgender issues, rather than helping the middle class close. Quote, yet, swing voters had plenty of reasons to be disappointed. In fact.
Population, open borders, social disorder, political correctness, gender ideology, law fare conducted against the political opposition, anti semitism on campuses and in the streets and ongoing wars in Europe and the Middle East. This is the record that Biden and Harris asked America to extend for another four years.
America refused, and by doing so, America opened the curtain on a new and unknown political era in.
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