Star Parker Founder & President, Center for Urban Renewal and Education

Senate must pass Hands Off Our Home Appliances Act

Star Parker Founder & President, Center for Urban Renewal and Education

On May 7, the House passed a bill blocking the Biden administration from banning everyday home appliances that run on natural gas. The Hands Off Our Home Appliances Act would force the Department of Energy (DOE) to take into account the cost-effectiveness of any new energy conversation standards. GOP lawmakers blamed Biden’s climate agenda for rising costs, claiming it especially harmed low-income families.

Watch the above video as Straight Arrow News contributor Star Parker argues that the Biden administration is in regulatory overdrive.

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It’s undermining our ability to use everyday home appliances like kitchen stoves and dishwashers. Why are they doing this? Because what if they lose the election in November, they want to have all of this takeover in place, while recognizing that the American people are already facing economic hardships.

The House of Representatives is pushing back. The Republicans in the House passed H.R. 6192 — the Hands Off Our Home Appliances Act. Yep. This bill would eliminate unnecessary rulemaking requirements. It allows the secretary of energy to amend or revoke a standard if it’s increasing costs for consumers, if that standard does not result in significant energy or water savings, if it’s not technologically feasible, or if that standard results in the unavailability of products.

The Hands Off Our Home Appliances Act protects affordability by considering the costs to low-income households in particular, and the full cycle cost of appliances when determining if the new standards are economically justified.

The Biden administration has embarked on a regulatory binge. It’s undermining our ability to use everyday home appliances like kitchen stoves, and dishwashers. Why are they doing this? Because what if they lose the election in November, they want to have all of this takeover in place, while recognizing that the American people are already facing economic hardships. The House of Representatives is pushing back, the Republicans in the House passed hr 619 to the hands off our home appliances act. Yep. This bill would eliminate unnecessary rulemaking requirements. It allows the Secretary of Energy to amend or revoke a standard if it’s increasing costs for consumers. If that standard does not result in significant energy or water savings, if it’s not technologically feasible, or if that standard results in the unavailability of products that hands off our home appliance Act protects affordability by considering the costs to low income households in particular, and the full cycle cost of appliances when determining if the new standards are economically justified. You know, they were just getting overwhelmed by all of this environmental, let’s say the climate regulatory mess. So this legislation prohibits the secretary of energy from banning products based on the type of fuel that they use. In the past year, the Biden administration had proposed a ban on gas dose, the Department of Energy has announced plans to regulate washers, dryers, dishwashers, refrigerators, freezers and even air conditioners. The department’s own analysis finds that efficiency standards and these mandates on dishwashers could increase the upfront costs by 28%. And it could take consumers up to 12 years to pay these increased costs back and you know, what’s worse about it is that then if you put on a credit card, it’s costing you double. But this despite the fact that natural gas has contributed significantly to reducing America’s carbon emissions, the Biden administration is demonstrating hostility to home appliances that are powered by natural gas. This makes no sense. It’s not economically feasible is that environmentally feasible. It is especially harmful to low income Americans as they will face higher housing prices and utility bills. The Biden administration’s government knows best approach is inconsistent with our nation’s founding principles, and it is insulting to American consumers. The 10th amendment need we be reminded continuously says in quotes, the powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution or prohibited by it to the states are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people, misguided progressives, their policies are harming the economy, harming our schools, the availability of affordable housing, affordable health care and the character of our communities. It is America’s founding principles that made her an economic powerhouse. If we recommit to those principles, Americans of all races can overcome the struggles, the tensions, all of the challenges that we’re facing in our communities, the United States Senate should take up this act right away. They need to move in the right direction and join the house in passing the hands off our home appliances act

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