The leaked draft of the Supreme Court’s opinion that would overturn Roe v. Wade has sparked endless debate, not just over the leak itself, but over who is to blame and what the immediate impact would be. For liberals, the key question now is: What, if anything, can be done about it? Straight Arrow News contributor David Pakman delves into the options.
Many people have been writing to me…what should leftists do? Should leftists all leave these red states, sort of vote with their dollars and go to blue states? Well, sure. If that’s what you want to do, but many people can’t afford to do that. And that’s fundamentally where a lot of this problem is. Laura Ingraham, a Fox News host said on the air minutes after this story leaked that you can now just move to a state that has abortion if that’s what you want. Well, the whole point is a lot of the people that already struggle to afford medical services can’t afford to move to another state. That’s part and parcel of one of the problems we have in this country when we say vote with your dollar and move. Many people can’t afford to.
The counterpoint would be, no, the leftists should flood the red states, vote for Democrats and leftists, and have them change the laws when it comes to abortion. Well, that’s a fine plan. I have no problem with that, but understand that that takes years. And what happens in the meantime to women who would seek such services, but will be unable to? It’s a very personal decision. There’s not one right answer, and I can see both sides. But immediately in blue states, nothing will change in some red states, nothing will immediately change, but there are places, Kentucky, Oklahoma, Mississippi, and others, where things will become medieval very, very quickly.