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Russia-Ukraine conflict a fuss, designed to distract

Graham Elwood Comedian and Host, The Political Vigilante

Every news source in the country is carrying on about the possibility of Russia invading Ukraine, but have you considered any other point of view? Whether you’re watching CNN or listening to NPR, the reports are the same. High level talks are going nowhere, tension is mounting, and troops are taking up position at the border.  Everyone is preparing for war, except for the former British ambassador to Uzbekistan, Craig Murray.  He appeared on and offered a unique point of view.

Craig Murray: First thing to say is, of course, there isn’t going to be a Russian invasion. This is a fuss concocted out of nothing. And partly it’s to do with… in the United Kingdom, you have a government in, in deep trouble and very unpopular. You have the same with Joe Biden. Joe Biden is plumbing depths of unpopularity that no president has ever plumbed before except for Donald Trump. So a fond distraction, saber rattling, war mongering is always something which politicians turn to and which generally they can rely on their media to deflect and take up. 

You read that right. Murray says the Biden Administration is hyping this Russia-Ukraine conflict to distract from its own failures, and the American media are following his lead. Of course, there are more than the political benefits.

We’re trying to stir this up because you know what a new cold war also does?  It benefits the military industrial complex. The height of global arms sales was 1980.

Global defense spending hit a low point in 2000.

Is anyone in the west reporting on this? Of course not.

If it was real journalism, they would be interviewing that guy from the UK, the diplomat who is from that region, just to give a different point of view. You have to come to a website to listen to me where I had to scour to find that interview on YouTube. That’s a problem with the western media when it only pushes one narrative.

“Russia bad” is good for the defense industry. Never forget that. 

Don’t be tricked into another war so that a president with bad numbers can make you forget about it. Stay awake, everybody.

Hello everybody. I’m Graham Elwood and there’s a lot of hype about Russia invading the Ukraine. Look at this in CNN, no breakthrough in frank talks, Russia over Ukraine, border crisis. NPR: Russia troops mass at the border. Ukrainians are preparing for war. Gee, is there any other point of view? Is the west just the innocent victim in all this? Well, if you’re gonna listen to the former UK ambassador to Uzbekistan who I had to find on Russian TV on the internet, he says otherwise,

Anchor: We can bring in now the former UK Ambassador Craig Murray. Why do you think the west is drumming up fears here of a Russian invasion? When Russia has said look consistently, we have said we will not attack and we want a diplomatic solution.

Craig Murray: Well, I mean, first thing to say is, of course there, there, isn’t going to be a, a, a Russian invasion. This is a fuss concocted out of nothing. Um, and partly it’s to do with your last item. Um, in the United Kingdom, you have a government in, in deep trouble and very unpopular. You have the same with Joe Biden. Joe Biden is, plumbing depths of  unpopularity that no president has ever plumbed before except for Donald Trump. Uh, so a fond distraction, saber rattling, war mongering is always something which politicians turn to and which generally they can, they can rely on their media to, to deflect and take up. 

How come this guy can’t get, we can’t get him on MSNBC or CNN or Fox or ABC? I’d love to hear this point of view in American media, cuz there’s only one narrative. Russia’s bad. We gotta win. We gotta build up troops, Putin, Putin by bad, bad, bad. How about that?

Joe Biden’s approval rating is awful. Boris Johnson’s approval rating is awful. There’s also not to mention. Putin has said, I don’t want NATOs troops to advance any further. 

Look at this map. Russia is surrounded and China surrounded by American bases. There’s Uzbek, Ukraine right there. He doesn’t want troops again right on his border. We’ve got them in Kazakhstan. We’ve got them. We’ve got them right on his border. If Russia had bases in Mexico and Canada, we’d be going insane. 

Remember what happened in the Cuban missile crisis? We would go nuts. So we’re trying to stir this up because you know what a new cold war also does?  It benefits the military industrial comp complex. The height of global arms sales was 1980. When the Soviet Union collapsed in 2000 was the lowest numbers ever in global defense spending.

Don’t be fooled by this. 

America is hyping up this problem. America is cause look, look we’re, we’re. We would go nuts. We would never allow this on our borders. 

And the Western media only has one narrative, only pushes one narrative. If it was real journalism, they would be interviewing that guy from the UK, the diplomat who is from that region, just to give a different point of view. You have to come to a website to listen to me where I had to scour to find that interview on YouTube. That’s a problem with the Western media when it only pushes one narrative.

Russia bad is good for the defense industry. Never forget that. 

Don’t be tricked into another war so that a president with bad numbers can make you forget about it. Stay awake, everybody.

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