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Republicans’ handling of US-Mexico immigration policy is plain dumb

Ruben Navarrette Columnist, host & author

The Title 42 order that former President Trump imposed early during the COVID-19 pandemic blocked migrants from seeking asylum and allowed the U.S. to expel migrants from the border. President Biden’s effort to lift the order was temporarily halted by the U.S. Supreme Court last month, maintaining border patrol agents’ authority to expel. Straight Arrow News contributor Ruben Navarrette believes that despite Biden’s attempts to lift Title 42, the sitting president “stole” much of Trump’s immigration playbook and Republicans are “too dumb” to convert Latino Biden supporters to their side.

Trump proposes to build a wall, a big beautiful wall on the U.S.- Mexico border, but he only manages to complete a small portion of it. Biden criticizes the wall while running for president. But once he’s elected, now, what’s he doing? His administration has been spending its time and resources trying to patch up whole sections of that same wall.

Trump invokes Title 42 to keep foreigners out of the country under the pretense of stopping the spread of disease and protecting public health. Biden criticizes the policy while running for president. But then, once he’s elected, he keeps it in place for the first two years of his administration.

Trump creates the “remain in Mexico” policy to warehouse asylum-seekers on Mexico soil while their court cases are being heard. Biden condemns the policy, naturally, while he’s running for office. Once he gets into office, sure enough, he ends it. But Republican governors take Biden to court to get him to reinstate the policy. And the Supreme Court ultimately sides with Biden and authorizes him to allow asylum-seekers to stream back across the U.S.-Mexico border. But Biden, who is in no hurry to see that kind of spectacle, let alone on the eve of an election year, isn’t celebrating. Rather, his staff at the White House is busy trying to devise a plan to keep asylum-seekers south of the border. Now who does that sound like? And this is the open-border guy? That’s what they say.

How dumb are Republicans? Do they not see what Biden is actually doing? Or do they see it but then they turn around and outright lie about it to the American people? Either way, what’s dumb is that by continuing their broken record mantra, accusing Biden of being lenient on the border, Republicans are not hurting Biden. With who? Conservatives? They’re not going to vote for him anyway.

If you want to hurt a politician, go after the votes he’s getting from the people who are already supporting him. Here, the GOP is squandering the chance to weaken Biden support among the pro-immigration Left, including the Latino voters who helped put him in office. The GOP has the opportunity to drive a wedge between Biden and his Latino supporters, and maybe even send some of those disgusted Latinos into the waiting arms of Republicans. All they have to do is stop lying about what Biden is doing, and start telling the truth. But Republicans won’t do that. You know why? They’re too dumb.

Serious question. How do Republicans get to be so dumb? No, really, I want to know, especially when the subject turns to immigration. There are lots of examples, like the idiotic way the Republican governors who live off the political contributions of businesses that in turn live off the labor and sweat of illegal immigrants. How these governors glibly talk about how there’s an invasion on the US Mexico border. Look, what Russia did to Ukraine was an actual invasion was taking place on our borders more like a job fair, or the boneheaded way, that GOP strategist in scaring up votes from white people who are unsettled by brown people work against their own interests by squandering the support of Latino voters who are mostly conservative, and who could have found a comfortable home in the GOP, if not for all the race baiting. Or the ridiculous comments by Donald Trump in June 2015, as a real estate mogul declared his White House candidacy about how Mexico does not send, quote their best immigrants to the north. Of course, migrants who come on that uncertain and dangerous trek are the best. The inferior folks are the ones who stayed put and stayed behind. But perhaps there’s no better example of GOP stupidity on immigration than the way Republicans insist on portraying the border is open. And President Biden as the person who opened it all evidence to the contrary, the GOP stick on the border is all fiction. It’s a giant fairy tale created a political necessity and opportunism held together by a web of dishonesty. From my vantage point, Biden is the biggest immigration restrictionist to occupy the White House since well, Trump, and why not? Given that so much of Biden’s immigration policy, during his first two years in office has been lifted, stolen straight out of the Trump playbook. Trump proposes to build a wall a big beautiful wall on the US Mexico border, but he only manages to complete a small portion of it. Biden criticizes the wall while running for president. But once he’s elected, now, what’s he doing? His administration has been spending its time and resources, trying to patch up whole sections of that same wall. Trump invokes title 42 to keep foreigners out of the country under the pretense of stopping the spread of disease and protecting public health. Biden criticizes the policy while running for president. But then, once he’s elected, he keeps it in place for the first two years of his administration. Trump creates the remain in Mexico policy to warehouse asylum seekers on Mexico soil while their court cases are being heard. Biden condemns the policy naturally while he’s running for office, once it gets into office, sure enough, he ends it. But Republican governors take Biden to court to get him to reinstate the policy. And the Supreme Court ultimately, sides with Biden and authorizes him to allow asylum seekers to stream back across the US Mexico border. But Biden who is in no hurry to see that kind of spectacle, let alone on the eve of an election year isn’t celebrating, rather, his staff at the White House is busy trying to devise a plan to keep asylum seekers south of the border. Now, who does that sound like? And this is the open border guy. That’s what they say. How dumb are Republicans? Do they not see what Biden is actually doing? Or do they see it? But then they turn around and outright lie about it to the American people. Either way, what’s dumb is that by continuing their broken record mantra, accusing Biden of being lenient on the border, Republicans are not hurting Biden, with who, conservatives, they’re not going to vote for him anyway. If you want to hurt a politician go after the votes he’s getting from the people who are already supporting him. Here, the GOP is squandering the chance to weaken Biden support among the pro immigration left, including the Latino voters who helped put him in office. The GOP has the opportunity to drive a wedge between Biden and his Latino supporters, and maybe even send some of those disgusted Latinos into the waiting arms of Republicans. All they have to do is stop lying about what Biden is doing, and start telling the truth. But Republicans won’t do that. You know why? They’re too dumb.

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