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Regretful bills pushed through during ‘lame duck’ Congress

Star Parker Founder & President, Center for Urban Renewal and Education

The midterm election results removed Democrats’ unified grip on power in Washington, D.C., and soon they’ll be facing a divided government. However, they still have a narrow window in which to pass bills into law before Republicans take over the majority in 2023. This “lame-duck” session, according to Straight Arrow News contributor Star Parker, is sparking Democrats to aggressively enact legislation their constituents don’t want – like the recently-passed same-sex marriage law.

Well, here we go again, coming out of a very aggressive election season, very challenging, difficult. My goodness. Most people don’t even want to talk politics anymore because we’re so divided as a country. And in fact, if we look at the data, we’re divided almost in half about how we see the world. The American people are expressing more and more how upset they are about the country, how they think we’re heading in the wrong direction.

But obviously, there are two different worldviews. And I hope, especially during this Christmas season, is that people will start to pay more attention to what they’re voting for when it comes to political parties. When we think about what we’re dealing with here in Washington, D.C., and the progressive left, those that keep voting for Democrats and sending them here need to pay more attention about what their agenda really is.

It’s not about the one little thing they promised they’re going to do. And you’re thinking that that promise might hold true based on that one special interest in your life. Now they have a worldview that’s changing our country. There’s a season here called “lame-duck.” It’s for those that don’t come back to stay. Those are just coming to pack their offices.

They didn’t win reelection. And therefore, we have this one little month of time that they come to transition out. But while they’re transitioning out and the good guys aren’t and yet in, it’s kind of like buying a house. You’re in escrow. You finished everything. But while the people are leaving, they still technically own that house so they could destroy it before you move in.

Well, that’s what’s happening here in Congress during this so-called “lame-duck” season. The Democrats have lost the House. So now they’re aggressive. They’re aggressively trying to pass things that they know their constituents don’t want, that they know the American people didn’t vote them to do. And yet we’re dealing with this on a regular basis. 

Well, here we go again, coming out of a very aggressive election season, very challenging, difficult. My goodness. Most people don’t even want to talk politics anymore because we’re so divided as a country. And in fact, if we look at the data, we’re divided almost in half about how we see the world. The American people are expressing more and more how upset they are about the country, how they think we’re heading in the wrong direction.

But obviously, there are two different worldviews. And I hope, especially during this Christmas season, is that people will start to pay more attention to what they’re voting for when it comes to political parties. When we think about what we’re dealing with here in Washington, D.C., and the progressive left, those that keep voting for Democrats and sending them here need to pay more attention about what their agenda really is.

It’s not about the one little thing they promised they’re going to do. And you’re thinking that that promise might hold true based on that one special interest in your life. Now they have a worldview that’s changing our country. There’s a season here called Lame Duck. It’s for those that don’t come back to stay. Those are just coming to pack their offices.

They didn’t win reelection. And therefore, we have this one little month of time that they come to transition out. But while they’re transitioning out and the good guys aren’t and yet it’s kind of like buying a house. You’re you’re in escrow. You finished everything. But while the people are leaving, they still technically own that house so they could destroy it before you move in.

Well, that’s what’s happening here in Congress during this so-called lame duck season. The Democrats have lost the House. So now they’re aggressive. They’re aggressively trying to pass things that a law that they know their constituents don’t want, that they know the American people didn’t vote them to do. And yet we’re dealing with this on a regular basis. One particular area that the Senate decided they were going to come back as if they had a mandate to do was to codify in law Same sex marriage and insidiousness of then attaching it to interracial marriage as if interracial marriage anywhere in this country is at risk. This is an absolute lie. But what they do to further their agenda continuously is interject race. And every time they interject race, everybody gets scared, including Republicans. And the next thing you know, they codify things into law that are going to give us a headache on the other end to codify same sex marriage into law when traditional marriage is collapsing at the rate it is, is not healthy for a good future for our country.

When you think about life in itself and you think about marriage and the contributions of marriage, marital families then producing children and raising healthy adults, this is critical to the future of our country. It’s critical to a lot of the policies that we have in place, from Social Security to housing policy to education policy. All of these things are affected when you change the meaning of a word like marriage.

And that’s what’s happened here. And the president, the country pretends that he’s a religious man, is going to sign this into law when we know for a fact that marriage has traditional meaning far, far, long before we as a country or the gay community decided that they wanted to codify their relationships in a term called marriage. This is an affront to those that voted for these folks.

I’m surprised that many don’t get involved enough to say that this is enough. Watch what happens in lame duck. They’re trying to push through things that are not consistent with why you sent these folks in Washington and they have another week to try to destroy the country. But on this matter of same sex marriage, it will not be over because this is inconsistent with eternal truths.

And conjugal marriage. And conjugal marriage. And eternal truths are how we are going to save our country and our culture so that we can live healthy lives in a civil society.

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