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Star Parker Founder & President, Center for Urban Renewal and Education

Pro-life Republicans cannot give up the fight after Ohio loss

Star Parker Founder & President, Center for Urban Renewal and Education

Republicans nationwide have long campaigned against abortion. But in the aftermath of the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade, a surprising number of red states are now passing laws or amendments to protect abortion access, despite consistent efforts by red state legislatures to prevent that from happening. Ohio recently joined that list of states after voters there passed Issue 1 to legalize and protect abortion.

Straight Arrow News contributor Star Parker encourages pro-life politicians never to give up their fight. She advises Republicans to reframe their narrative on the issue and reminds them that pro-life messaging is not the same thing as anti-abortion messaging.

But this decision by Ohio reemphasizes how the battle was not over following the Supreme Court decision last year. The results in Ohio serve as a bitter yet powerful and much, much-needed reminder that the fight continues on, that we cannot rest. We cannot stop in the fight against the lies of the Left and the destructive actions that they take by seeking to shred our moral fabric, shred our understanding of family, and shred our very constitution, the U.S. Constitution, that says it protects life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness in our preamble, in our Bill of Rights.

But Ohio serves as a tough lesson for pro-life politicians and candidates – one that must absolutely be learned from. Politicians and any pro-life candidate who seeks office cannot be silent in the fight to protect unborn life, to protect those who cannot speak for themselves.

Good pro-life messaging is [a] very different strategy than anti-abortion messaging. And that’s one reason why candidates are falling on this issue. They’re failing on this issue because they cannot even get to the place where they understand enough where they stand. There are good pro-life messages, but the candidates have to make them. You can’t take a strong stance on an issue, especially one as important as this, and then hide your head in the sand when you’re attacked — not know [sic] how to appreciate life and your own positions on life.

Recently there was another battle for the sanctity of unborn life. In the state of Ohio citizens voted on a constitutional amendment known as issue one. It included some of the most pro abortion language that we’ve seen since the overturning of Roe v Wade last year. And despite the valiant efforts of many, many dedicated souls, the amendment was voted in by the people of Ohio. It’s essential to emphasize that this is not just another law. It’s a constitutional amendment. And while constitutional amendments can be amended again, this was a big defeat for pro life. It’s easy to feel disheartened after Ohio’s recent vote to uphold the abominable act of unfettered access to abortion. The decisive win before the Supreme Court last year can seem so long ago especially in our rapidly changing political and cultural landscape. block granting abortion to the States has been messy. And each life still matters. And because of that, each day in this battle for life matters every victory and defeat matters to the silent voices of million.


But this decision by Ohio re emphasizes how the battle was not over following the Supreme Court decision last year. The results in Ohio serve as a bitter yet powerful and much much needed reminder that the fight continues on that we cannot rest. We cannot stop in the fight against the lies of the left and destructive actions that they take by seeking to shred our moral fabric. shred our understanding of family and shred our very constitution, the US Constitution that says it protects life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness in our preamble in our Bill of Rights. But Ohio serves as a tough lesson for pro life politicians and candidates. One that must absolutely be learned from politicians and any pro life candidate who seeks office cannot be silent in the fight to protect unborn life to protect those who cannot speak for themselves. Good pro life messaging is very different strategy than anti abortion messaging. And that’s one reason why candidates are falling on this issue. They’re failing on this issue because they cannot even get to the place where they understand enough where they stand. There are good pro life messages, but the candidates have to make them. You can’t take a strong stance on an issue, especially one as important as this and then hide your head in the sand when you’re attacked, not know how to appreciate life and your own positions on life. Abortion as either a crime against humanity or it’s not. Abortion is either taken a life or it’s not. Anti slavery messaging was never accepted as pro choice messaging. Any compromise on truth just postpones the inevitable. Our current political debate on abortion reminds me of Proverbs 2526 That says a righteous man who falters before the wicked is like a murky spring and a polluted well.


Those who wish to be leaders on the side of truth must be those who are willing to lead by speaking the truth. postdocs Republican leaders should not be forced by the left wing media and pro abortion advocates diminish this debate to weeks or two months or to some line in the sand. They should instead keep the high ground and force voters in each state to grapple deeply within their hearts on the question of When does life begin?

More from Star Parker

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