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New York Times, big media bias comes with cost

Star Parker Founder & President, Center for Urban Renewal and Education

Conservatives have rarely hidden their feelings about the left wing media, often calling it “biased” and launching the accusation that it “has an agenda.” These media watchers on the right cite New York Times coverage of recent controversial stories as prime examples of calculated and unfair reporting. Straight Arrow News contributor Star Parker examines the timing of such stories and says these practices are a danger to all of us:

The New York Times demonstrates why Gallup polling late last year showed only 36% of Americans saying they trust the media a “great deal” or “fair” amount.

Times reporters have brought fire to the feet of House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, reporting private remarks that McCarthy made to other Republicans in the days following the Jan. 6, 2021 storming of the Capitol.

In those remarks, as reported by the Times, Leader McCarthy was critical of President Trump, telling Republican colleagues that he believed Democrats had votes to impeach the President, In which case “it would be my recommendation that he resign.”

My advice, and it appears what Kevin McCarthy had in mind, was that a Trump resignation with only ten days left in his presidency would deprive Democrats of the political objectives they hoped to achieve with impeachment. The point was to minimize political costs, not repudiate President Trump.

If anyone who doubts that the New York Times is about a political agenda rather than delivering truth, they should compare how it covered Leader McCarthy’s private phone call to the news about Hunter Biden’s laptop. The Times reported on March 16, 2022, confirmation of the authenticity of Hunter Biden’s emails, showing his extensive business dealings trading on the position of his then-Vice President father Joe Biden.  This a year and a half after the New York Post broke the story in October 2020, that was then suppressed by big tech on the internet.This alone could have made all the difference in the razor thin margins which delivered the presidential election to Joe Biden.

When big media and big tech show bias — when they deliberately ignore major facts — and then deliver content driven by an aggressive and left-wing agenda, we all pay a dear price.

The New York Times demonstrates why Gallup polling late last year showed only 36% of Americans saying they trust the media a “great deal” or “fair” amount.

Times reporters have brought fire to the feet of House minority leader Kevin McCarthy, reporting private remarks that McCarthy made to other Republicans in the days following the January 6th, 2020 storming of the Capitol.

In those remarks, as reported by the Times, Leader McCarthy was critical of President Trump, telling Republican colleagues that he believed Democrats had votes to impeach the President, In which case “it would be my recommendation that he resign.”

My advice, and it appears what Kevin McCarthy had in mind then, was that a Trump resignation with only ten days left in his presidency would deprive Democrats of the political objectives they hoped to achieve with impeachment. The point was to minimize political costs, not repudiate President Trump, it was to minimize the political costs to Republicans.

If anyone who doubts that the New York Times is about a political agenda rather than delivering truth, they should compare how the Times has covered Leader McCarthy’s private phone call to the news about Hunter Biden’s laptop.

The Times reporters get big headlines in their constant delivery of the McCarthy story, which is included in an upcoming book they are publishing is on every page of unionized media. Yet in contrast, the Times reported on March 16, 2022, confirmation of the authenticity of Hunter Biden’s emails, showing his extensive business dealings trading on the position of his then-Vice President father Joe Biden. 

This a year and a half after the New York Post broke the story in October 2020, that was then suppressed by big tech on the internet. Can anyone doubt that The New York Times along with their left-wing social media brethren, withheld this blockbuster Hunter Biden story a month before the presidential election? Can any one thinking person any bit of truth not appreciate that this alone could have made all the difference in the razor thin margins which delivered the presidential election to Joe Biden?

Delivery of truthful information to voters especially a month into an election is critical in a democracy. Is critical that we get critical information to voters right before an election.

And when we get and when big media and big tech is bias, when they deliberately ignore major facts, and then delivers content driven by an agenda, an agenda that’s hard core, aggressive and left-wing, we all pay a dear price.

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