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Newt Gingrich Former House Speaker; Chairman of Gingrich 360

Momentum is building in the Biden impeachment inquiry

Newt Gingrich Former House Speaker; Chairman of Gingrich 360

The initial impeachment inquiry hearing against President Joe Biden took place in late September and focused on Biden’s alleged involvement in his son Hunter’s business dealings during his tenure as vice president. Three committees are actively conducting the inquiry, and House Republicans have expressed their intention to develop their case against President Biden futher.

Straight Arrow News contributor Newt Gingrich encourages voters to follow the Biden impeachment inquiry closely. He believes that additional damaging information is likely to emerge as the inquiry progresses.

So, my guess is, with the Ways and Means Committee, the Judiciary Committee, and the Investigation Committee — all three, digging into this — that we’re gonna learn more and more, and there are gonna be more and more witnesses coming out of the woodwork, because as each one sees somebody else show up and not get ruined, or not get destroyed, they get a little bolder and say, “Well, gee, maybe I ought to talk also.” 

So the — I know for a fact that because we did a podcast recently with the chairman of the Investigation Committee — that they’re going to have hearings in the very near future, with more of the people who worked with Hunter Biden, including [Tony] Bobulinski, who had been a Navy commander and was seriously considered a very serious and honest person, and who has tremendous records about relationships between Hunter and Vice President Biden, and the business they were doing.

So, pay attention. I think you’re gonna find this is going to continue to grow and continue to have a greater and greater impact.

The Biden Impeachment Inquiry keeps building momentum. Almost every day something new comes forward, or a new whistleblower shows up, oor new information is gotten by way of subpoena. So inch by inch. The defense that President Biden originally put up has collapsed totally. He said on 10 different occasions, that he knew nothing about what Hunter Biden was doing. That’s now clearly so totally untrue, that it’s clear he lied to the American people on at least 10 occasions. 


In addition, the most recent story of check for almost a quarter million dollars coming straight or money order coming straight to Joe Biden’s house. The defense from the White House was well, Hunter was living there. Turns out when you check the dates, that’s not true. At that time, Hunter was actually living in Los Angeles. So you have to wonder, why did a check go from China, to Joe Biden’s personal home but how, somehow Joe Biden’s not really involved. 


And what’s happening is the committees that are investigating all this, almost like pulling teeth. They’re gradually getting emails, they’re gradually getting records from banks, from credit cards. And it’s beginning to be clear that a substantial amount of money that was supposedly earned by Hunter Biden was actually being paid because of Joe Biden. 


Now what was a sale was the brand was wasn’t that Hunter was capable of doing anything, for any special knowledge, what he had was a special contract. And that contact at the time, was the Vice President of the United States. That also now turns out that on at least 15 occasions, Hunter Biden was on Air Force Two that taxpayer expense, going to a variety of foreign countries. 


Interestingly, he normally was not listed on the manifests, you can’t tell by looking at the Air Force Two records whether or not Hunter Biden was there. But what happened, of course, was pictures were being taken. So people have been going through the files, they find a picture of him getting off the plane in Beijing, they find a picture of him getting off the plane in Ukraine. And suddenly, they began to put together that he’d been on at least 15 different trips, paid for by the US taxpayer where he was doing business, and that business usually started by introducing people to his father. 


So my guess is with the Ways and Means Committee, the Judiciary Committee, and the Investigation Committee, all three, digging into this, that we’re gonna learn more and more, and they’re gonna be more and more witnesses coming out of the woodwork, because as each one sees somebody else show up and not get ruined, or not get destroyed, they get a little bolder and say, Well, gee, maybe I ought to talk also. 


So the I know for a fact that because we did a podcast recently with the chairman of the Investigation Committee, that they’re going to have hearings in the very near future, with more of the people who worked with Hunter Biden, including Bob Alinsky, who had been a navy commander, and was seriously considered a very serious and honest person, and who has tremendous records about relationships between Hunter and Vice President Biden and the business they were doing. So pay attention. I think you’re gonna find this is going to continue to grow and continue to have a greater and greater impact

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