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David Pakman Host of The David Pakman Show

McCarthy’s impeachment stunt lacks any evidence

David Pakman Host of The David Pakman Show

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) recently announced his support for an impeachment inquiry against President Joe Biden. McCarthy’s announcement contradicts his prior position and aligns with the far-right’s ongoing push for impeachment.

Straight Arrow News contributor David Pakman breaks down GOP arguments and concerns, concluding that no evidence exists to merit the inquiry in the first place. Pakman argues that McCarthy’s push for this baseless inquiry is a risk he might be taking with his whole career.

Republicans in the House of Representatives are launching an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden. What a politically risky move. They must have a ton of evidence against Biden, right?

It turns out that they don’t. And one of the justifications that Republicans are giving for launching the impeachment inquiry, per House Republican Nancy Mace, is that they need to do it in order to try to find the evidence.

Now, this is completely circular in every way. So, do you have the evidence or not? Well, we need the inquiry in order to find the evidence. Well, that doesn’t really make a lot of sense, does it? But it’s what they’re saying.

Kevin McCarthy is the Speaker of the House, and he, over the last many days, has put forward any number of reasons for why Joe Biden is going to be subjected to this impeachment inquiry. Remember, the inquiry is a precursor to actually going forward with impeachment, we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.

Republicans in the House of Representatives are launching an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden. What a politically risky move, they must have a ton of evidence against Biden, right? It turns out that they don’t. And one of the justifications that Republicans are giving for launching the Impeachment Inquiry per house, Republican, Nancy, mais is that they need to do it in order to try to find the evidence. Now, this is completely circular in every way. So do you have the evidence or not? Well, we need the inquiry in order to find the evidence. Well, that doesn’t really make a lot of sense, does it but it’s what they’re saying. Kevin McCarthy is the Speaker of the House and he over the last many days has put forward any number of reasons for why Joe Biden is going to be subjected to this impeachment inquiry. Remember, the inquiry is a precursor to actually going forward with impeachment, we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it. One of the explanations that has been given is that Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, profited in business dealings as a result of granting access to then Vice President Joe Biden to get deals done, et cetera. There is no evidence that that actually took place. This has been investigated for a very long time, and no evidence has been found. Secondly, there’s the sort of opposite or corollary related claim that it is Joe Biden, who actually profited from Hunter Biden’s foreign business affairs. This is based on speculation and innuendo. And there is no evidence that that is actually what has happened. Republicans have not provided any proof that Biden received any money or favors from his son’s business partners. And then there’s the allegation that Joe Biden intervened with the Justice Department on Hunter Biden’s behalf in order for the investigation into his taxes to be short circuited or obstructed or whatever the case may be. There is no evidence of that, either. So where we ended up then with the broader bridon, bribery out Biden bribery allegation is, if they have evidence, I want to see it. And if the argument is, the evidence is being covered up, I would say what makes them any different from the various conspiracy theorists who insist this thing is true. But there’s no evidence, but the lack of evidence is part of the conspiracy, they’re covering it up. In order to prevent this from knowing that it happened. It’s the same argument conspiracy theorists make. So at a certain point, they are going to need to either admit we were wrong, we did the inquiry. We didn’t find the investigation, or we didn’t find the evidence, the investigation is going to go no further, or they’re going to have to lie. And they may well lie and say we found an evidence of cover up, even though we still don’t have the actual evidence. So we’re moving on to impeachment. There is political risk here. For a long time now, since Trump’s first impeachment through his second into his various criminal trials, Trump has insisted they are weaponizing impeachment and the criminal justice system against me for political reasons to interfere with my election. Well, it actually seems that this may be what Republicans are doing to Joe Biden, remember, when they insist, insist, insist that Democrats are doing something, we need to consider that what they mean is we are actually doing this thing, or we plan to do this thing we learned about this in the 2020 election, Democrats are going to try to steal an election that they’re going to lose. Well, Joe Biden won. And then Republicans actually tried to steal it, arguing it was stolen here and it was stolen there. And there were massive dumps of ballots, and they brought in boxes of ballots and counted them multiple times. And of course, none of it was true. And so where we are now is the very clear indication that Republicans as of right now have no evidence against Joe Biden. They are committed to trying to defeat him by any means necessary, whether it’s stealing the election, whether it is fabricating and impeachment against him, whether it is even as at Trump rallies, they yell, lock them up fabricating criminal charges against Biden, if they can actually get away with it and get back into power. So we know that the playbook, the playbook is the one they’ve accused Democrats of using for two years. What they really should have been saying is, we’re going to do these things. This may be the end of Kevin McCarthy’s political aspirations. It is not a guarantee, but this may brutally backfire in their faces, because I believe, even as delusional as many Republicans are, many of them will realize the brazen and transparent political nature of all of this. I think Kevin McCarthy jeopardizes his political career with thisSmoove remains to be seen


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