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Newt Gingrich Former House Speaker; Chairman of Gingrich 360

Kamala Harris as AI czar seems like a bad ‘SNL’ skit

Newt Gingrich Former House Speaker; Chairman of Gingrich 360

The White House is putting Vice President Kamala Harris in charge of a new initiative that aims to oversee the responsible deployment of artificial intelligence, and “mitigate its risks.” The rapid rise of AI tools such as ChatGPT has many Americans worried about the potential dangers the technology poses.

However, Straight Arrow News contributor Newt Gingrich says having the deeply unpopular Harris take point on this task should be just as concerning. He says the decision to name her AI czar seems like a bad “Saturday Night Live” skit.

How the White House staff came up with this idea is beyond me. I mean, it’s not fair to her. She’s already a figure of ridicule. There’s actually a website that has 10 minutes of her laughing, that they pieced together from various speeches. She’s clearly you know, as bad as President Biden’s ratings, and the most recent one was 36% approval, which for a president begins to get really dangerously low; her ratings are worse. 

So why would you take a person who’s already got that burden and then give her a title which just guarantees people are going to think is nuts? It’s not fair to her, it’s not fair to the country. We actually do need to take artificial intelligence seriously as an emerging technology, and it’s clearly going to have a huge impact. But there’s no reason to believe that Kamala Harris has a clue. She, after all, remember was the czar of the border. The border is a total nightmare. We have people coming across every day. Fox News had this video of literally hundreds of young men and they’re almost all male, young men walking out in [the] open in a public highway, just wandering into America illegally. 

And so that may have been her assignment; make sure the border stays open so as many illegal immigrants can come in as possible, but there’s no reason to believe she could do it in any serious way. I think that this is a significant problem for President Biden as he tries to run for reelection.

If you were writing a Saturday Night Live skit and you had a … person like Kamala Harris, who laughs hysterically, seems totally irresponsible, and can’t actually make a serious speech in a way that people believe is serious, maybe what you come up with for that skit was the idea of putting her in charge of artificial intelligence, on the grounds that she clearly can’t be in charge of normal intelligence. How the White House staff came up with this idea is beyond me. I mean, it’s not fair to her. She’s already a figure of ridicule. There’s actually a website that has 10 minutes of her laughing, that they pieced together from various speeches. She’s clearly you know, as bad as President Biden’s ratings, and the most recent one was 36% approval, which for a president begins to get really dangerously low, her ratings are worse.
So why would you take a person who’s already got that burden and then give her a title which just guarantees people are going to think is nuts. It’s not fair to her, it’s not fair to the country. We actually do need to take artificial intelligence seriously as an emerging technology, and it’s clearly going to have a huge impact. But there’s no reason to believe that Kamala Harris has a clue. She after all, remember was the czar of the border. The border is a total nightmare. We have people coming across every day. Fox News had this video of literally hundreds of young men and they’re almost all male, young men walking out in open in a public highway, just wandering into America illegally.
And so that may have been her assignment; make sure the border stays open so as many illegal immigrants can come in as possible, but there’s no reason to believe she could do it in any serious way. I think that this is a significant problem for President Biden as he tries to run for reelection. I think as people think about the possibility that in his second term, she could become president, I think it’s an enormous burden on the campaign and I think that it makes it almost impossible for Joe Biden to win.
So just remember the next time you see … the artificial intelligence vice president, that she probably … I don’t think they can get her off the ticket, because she has her own constituency and she has California. But if they keep her on the ticket, I think they’re dooming them to a potentially disastrous defeat.

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