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It will take a team effort to restore the America that works

Newt Gingrich Former House Speaker; Chairman of Gingrich 360

Recent polling must have the White House deeply concerned. A new survey shows most Democrats don’t want Joe Biden to run for re-election in 2024. Economic indicators suggest a recession is all but inevitable. On top of that, Americans are losing faith in our system of government. Straight Arrow News contributor Newt Gingrich says Biden has made some of the same mistakes former President Jimmy Carter made. In his new book, “Defeating Big Government Socialism,” Gingrich outlines the problems of big government bureaucracy and how to restore the America that works. 

It occurred to me having been a member of Congress when Jimmy Carter had massive inflation and things weren’t working, and then having worked with Reagan as he turned it all around, and then working with Donald Trump, as things started to work really well. And watching Joe Biden go back to the Jimmy Carter playbook, that the core problems aren’t personnel, the core problems are that the values and the policies and the bureaucracy of big government socialism just doesn’t work. 

And that we needed to get to a core understanding that when we follow the right principles, the right rules, things work. No inflation, economic growth, new jobs, safe streets…but when we throw it all out the window and we do exactly what big government socialists want us to do, then things fall apart. And so I wrote “Defeating Big Government Socialism” to really give us a basic playbook, if you will. Almost like a cookbook for civic government to enable people to say, yep, these things will work. 

Balancing the budget, which when I was Speaker, we did for four years in a row, the only time in your lifetime; reforming welfare to emphasize work, which we did when I was Speaker, which led to the largest reduction of children in poverty in American history. Because parents went to work. They got off welfare, their incomes went up, life was better. 

So I think the things we can do, we don’t have to live in the current mess. And if you get a chance, it’s now available. Take a look at “Defeating Big Government Socialism,” because I think it outlines what we have to do in order to get America back on the right track. We can restore the America that works, but it’s gonna take all of us pitching in to do it.

I want to share with you for a minute why I wrote “Defeating Big Government Socialism.” You know, it occurred to me having been a member of Congress when Jimmy Carter had massive inflation and things weren’t working, and then having worked with Reagan as he turned it all around, and then working with Donald Trump, as things started to work really well. And watching Joe Biden go back to the Jimmy Carter playbook, that the core problems aren’t personnel, the core problems are that the values and the policies and the bureaucracy of big government socialism just doesn’t work. 

And that we needed to get to a core understanding that when we follow the right principles, the right rules, things work. No inflation, economic growth, new jobs, safe streets…but when we throw it all out the window and we do exactly what big government socialists want us to do, then things fall apart. 

And so I wrote “Defeating Big Government Socialism” to really give us a basic playbook, if you will. Almost like a cookbook for civic government to enable people to say, yep, these things will work. 

Balancing the budget, which when I was speaker, we did for four years in a row, the only time in your lifetime; reforming welfare to emphasize work, which we did when I was Speaker, which led to the largest reduction of children in poverty in American history. Because parents went to work. They got off welfare, their incomes went up, life was better. 

So I think the things we can do, we don’t have to live in the current mess. And if you get a chance, it’s now available. Take a look at “Defeating Big Government Socialism,” because I think it outlines what we have to do in order to get America back on the right track. We can restore the America that works, but it’s gonna take all of us pitching in to do it.

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