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Newt Gingrich Former House Speaker; Chairman of Gingrich 360

Illegal immigrants want to invade and occupy your home

Newt Gingrich Former House Speaker; Chairman of Gingrich 360

Illegal immigrant Leonal Moreno recently posted an instructional video on TikTok guiding fellow immigrants on how to leverage U.S. squatting laws to safely occupy abandoned homes. Moreno said that his goal is to avoid having to become a “public burden” to U.S. taxpayers by finding his own shelter in abandoned places. Some viewers, however, perceive a threat in Moreno’s video, and warn that illegal immigrants might intend to abuse these laws. Although the requirements for squatters to claim legal ownership of a home are highly prohibitive, their rights to seek temporary refuge in an unoccupied home are generally more protected.

Straight Arrow News contributor Newt Gingrich warns of an outright invasion of illegal immigrants who might try to occupy vacant homes while families are on vacation, and suggests that they might steal and sell off the possessions inside. Gingrich indicates that loopholes in existing tenant and squatter laws should be patched up to prevent what he says will be a nationwide squatting crisis.

Squatting is going to become one of the major issues of the next few months. Squatting occurs when people move into a building that is empty and take it over. They’re in effect – they used to be called squatters – and recently on TikTok, an illegal immigrant who has about 600,000 followers was urging all of his fellow illegal immigrants to go out and find a house and take it over.

Their theory is simple. Let’s say you go on vacation and you leave your home. Well, if you’re gone for very long, these folks might move in, literally, physically occupy it. And when you get back home, they’re going to say, “Wait a second, this is our house now! We’ve taken it over.” They’re in effect squatting on your property.

This has become a serious issue, such a serious issue that the state of Florida has already adopted much stronger anti-squatting laws to stop people from doing this, because as you can imagine, in Florida, during the season, there are probably a million people who come from Canada and from the northern states, and then go back home, leaving property behind that’s open, they own it, they think it’s totally safe. But technically, these guys can come in, sit down and try to occupy it.

Squatting is going to become one of the major issues of the next few months. Squatting occurs when people move into a building that is empty and take it over. They’re in effect – they used to be called squatters – and recently on TikTok, an illegal immigrant who has about 600,000 followers was urging all of his fellow illegal immigrants to go out and find a house and take it over.


Their theory is simple. Let’s say you go on vacation and you leave your home. Well, if you’re gone for very long, these folks might move in, literally, physically occupied. And when you get back home, they’re going to say, wait a second, this is our house now! We’ve taken it over. They’re in effect squatting on your property. This has become a serious issue, such a serious issue that the State of Florida has already adopted much stronger anti-squatting laws to stop people from doing this, because as you can imagine, in Florida, during the season, there are probably a million people who come from Canada and from the northern states, and then go back home, leaving property behind that’s open, they own it, they think it’s totally safe. But technically, these guys can come in, sit down and try to occupy it.


In a lot of states, the bias for years and years has been in favor of the renter and against the landlord, the theory being that if the renter, for example, has the heat turned off, and can’t get the landlord to turn it back on, they just quit paying their rent, and they sit there until the landlord has to go through a very complicated eviction process or until the landlord turns the heat back on.


Well, those kinds of laws, which have been against property owners and in favor of people who are occupying the property, have now been exploited. And I think you’re gonna see an effort across the whole country of illegal immigrants to just walk in and take your property.


And this is going to become an issue, which is going to require every single state to adopt some tough new laws. And to say that it’s not possible. But in the short run, there’s their tragic stories of people who come back home from a vacation, or let’s say, from an assignment overseas for another city, and they get home and they suddenly find out there are 10 people living in their house, and that those people may have sold their furniture, and it becomes a nightmare. And now they gotta go and get a lawyer, the lawyer has to get a court order, the court order has to lead the sheriff to come and kick the people out. The whole thing is, I think, going to become a national story. And one you’re going to be reading about a lot more. And it’s just one more side effect of the combination of the Biden administration’s toleration of people who are here illegally breaking the law. And the fact that liberals in so many big cities, have elected prosecutors who don’t prosecute, to put people back out on the street. And we see this impact on violent crime. And we see this impact on property crime, and now we’re seeing this impact and the rise of this brand new threat called squatting. So pay attention because it could be your house that comes next.

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