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Newt Gingrich Former House Speaker; Chairman of Gingrich 360

Hunter Biden investigation isn’t over, it’s just beginning

Newt Gingrich Former House Speaker; Chairman of Gingrich 360

Hunter Biden, the son of President Biden, struck a deal with federal prosecutors to plead guilty to two misdemeanor charges of failing to pay federal taxes on time. On a separate charge of illegally possessing a firearm as a drug user, Biden is expected to avoid prosecution and jail time as long as he meets certain terms agreed to in court.

Straight Arrow News contributor Newt Gingrich examines whether this is the end of the DOJ’s long-standing investigation into Hunter Biden’s business dealings, or just the beginning.

There are apparently a very large number of bank reports or what they call “suspicious activities” and those are all now being methodically looked at. So the case keeps expanding, not shrinking.

And yet, after all this work, after all this investigation, the most the Justice Department has gotten to is a suspended sentence for two minor tax infractions, and basically, dismissal of the gun requirements.

Now, it’s doubly interesting, because as you know, liberal Democrats are very big on gun laws. And one of the questions I’ve been asking is, how many other people, faced with exactly the same infraction would, in fact, be having a much steeper penalty than just dropping it and saying, ‘Oh he’s promised to be good‘?

I think they currently have him on 24 months probation, where he promises not to do drugs. And beyond that, there’s no real requirement.

So this is a very interesting development. And it’s a little hard to decide … does it mean that Justice is now seriously moving forward, or, if it took them this many years, literally years, to get to these kinds of very milquetoast soft agreements, how many decades is it going to take to dig through the much tougher, much more serious charges involving a lot of foreign money and a lot of potential bribery?

This case is not over. In fact, if anything, it’s just beginning.

The Hunter Biden story keeps getting more and more interesting, and frankly more confusing. The Justice Department announced that they had found a deal with his lawyers, that he would basically have a suspended sentence. He’d be on probation. He would not go to jail, on two minor — what they describe as minor — tax charges. And they have basically dropped the fact that he lied about his gun and broken federal gun laws.


The lawyer for Hunter Biden issued a letter saying, well, that’s it. After five years, it’s all over. However, when the White House was then asked, does this mean that the whole investigation is over, which would mean that the Congress could now demand a lot of information — which had been hidden by the claim that the investigation was live and underway — suddenly, the Justice Department issued a new letter saying, oh, no, we’re still investigating things as, I think a shield to hide behind. 


Now, this poses a real challenge for the Justice Department, because if they have settled the tax case, and they have settled the gun case, what exactly are they investigating? And the assumption is, they’re investigating bribery charges. They’re investigating a flow of foreign money. They’re investigating a whole series of allegations. And they don’t want to say that. So the challenge for the congressional Republicans is going to be to simply say to them, tell us what it is that you’re not allowed to answer questions about. Tell us what it is you’re still looking at. 


And the fact is, with every passing week, more information is coming out about the sheer volume of money involved. There’s a report this morning, that as much as $9 million may have been received in one year of which only $870,000 was reported as taxes. 


There are apparently a very large number of bank reports or what they call “suspicious activities.” And those are all now being methodically looked at. So the case keeps expanding, not shrinking. And yet, after all this work, after all this investigation, the most the Justice Department has gotten to is a suspended sentence for two minor tax infractions, and basically, dismissal of the gun requirements. Now, it’s doubly interesting, because as you know, Liberal Democrats are very big on gun laws. And one of the questions I’ve been asking is, how many other people, faced with exactly the same infraction, would in fact, be having a much steeper penalty than just dropping it and saying, oh, he’s promised to be good? 


I think they currently have him on 24 months probation, where he promises not to do drugs. And beyond that, there’s no real requirement. So this is a very interesting development, and it’s a little hard to decide. Does it mean that Justice is now seriously moving forward? Or if it took him this many years, literally years to get to these kinds of very milquetoast soft agreements, how many decades is it going to take to dig through the much tougher, much more serious charges involving a lot of foreign money and a lot of potential bribery? This case is not over. In fact, if anything, it’s just beginning


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