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Liberal media needs to back off patriots like Clarence, Ginni Thomas

Star Parker Founder & President, Center for Urban Renewal and Education

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has had a target on his back since the moment he was confirmed in 1991, after a series of shameful circus-like hearings led by then-Senator Joe Biden. Thomas has persevered and served with honor on the bench of the highest court in the land. Yet the attacks continue, and now liberals are going after his wife, as well. Using the mainstream media apparatus as they often do, the left is trying to smear Ginni Thomas as an insurrectionist.

For years, liberals attempted to diminish Thomas as a lackey of the late justice Antonin Scalia. Now, as Thomas shines as the court’s leading conservative voice, they want to diminish him as a lackey of his wife.

Reports claim that Ginni Thomas was involved in trying to overturn the 2020 election results. These reports in liberal outlets like The Washington Post and The New Yorker use hyperbolic headlines, accusing her of being a threat to the Supreme Court. Why? Because of text messages she exchanged with former Trump Chief of Staff Mark Meadows.

Now the Congressional Committee investigating the riot at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021 are mulling to subpoena Ginni because of some obscure text messages she sent a friend inside the White House top tier during the incident. 

But where were all these liberal journalists now egging on this story when the New York Post broke the story 17 months ago about emails on Hunter Biden’s laptop showing he was doing business deals, profiting on his vice president father’s position?  

Without any type of concrete proof, the media is now trying to portray Thomas as some sort of traitor because she dared raise questions about voting legitimacy, echoing questions many Americans have. But the difference is that Ginni Thomas is married to a Supreme Court justice who has long been a thorn in the side of the liberal movement, which is why the left is also trying to smear Justice Thomas by insinuating his opinions on the bench are influenced by the political leanings of his wife.

I’ve known Ginni Thomas for quite some time. She was a board member of my organization CURE for years, and I can tell you with certainty that the motivation behind her actions is simply about preserving the freedom of our country.

We owe thanks to both Clarence and Ginni Thomas for their relentless struggle to preserve the integrity of our constitution and the principles that keep our nation free.

Instead, the liberal media has made them the latest targets in their ongoing campaign to silence any conservative voices that dare to oppose the agenda of the Left.

Supreme Court Associate Justice Clarence Thomas is once again in the crosshairs of liberals.  

Attacks against him have been going on since his confirmation hearings in 1991, when President GHW Bush had the audacity to nominate a black conservative to take the Supreme Court seat of Thurgood Marshall.  

Thomas’ confirmation hearings provided a laboratory showing how low liberals are willing to go to try and discredit a conservative, even more so one who is black. 

Now liberal journalists are having their most recent field day because it happens that Thomas’s wife, Ginni is a conservative like him, is an American patriot like him, and is personally invested, like her husband, in safeguarding our constitution’s integrity, written, as its drafters wrote in its preamble, “to secure the blessings of liberty.”

Clarence Thomas does it as the court’s longest sitting justice and perhaps its most principled and consistent conservative.  

Virginia Thomas does it as a conservative activist, involved with many conservative organizations in Washington.  

For years liberals attempted to diminish Thomas as a lackey of the late justice Antonin Scalia.  Now, as Thomas shines as the court’s leading conservative voice, they want to diminish him as a lackey of his wife.

The sparks were fanned, hoping to create a forest fire, about alleged conflicts of interest in a New Yorker article by liberal muckraker Jane Mayer, who has made a career of hatchet-job journalism aimed at conservatives.

Now the Congressional Committee investigating the riot at the Capitol on January 6, 2021 are mulling to subpoena Ginni because of some obscure text messages she sent a friend inside the White House top-tier during the incident. 

But where were all these liberal journalists now egging on this story when the New York Post broke the story 17 months ago about emails on Hunter Biden’s laptop showing he was doing business deals, profiting on his Vice President father’s position?  

Hunter Biden even cut his father a piece of one of the deals.  The story went unreported throughout the entire presidential election. Only now the New York Times is reporting it as real.

How about President Biden’s nominee for Vice Chairman of supervision of the Federal Reserve Board, Sarah Bloom Raskin? 

Her husband, Congressman Jamie Raskin, was hit with a House ethics violation for late reporting of a $1.5 million dollar stock sale by his wife in a firm where she may have had conflict of interest.

We could, of course, discuss America’s favorite power couple, Bill and Hillary Clinton, now worth tens of millions despite careers in politics and public service.

The fact is, there is no decision that Clarence Thomas has ever made on the Supreme Court than cannot be traced directly to his rigorous and principled scholarship and commitment to the US Constitution.  Period.

Similarly, Ginni Thomas, who sat on the board of my organization CURE for some 15 years, is motivated by one thing – the preservation of our nation as a free nation under God. 

We owe thanks to both Clarence and Ginni Thomas for their relentless struggle to preserve the integrity of our constitution and the principles that keep our nation free.

So the liberal media needs to back off their new found attempts to create news and thus distort realities that impugn the reputations of innocent American Patriots .. and just report facts.


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