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Expect fireworks in 2023 as presidential candidates make their case

Newt Gingrich Former House Speaker; Chairman of Gingrich 360

The political jockeying for the 2024 presidential election has already begun. While former President Donald Trump’s announcement that he’s running again has gotten the lion’s share of attention, he’s far from the only contender for the Republican nomination. Nikki Haley is laying the groundwork for her own run, while Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is widely expected to challenge Trump for the GOP nomination. There is also speculation President Joe Biden could face a challenge for the Democratic nomination. Straight Arrow News contributor Newt Gingrich says to expect fireworks in 2023 as presidential candidates make their case.

You have on the Republican side former President Trump, but you also have Gov. DeSantis, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, former Vice President Mike Pence, former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley…the list goes on and on. I wouldn’t be at all surprised to see maybe as many as 15 candidates or 20 candidates for the presidency emerge on the Republican side. Gov. Sununu, for example, coming from New Hampshire, is looking at it very seriously.

So all sorts of names are going to show up. On the Democratic side, everybody is sort of waiting for Biden. There’s an assumption that if Biden does run, that he will almost certainly be the nominee. But there’s also a sense that, you know, he may or may not be able to get out there and really campaign.

As I’ve written recently, I think people should not underestimate him. He has been around a long time. He has had a much better two years than I thought he would, and he had a much better election in 2022 than I thought he would. So if he decides to run, my guess is he’ll clear the field. If he doesn’t run, I think it’ll be wide open. And as of today, I don’t think there’s any obvious Democratic nominee.

And I think it could be really fascinating to see everything from the governor of California, the governor of Michigan, a number of U.S. senators. You know, Hillary Clinton may once again show up just because she’s still around and she hasn’t got anything better to do. She sure doesn’t want to hang out with Bill. So you could end up with Hillary Clinton running again. We’ll see what happens. 

Well, let me say first, I hope you’ve had a good Christmas and I hope you’re ready for a very interesting New Year. I think 2023 is gonna be one of the most interesting political years we’ve seen in a long time. You have on the Republican side former President Trump, but you also have Governor DeSantis, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, former Vice-President Mike Pence,  former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley…the list goes on and on.

I wouldn’t be at all surprised to see maybe as many as 15 candidates or 20 candidates for the presidency emerge on the Republican side. Governor Sununu, for example, coming from New Hampshire,  is looking at it very seriously. So all sorts of names are going to show up. On the Democratic side, everybody is sort of waiting for Biden. There’s an assumption that if Biden does run, that he will almost certainly be the nominee. But there’s also a sense that, you know, he may or may not be able to get out there and really campaign.


As I’ve written recently, I think people should not underestimate him. He has been around a long time. He has had a much better two years than I thought he would, and he had a much better election in 2022 than I thought he would. So if he decides to run, my guess is he’ll clear the field. If he doesn’t run, I think it’ll be wide open. And as of today, I don’t think there’s any obvious Democratic nominee. And I think it could be really fascinating to see everything from the governor of California, the governor of Michigan, a number of U.S. senators. You know, Hillary Clinton may once again show up just because she’s still around and she hasn’t got anything better to do. She sure doesn’t want to hang out with Bill. So you could end up with Hillary Clinton running again. We’ll see what happens. But I promise you, 2023, if you’re interested in politics, it’s going to be a vintage year and there’s going to be a lot to watch and talk about.


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