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Dr. Rashad Richey National TV Political Analyst, Talk Radio Host, Univ. Prof.

Donald Trump has betrayed every conservative value

Dr. Rashad Richey National TV Political Analyst, Talk Radio Host, Univ. Prof.

Critics from across the political spectrum accused Donald Trump of trampling over American norms and values, including the conservative values of Trump’s own Republican Party. Those accusations are now resurfacing in light of new details emerging from Trump’s trials. This included allegations of hush-money payments to adult actresses and multiple extramarital affairs, at least one of which may have occurred while his wife, Melania, was pregnant.

Republicans in the 1990s believed that this behavior provided due cause for impeachment and cited similar behavior as a primary reason for their impeachment against then-President Bill Clinton. Today, many Republicans continue to support Donald Trump despite these revelations.

Straight Arrow News contributor Dr. Rashad Richey walks us through these events and concludes that Republicans have effectively surrendered the traditional values-based conservative platform. Dr. Richey argues that most Republicans have enabled and permitted Trump every step of the way, and that they’ve placed all their trust in a man who will inevitably betray them.

You see, we have rules and laws in order to make sure that people who are running for office are able to hold themselves accountable to a higher standard, if they would like to enter an office that has a high standard. But here’s what has happened, and shame on Republicans for allowing this to take place.

You see, there was a Republican Party until Trump came. Trump, who is not even an authentic Republican, many would agree, he has come in with this MAGA propaganda. He’s not a Christian Evangelical. He’s not a Southern guy. He’s not a Conservative in any sense of the word. But he has been able to take advantage of the power that you all have given him.

Donald Trump has violated every principle of the Conservative platform. So this trial just highlights one of them. Because Donald Trump, well, he has engaged in extramarital affairs, and it’s the Republican Party, the Conservatives, who always talk about the traditional family and upholding family values. Where’s that conversation? Because I guarantee you, if Biden or President Obama, or any of those other guys, if current President Biden, etc. if they were on trial for this, it would be about their lack of morality and ethical fortitude contextualized in their Christian faith. That’s what it was about for Clinton for the Christian Evangelicals. He was corrupt, right? Because of his sexual proclivity. But Donald Trump gets the ultimate pass.

Okay, Donald Trump is on trial. Obviously, he likes to be spanked, according to stormy Daniels, but he’s on trial, not for six. He’s now on trial because he was with an adult film star. He’s on trial because he decided to engage in conduct. That was illegal. It’s called paying hush money in order to affect the outcome of a presidential election. You see, we have rules and laws in order to make sure that people who are running for office are able to hold themselves accountable to a higher standard, if they would like to enter an office that has a high standard. But here’s what has happened. And shame on Republicans for allowing this to take place. You see, there was a republican party until Trump Kane Trump who is not even an authentic Republican, many would agree he has come in with this Magga propaganda. He’s not a Christian Evangelical, he’s not a southern guy. He’s not a conservative in any sense of the word. But he has been able to take advantage of the power that you all have given him. Donald Trump has violated every principle of the conservative platform. So this trial just highlights one of them. Because Donald Trump, well, he has engaged in extramarital affairs, and it’s the Republican Party, the Conservatives always talk about the traditional family and upholding family values. Where’s that conversation? Because I guarantee you, if Biden or President Obama or any of those other guys, if current President Biden, etc. If they were on trial. For this, it would be about their lack of morality and ethical for to to contextualize in their Christian faith. That’s what it was about for Clinton for the Christian evangelicals. He was corrupt, right? Because of his sexual proclivity. But Donald Trump gets ultimate pass. But he also violated fiscal conservative platforms. I mean, he spent money like it wasn’t his because it wasn’t. He also decided to engage in actions that were, well, let’s just say protective of racism. Republican said very little, if anything, you have allowed the standard bearer of your party to shrink your party. That’s what you have allowed to happen. And the reason he had to shrink your party, just like he had to shrink the presidency, is because he could not rise to the occasion. And here’s the challenge. Here’s the problem. Here’s the crux. Your standard bearer has no capacity not to bear the standard.

More from Dr. Rashad Richey

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