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Do you doubt climate change? Just look at the tornado devastation.

Graham Elwood Comedian and Host, The Political Vigilante

If you have any doubt about climate change, take a look at the deadly tornadoes that hit Kentucky and several other states last month. The devastation is vast and just the latest in a list of extreme and record-breaking weather events that prove our environment is shifting.

Who’s to blame? Listen to Penn State climate scientist Michael Mann:

“This is a disaster that was exacerbated by human caused climate change. So let’s look at the basic ingredients for what happened here. You have a very warm Gulf of Mexico right now. Those ocean temperatures are extremely warm. And we know the oceans have been warming because of carbon pollution because of human caused climate change.”

That’s right, humans are causing the problem with our dependence on fossil fuels. For those who say it’s a hoax, follow the money. If we turn from oil and gas to green energy, those companies that cause all the pollution will suffer so they spend millions of dollars every year lining the pockets of elected officials.  

They give more money to Republicans than to Democrats. But the Democrats, I’m sorry, we’re gonna sit here and go, they’re gonna fix climate change. They went to COP 26. There was more oil lobbyists at COP 26 than there were people from countries. 

What does Joe Biden do? He does what the Democrats do. They give it lip service, but they don’t really do anything about it.

If we can’t count on our leaders to come up with solutions, we better start dealing with this issue ourselves. It’s time to get rid of those gas guzzling vehicles, or this mess is going to get worse. 

Climate change doesn’t care If you believe in it. It’s happening. It’s like saying, ‘I don’t believe in the sun.’ And then you go outside. The sun doesn’t care. You’re gonna still get sunburned.

Hello, everybody. I’m Graham Elwood, and I want to talk to you about these awful tornadoes that just hit Kentucky and other states in that area. 

Some of the worst tornadoes we’ve ever had, and people want to say it’s not related to climate change. Well, you would be wrong. 

This is from an independent non-for-profit science organization: How a warming climate may make winter tornadoes stronger, higher winter temperatures might make twisters more intense as climate simulation predicts. 

It’s also a climate scientist saying the same thing.

Michael Mann: “This is a disaster that was exacerbated by human caused climate change. So let let’s look at the basic ingredients for what happened here. You have a very warm Gulf of Mexico right now. Those ocean temperatures are extremely warm. And we know the oceans have been warming because of carbon pollution because of human caused climate change.”

The Gulf is warming. You’re gonna have more of those extreme, warm air outbreaks.

Also, it should be noted, warm water in the Gulf does not create hurricanes, but it makes them more severe, which is what this scientist is saying about tornado. Tornadoes happen naturally. I grew up in the Midwest, but they’re more severe.

These are the longest, most sustained tornadoes we’ve ever had in recorded history. And you’re gonna say, it’s not climate change. Climate change doesn’t care If you believe in it.  It’s happening. It’s like saying, I don’t believe in the sun. And then you go outside. The sun doesn’t care. You’re gonna still get sunburned. If you don’t have sunblock on and you got fair skin and you’re out too long, doesn’t care if you believe in it.

Michael Mann: “And make no mistake, we have been seeing an increase in these massive tornado outbreaks that can be attributed to the warming of the planet.”


So what does that mean? We’re just gonna say this doesn’t count. It doesn’t matter. We’re gonna put our heads in the sand. We had record floods this summer. We had record fires on the west coast. California, just about every year, every fire season in the late summer and fall, we had fires worse than the year before. 

About three, four years ago, Santa Rosa was basically, Santa Rosa, California was basically burned to the ground. 

So what are we gonna do? Nothing? 

And when people say, oh, climate change is a hoax. Who’s spending all the money to pay for it to be a hoax? Who gets hurt the most if we pivot away from the things that are causing climate change to green energy which could put a lot of Americans to work? The fossil fuel company. That’s why they spend so much money. I got this from open, long term contribution trends, individuals pacs. This is how much money they keep spending. That was an election year. So it spiked. They’ll be more in 2022. They haven’t even spent it yet. It’s not an election year, but all the, all the election years, look what they do. Money keeps going up and yeah, it’s more, they give more money to Republicans than to Democrats. But the Democrats, I’m sorry, we’re gonna sit here and go, they’re gonna fix climate change. 

They went to COP 26. There was more oil lobbyists at COP 26 than there were people from countries. 

What does Joe Biden do? He does what the Democrats do. They give it lip service, but they don’t really do anything about it. 

You don’t agree with me. Oh: Biden approving oil, gas drilling permits on public lands at a faster rate than Trump. This is from 12-07. So if we don’t, you don’t wanna believe in climate change.

Well, it just tore apart. There’s over a hundred people missing. I don’t know what the body count is. It’s awful. And of course, good old capitalism. Amazon had people working in factories, even though there was a tornado warning.

So climate change doesn’t care if you believe in it, it’s happening. We’ve had record floods. We’ve had record fires and, now record tornadoes.

If we continue to do nothing, this will only get worse. Or drive around in a gas guzzling SUV and say, it’s not real, when your town just got leveled, your choice. Climate change doesn’t give a sh-t. Has no emotions. Doesn’t care. If you believe in it doesn’t care. 

What you think it’s coming. It’s coming. It’s coming. No matter what it’s like, if you don’t think the sun’s gonna set and it’s not, it’s always gonna be daytime.  Night’s coming tonight. No matter what. 

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