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Disney-obsessed DeSantis has no shot to beat Trump in GOP race

Adrienne Lawrence Legal analyst, law professor & award-winning author

The Florida Legislature just changed the state’s “resign to run” law so Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) could run for president without resigning his current office. DeSantis, however, remains far behind Donald Trump in most polls as he continues to make headlines for his ongoing legal battle with Disney and for lackluster overseas appearances.

Straight Arrow News contributor Adrienne Lawrence says DeSantis is obsessed with Disney to the detriment of his own campaign, and he’s ignoring his state’s problems to focus on his quest for higher office.

Foremost, with DeSantis now able to remain governor while pursuing his path to the White House, Florida is divested of actual leadership; you know, someone who can focus solely on serving its people. 

Florida needs attention. It’s highly volatile right now, in large part because of DeSantis’ leadership. Broward County is underwater, reeling from devastating floods that DeSantis just asked President Biden to help. The state is battling a colossal shortage of more than 5300 teachers and it’s also about the battle big time in the streets, now that the state has passed permitless carry laws. And that’s all despite the fact that Florida has a per-capita firearm death rate that’s three to four times higher than New York’s.

Florida is on fire yet DeSantis is heading out on the campaign trail. Make that make sense. This is exactly why prior to last week’s amendment, Florida had a viable “resign to run” law so that power-hungry politicians couldn’t collect a paycheck in state leadership, all the while neglecting the state’s people. It’s also worth noting that the GOP-led legislature decided to change the rules only now because they know that there’s a possibility that they could lose the chief spot. 

If DeSantis resigned to run, voters just may put a Democrat in office or at least someone who isn’t as trigger-happy as Ron. I think a non-Stalinesque leader elected by the people may interrupt those fascist power plays put forth by Florida’s GOP. You know, God forbid the third most populous state actually let the people vote — or maybe just leave trans people alone or teach children actual history, acknowledge the existence of bias, or maybe even say gay. 

Apparently, a functioning democracy would be far too much to ask of Florida Republicans. They would rather maintain control and abuse their power than actually empower the people.

So Ron DeSantis can now run for president without resigning as governor. That’s thanks to the GOP-controlled Florida legislature carving out an exception to the state’s “resign-to-run” law, fast tracking it through the Senate and House — quite convenient. 


And before sneaking through the amendment, well, if an elected official resigned in Florida, it would create a vacancy that needed to be filled by an election. 


Now that’s not the case for those vying for the presidency or vice presidency. Again, very convenient. This underhanded move by the Sunshine State’s Republican leadership, it doesn’t do justice to service to the state but also to the nation. 


Foremost, with DeSantis now able to remain Governor while pursuing his path to the White House, Florida is divested of actual leadership, you know, someone who can focus solely on serving its people. 


Florida needs attention. It’s highly volatile right now, in large part because of DeSantis’ leadership. Broward County is underwater, reeling from devastating floods that DeSantis just asked President Biden to help. The state is battling a colossal shortage of more than 5300 teachers. And it’s also about the battle big time in the streets now that the state has passed permitless carry laws. And that’s all despite the fact that Florida has a per capita firearm death rate that’s three to four times higher than New York’s. Florida is on fire yet DeSantis is heading out on the campaign trail. Make that make sense. This is exactly why prior to last week’s amendment, Florida had a viable “resigned to run” law so that power hungry politicians couldn’t collect a paycheck in state leadership all the while neglecting the state’s people. It’s also worth noting that the GOP led legislature decided to change the rules only now because they know that there’s a possibility that they could lose the chief’s spot. 


If DeSantis resigned to run, voters just may put a Democrat in office or at least someone who isn’t as trigger-happy as Ron. I think a non-Stalinesque leader elected by the people may interrupt those fascist power plays put forth by Florida’s GOP. You know, God forbid the third most populous state actually let the people vote — or maybe just leave trans people alone or teach children actual history, acknowledge the existence of bias or maybe even say gay. 


Apparently a functioning democracy would be far too much to ask of Florida Republicans. They would rather maintain control and abuse their power than actually empower the people. And now I am using my weekly segment to argue on behalf of Florida man. No shade, but this is a low for me. And it really could end up being a low for everyone across the country if Ron DeSantis moves his “pudding fingers” into 1600 Penn. The man is vindictive, petty, impersonal. Technically speaking, DeSantis is a hemorrhoid on the butt of humanity. And I honestly believe that but for the lawmakers making a way for him to hold on to his job, that DeSantis wouldn’t have the confidence to actually run for president. Ron knows good and well that many people on the right generally tolerate him. They don’t want a peasant who picks fights with Disney. Their true king is Donald Trump. And so long as 45’s in the game, Ronnie is better off on the sidelines. Of course, there’s a possibility that the two atrocious men could team up on one ticket. And I would definitely say that would be a loss for us all.

More from Adrienne Lawrence

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