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Taiwan-China conflict mirrors US fight against liberal totalitarianism

Star Parker Founder & President, Center for Urban Renewal and Education

The simmering tension between Taiwan and China dramatically escalated after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) controversial visit. For China, the conflict is about retaking control and imposing its communist will over an island that has embraced democratic principles. Straight Arrow News contributor Star Parker says the U.S. faces a similar challenge at home. Parker warns that if conservatives don’t fight at the polls in the November midterms, America could see liberal totalitarianism take over.

The news headlines have shifted from the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine to China and Taiwan. And it seems that so often when we look for tyranny, we look to the East. We always find ourselves looking to the East. But the battle between China and Taiwan and the contending ideals of freedom and totalitarianism are not just seen in lands far away.

We’re witnessing that very battle here at home. We’re witnessing it in our political processes in our primaries, and we will witness it in November. As is often said, but is not said enough, our founding fathers built our nation on the ideals of liberty. But freedom’s torch has lost too much light to the ensuing darkness of totalitarianism. There are over a hundred progressives that embrace totalitarianism in our current Congress. The voice of capitalism’s fierce rivals — socialism, communism — have continued to grow. Not just in Washington, DC, but all across our country.

Members of Congress and presidential candidates are actively campaigning on these titles, proudly wearing these labels that no one would’ve dared promoted in our free society just 20 years ago. The liberals? Oh no, they love power. They don’t love liberty, and they are letting it be known now. They want to grow the type of government that imposes their values, their worldview, on everyone here in America, in every space in America.

The news headlines have shifted from the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine, to China and Taiwan. And it seems that so often when we look for tyranny, we look to the East. We always find ourselves looking to  the East. But the battle between China and Taiwan and the contending ideals of freedom and totalitarianism are not just seen in lands far away. We’re witnessing that very battle here at home. We’re witnessing it in our political processes in our primaries, and we will witness it in November. As is often said, but is not said enough, our founding fathers built our nation on the ideals of Liberty. But freedom’s torch has lost too much light to the ensuing darkness of totalitarianism. There are over a hundred progressives that embrace totalitarianism in our current Congress. The voice of capitalism’s fierce rivals – socialism, communism – have continued to grow. Not just in Washington, DC, but all across our country.

Members of Congress and presidential candidates are actively campaigning on these titles, proudly wearing these labels that no one would’ve dared promoted in our free society just 20 years ago. The liberals? Oh no, they love power. They don’t love Liberty, and they are letting it be known now. They want to grow the type of government that imposes their values, their worldview, on everyone here in America, in every space in America. Healthcare legislation that will force us to buy policies that cover whatever the government dictates. They want to track our behaviors through the IRS. And if you don’t comply? Oh no, they will not only find you, they will send you to jail if you refuse, if you fight back. Or you’ll get canceled out of your own job, out of existence, if you dare to speak up in our country. They’re continuing to fight against choice in education. They don’t care what the Supreme Court says about allowing your children to go to the school of your choice.

They are fighting to make sure your young children will attend the schools they dictate. They want to control the production of gasoline, oil. They’re attacking religious liberties. Every turn they’re attacking religious liberty, and they’re silencing the freedom of speech. This is what we’ve seen and continuing to see now. And especially now as this progressive Biden Administration focuses on promoting totalitarianism here at home. It’s a serious mistake that is leading us down the wrong path with big government taking over every single aspect of our lives. And I suppose I’m so adamant about this because I know firsthand what the damage of big government does to one’s life. I live that life of welfare. 

In my book, “Uncle Sam’s Plantation,” I talked about capitalism versus socialism. I discovered the truths of our country and the truths that are in our hard-hit community of socialism and the truths that were in our general society of capitalism. But not anymore. In our general society, capitalism is on the run. Socialism has taken over every aspect of every space in our free society. 

The continued tug of war in the East should offer us clear views into the successes and consequences of which path we should take. And especially now in this midterm election year. At issue is that Taiwan has embraced democratic ideals. If we’re going to compare, the island country of Taiwan has seen their economy grow to one of the largest in the world. That’s why they’re fighting, because China is steadfast and dedicated to communism. So when you hear of China and Taiwan in the news, that’s a battle that’s taking place here, too.

You need to start looking more deeply into what they’re dealing with there because the ideals and freedoms of a nation are at stake for the Taiwanese, and for those that love freedom here. China’s attempt to take power and abolish Taiwan’s freedom of government and the freedom of markets, is not a new approach to taking over the world. We’ve seen it, we’re dealing with it. It’s what progressives are doing to us right here in our own country. 

The people of Taiwan understand what’s at stake and they’re fighting. They’re fighting for that liberty. Do we understand what’s at stake here at home? Are we fighting enough? Are we going to be engaged enough in November? Are we going to be free or are we going to be totalitarian? Remember what Reagan said. “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in our bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.” 

That’s what this is about during a political year of tension. The time to choose is now. We still in this free country get to battle in the voting booth. I don’t care what the progressives say about their so-called summer of rage. Decent people still battle in the voting booth. And we will battle in that booth this November.

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