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Biden’s Title 42 stance creating trouble in his own party

Newt Gingrich Former House Speaker; Chairman of Gingrich 360

A rift in the Democratic party over public health requirements for immigrants is growing into a real problem for President Joe Biden. Members of his own party are taking a stand against their president on Title 42, and it could lead to a big fight between hard-liners on the left who want wide open borders and those who support a Trump policy to limit the flow of immigrants crossing the border.

As you know, under president Trump, when COVID broke, they applied a public health position, which says that they can immediately turn away people for public health reasons. 

For some reason the Biden administration has decided that now would be a good time to suspend that provision. 

All of a sudden the idea that if we were gonna drop this provision–there would be an enormous increase. The current estimate is 19,000 people a day would come through. That’d be about the city of Atlanta every month. 

And you’ve suddenly had a number of Democrats speaking out saying that they’re deeply opposed to what President Biden wants to do. 

And, it’s the first big split in the Democratic party. 

On the Senate side, we’re seeing now almost enough Democrats have split that you could presently see them join the Republicans and actually have a filibuster-proof majority, which is 60 plus. 

And I think you’re gonna see over the next couple weeks, potentially, a really big fight inside the Democratic party over whether or not they should continue President Trump’s pattern of using public health policy to reduce dramatically the number of illegal immigrants or whether in response to their left-wing, rabid, pro-illegal immigration members, they decide, they’re gonna try to eliminate that even though it will mean an uncontrollable surge of people from all over the world.

These are not just people from Guatemala or El Salvador or Honduras. These are people from Africa, from Haiti, from India, remarkable range of people showing up at the border now. 

And, the word is out that on the date that this provision is by Biden, you’re gonna see a flood of people.

They’re already building up in Mexico, and they’ll be literally like being invaded by waves after waves of people determined to come into the US, totally illegally without obeying the law and in a way which, I think, is a very real threat to the very survival of our sovereignty as a country.


Something really interesting is developing. I think the first real break in the Biden Democratic party unity, has begun to get bigger and bigger.  And that is a break over the application of the public health requirements to immigration. 

As you know, under president Trump, when COVID broke, they applied a public health position, which says that they can immediately turn away people for public health reasons. 

And well, over a million, 200- thousand illegal immigrants were sent home immediately because of that public health provision.

For some reason the Biden administration has decided that now would be a good time to suspend that provision. 

Remember this is a situation where we don’t actually check people for their health record. We don’t check them for their criminal record.

So we really don’t have much knowledge about what’s going on and who’s coming into the US. 

All of a sudden the idea that if we were gonna drop this provision, there would be an enormous increase. The current estimate is 19,000 people a day would come through. That’d be about the city of Atlanta every month. So 12 new Atlantas every year in people coming in illegally.

Well, that has rattled lots of people. It’s rattled people along the border. It has rattled Democrats who are up for reelection even as far away as Senator Hassan in New Hampshire.  

And you’ve suddenly had a number of Democrats speaking out saying that they’re deeply opposed to what president Biden wants to do. 

And, it’s the first big split in the Democratic party. 

On the Senate side, we’re seeing now almost enough Democrats have split that you could presently see them join the Republicans and actually have a filibuster-proof majority, which is 60 plus. 

So I think they’re very close to being able to suddenly get 60 or 65 Democrats and Republicans together to vote, to insist that the Biden administration continue to apply the public health provision.

I think it’s a fascinating moment. I don’t know what’s gonna, how it’s gonna end, but I can tell you that it is a serious challenge to the entire premise of the Biden Administration. 

Now, remember on the left, you have a series of hard line, left-wing Democrats who are absolutely committed to bringing in as many people as possible, having the border as open as possible, and accepting everybody who shows up. So, the, the pro illegal immigration wing, is as, they’re as emotional and as intense as the people who are now beginning to get really worried. 

And I think you’re gonna see over the next couple weeks, potentially, a really big fight inside the Democratic party over whether or not they should continue president Trump’s pattern of using public health policy to reduce dramatically the number of illegal immigrants or whether in response to their left-wing, rabid, pro illegal immigration members, they decide, they’re gonna try to eliminate that even though it will mean an uncontrollable surge of people from all over the world.

These are not just people from Guatemala or El Salvador or Honduras. These are people from Africa, from Haiti, from India, remarkable range of people showing up at the border now. 

And, the word is out that on the date that this provision is by Biden. You’re gonna see a flood of people.

They’re already building up in Mexico, and they’ll be literally like being invaded by waves after waves of people determined to come into the US, totally illegally without obeying the law and in a way, which I think is a very real threat to the very survival of our sovereignty as a country.


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