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Star Parker Founder & President, Center for Urban Renewal and Education

Biden should resign now instead of seeking four more years

Star Parker Founder & President, Center for Urban Renewal and Education

If President Biden wins reelection, he will be 86 years old at the end of his second term. A majority of Americans, including 48% of Democrats, think Biden is too old to run again, but that hasn’t stopped him from throwing his hat back in the ring.

In our first installment of a special Opinions edition, “Face-off Friday,” Straight Arrow News contributors Star Parker and Dr. Rashad Richey debate whether age should be a factor as Biden seeks another term.

As Parker explains, Biden should let the world know he is not irreplaceable and resign.

It is very difficult for anyone to watch someone aging. We know this in our own families but to watch the president of the United States to deteriorate right in front of the world is very, very difficult for anyone that actually cares about humanity, cares about aging, cares about our country. Because you got to be quick on your feet to be able to guide our country into its future, to have a brilliant future.

And there are many, many people, especially these progressives, that they can go ahead and be a progressive and run for office …

I think the main reason that Biden is even still there is because the Democrats know that Kamala Harris is very weak. And yet if they don’t [sic], if they try to replace her, then they will lose the Black community. African Americans are already in droves moving from the Democrat Party, they’re not going to the Republican Party, they’re going to the Independents. So if they violate — in their opinion — Kamala Harris by replacing her, I think the Dems know that they may lose a whole lot more of their so-called voters and constituents.

But Biden should leave his office. This is just embarrassing at this point.

Earlier this month, President Biden tripped while handing out diplomas on the US Air Force Academy’s commencement ceremony. The 80 year old commander in chief is the oldest sitting president in US history. As the race for 2024 begins to heat up. We asked our opinion contributors, one on each side to debate whether age should be a factor as he seeks another term. Our first question, how can Biden show his constituents he is ready for four more years.
So here’s the thing. Biden is an old man, Trump is an old man to the other four years apart, Trump is 76 Biden is at Trump is the one with the horrific appetite for McDonald’s. He’s too damn old to be eating McDonald’s. So if we talk about who’s healthier, okay? Right, you really want to have that debate. But let’s talk about the reality of constituents. Because that part is very important. Joe Biden, can secure his constituents can secure them, if he simply delivers a policy agenda. Politics has become about personality, but it was designed to be about policy. It was designed to be about who could effectively deliver the policy values of the base. That’s happening to some level with the Democratic Party, but not to the level that we would prefer, is happening on another level with conservatives. These policies are so adverse, that individuals on the left could never agree with some of the ideology coming from DeSantis or Trump and others. So all Biden has to do is deliver what he ran on. If he does that he’s secured because most of the country believe in those policies. That’s how he gets the confidence of his constituents.
I’m not sure that President Biden should be running for office because of his age. You know, I read a quote that is a proud man who thinks the world will stop if he does, what President Biden should do is resign, he should let people know that he is not irreplaceable, it is very difficult for anyone to watch someone aging. We know this in our own families. But to watch the president, knighted states deteriorate right in front of the world is very, very difficult for anyone that actually cares about humanity cares about aging, cares about our country, because you’ve got to be quick on your feet, to be able to guide our country into its future to have a brilliant future. And there are many, many people, especially these progressives that they can go ahead and be a progressive and run for office. I think the main reason that Biden is even still there is because the Democrats know that Kamala Harris is very weak. And yet if they don’t, if they try to replace her, then they will lose the black community. African Americans are already in droves moving from the Democrat Party, they’re not going to the Republican Party, they’re going to independents. So if they violate, in their opinion, Kamala Harris by replacing her I think the Dems know that they may lose a whole lot more of their so called voters and constituents but Biden should leave his office. This is just embarrassing at this point.
Second question, Trump isn’t much younger, is there a difference between their mental and physical acuity?
Alright, so here’s what we do know, we do know that Trump had a doctor basically say he was perfect. Alright, so nobody’s perfect. We also know that as we get older, we naturally decline. I think it’s a mistake to start getting into ageism, because all of us have parents and grandparents and uncles and aunts, who are older. what politics is about is your ability to understand the policy issue and to deliver the policy agenda. It was a Republican, the former Attorney General appointed by Donald Trump himself, it was a Republican named William Barr they call a bill who said Trump does not have the ability to focus to deliver the policy agenda conservatives believe in. So while people can wax poetic about the health and the decline, this Trump obviously is not the healthiest person. Biden is an older gentleman, he’s not going to be a spring chicken, nor will he act like it. But when you have Republican saying that one person does not have the mental clarity does not have the mental or linear focus in order to deliver a policy agenda, but that directly impacts the reason you are a politician in the first place.
Well, we know that people age differently and some people are very sharp regardless of their age, some people even in their teens. beans have weaknesses. So it’s not about their age in comparison to each other. It’s about whether we need someone well into their senior years to lead the country. If we’re saying, as a nation that the only way that we can continue into our futures, they have two older gentleman at the helm of the presidency, we should ask ourselves what happened to that next generation? Why would they be so weak, President Trump is being called out because of his age, it’s not just whether he is fit or not, or whether he plays golf or not. It’s about quickness, and all the new technology, we’re looking at AI out there, we’re looking at a whole lot of different changes in the technical world where younger energy does matter at the table. And so I think that, as I said to the proud man who thinks the world will stop if he does was a real appropriate quote, when we’re talking about who will lead the free world, the nation of America into this next four years, eight years, I do agree that we need quite a bit of time as conservatives to undo a lot of the social engineering that the left has put into our country and changed our entire culture. So this is a question that the GOP is asking themselves and many of the candidates are asking, Is Trump the only one that can lead us into the future?
Last question, does Biden’s age equate to more experience?
No, age does not equate to more experience experience equates to experience. So the reality of age is always a conversation. Sometimes someone runs for president, people say they’re too young. Other times, they are too old. That debate is absent, absent of the facts or the reality needed in order to govern, if you understand the policies, and you have a connection with your base that you are advocating, and have the focus to deliver them. That’s the important part of politics. I don’t think that experience and age go hand in hand. I think experience and execution go hand in hand, experience does not always come in the political realm doesn’t need to always be political. You can have great experience in one area that’s transferable to the other. But even more than experience, its integrity, the integrity factor still has to be important. We have gotten away from it in politics because of the evolution of the industry known as politics and America. But trusting a person without knowing exactly what their policy stance may be on every minut detail of everything that could possibly come up is still important. There are not enough questions posed at a debate to where you would know everything a person would do in every given situation. Nor do you know if they will say one thing to you, and do something else behind the scenes. So trusting the individual is still important in politics.
We all know that age is experience and experience does matter. When when we’re making quick decisions, whether we’re making long term decisions. That’s why so many people have so much respect for their granddad’s. This is one of the reasons that we as a society should be concerned about what has happened in family collapse. When we don’t have that generational pass on, we lose something we lose a lot of, of wisdom and instruction and knowledge. But all of that being said, it doesn’t mean that that happen to be the president of the country. If the senior population is doing what normally happens in generational pass on then there is a generation that can take that baton and take us into the future in a environment that’s forever changing. We have some really big pressing issues in our society. Just when we’re talking Social Security alone, when you’re talking about the seniors that are dependent on it that were there when it started is a very different generation than then then youth that are on the internet all the time by in Bitcoin doing all type of investment on their own. And then yet, we’re not supposed to have a discussion about Social Security and reformatted into personal accounts. So there are many, many places and many, many examples to where youth does matter. It matters in our businesses and matters in our family. The energy alone brings real good creative ideas to the table, and we should consider that as we move into 2024 elections.
Come 2024 We’ll have a better idea of how Biden’s age plays with voters. For now. Don’t forget to check out more of star Parker and Dr. Rashad Ritchie’s opinions on straight arrow news

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