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Newt Gingrich Former House Speaker; Chairman of Gingrich 360

Biden sees Trump jail time as sole path to reelection

Newt Gingrich Former House Speaker; Chairman of Gingrich 360

During Donald Trump’s New York hush money trial, his ex-attorney, Michael Cohen, testified that Trump was intimately involved in a scheme to suppress stories about extramarital affairs that could harm his 2016 campaign. Cohen alleged that Trump promised to reimburse him for a $130,000 payment made on Trump’s behalf to adult film actress Stormy Daniels in order to hide those stories from the public prior to the November 2016 election. 

Watch the above video to follow Straight Arrow News contributor Newt Gingrich as he describes why he believes the trial is rigged against the former president.

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The following is an excerpt of the above video:

I think there’s a very grave danger that Judge Merchan, the judge in the trial in New York, is going to create a constitutional crisis. After all, Judge Merchan is appointed, he never ran for any office. Voters have never said “yes.” And he is a Democrat. His daughter has made millions attacking Donald Trump and working for organizations that attack Trump. Merchan himself donated to Biden.

But in addition, he is presiding over a trial brought by a district attorney who ran specifically on the platform that he would attack Donald Trump — didn’t say what Trump had done wrong. It was as a little bit like the Soviet Secret Police Leader [Lavrentiy] Beria saying to Stalin, “Show me the man and I’ll find the crime.” And that really is the way this case has evolved.

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Jordan Reid: Why the Trump family is missing from court appearances.

Dr. Rashad Richey: Donald Trump has betrayed every conservative value.

I think there’s a very grave danger, that Judge Marshawn The judge in the trial in New York is going to create a constitutional crisis. After all, Judge Marshawn is appointed, he never ran for any office. Voters have never said yes. And he is a Democrat. His daughter has made millions attacking Donald Trump and working for organizations that attack Trump. machina himself donated to Biden. But in addition, he is presiding over a trial brought by a district attorney who ran specifically on the platform that he would attack Donald Trump didn’t say what Trump had done wrong, was a little bit like the Soviet secret police leader, Maria saying to Stalin, show me the man and I’ll find the crime. And that really is the way this case has evolved. A number of senior attorneys have said over and over again, there is no crime here. Nothing that is being alleged, is in fact, criminal. This is all made up. However, the Biden administration is so frightened now of President Trump, that they think putting him in jail may be the only way to say President Biden for reelection. And so they have sent the number three lawyer from the Justice Department of Washington to head up the prosecution that’s going on right now. That lawyer by the way, in 2018, was a consultant to the Democratic National Committee. So you have a Democrat elected district attorney, who had promised to go after Trump. You have a lawyer who used to work for the Democratic National Committee set up by the Biden Justice Department to try the case. You have a judge whose daughter is making millions out of anti Trump commercials and activities. And you have a judge who is grotesquely abusing his power. He basically said that there’s a gag order on a presidential candidate. Now think about this. Donald J. Trump was president. He is currently the nominee of the Republican Party for this fall. In fact, in the most recent polls, he is ahead of Biden by somewhere between six and 10 points. And yet here is this local Democrat appointed judge saying he’s going to lock up a former president knighted states, which frankly, if you look at the record of people who have been in New York prisons, is I think dangerous. This is not a game. And I think people have got to bring pressure to bear. Ultimately, some of these has to appeal to the Supreme Court. Because, you know, John Adams had a Vice President Thomas Jefferson, who was going to beat him in 1800. Adams didn’t try to lock Jefferson up. His son John Quincy Adams, had an opponent who spent four years attacking him viciously. Andrew Jackson, John Quincy Adams didn’t try locking him up. The very idea that the Biden administration would adopt a strategy of trying to win reelection by legally destroying their opponent tells you how bad things have gotten and how desperately wrong the current situation is.

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