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Biden’s progressive prophets are out to ruin America

Star Parker Founder & President, Center for Urban Renewal and Education

As the United States struggles to get its worst inflation in four decades under control, the Federal Reserve is eyeing interest rate hikes. But, the Fed remains essentially paralyzed by vacancies at the top. President Biden’s nominees are making matters more complicated, because he’s nominating people whose visions for America would lead to economic catastrophe. Take Sarah Bloom Raskin, Biden’s nominee for vice chairman of supervision of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors. She thinks she can predict the future, and her vision for the next chapter of America includes the demise of one of our most important industries.

She questions, for instance, why oil and gas companies receive credit and capital infusion from the government during the corona crisis, along with other industries in “Why is the Fed spending so much money on a dying industry? It should not be directing money to further entrench the carbon economy”. That’s a headline for a column she did for The New York Times. Based on what does Raskin declare a death sentence on the multi-trillion dollar oil and gas industry?

Just like former President Jimmy Carter did during his four years in the White House, Bloom Raskin is vastly overestimating the viability of alternative fuels while, at the same time, undervaluing the importance of oil and gas to future prospects of the nation. We all know how that turned out.

Well, Carter was a one term president. And by 2019, the United States was energy independent, producing more oil and gas than it consumed. Look, it’s not the job of our politicians or the government to decide what America’s future should or should not look like. It is not their job to decide what industries should flourish and which ones should fail.

Raskin is focused on promoting the progressive agenda, and President Biden seems to be on board with it. We must work to keep people who are obsessed with bigger, more intrusive government, out of the jobs that could help them make that a reality.

The American ideal that a just society is a free society is disappearing into the wind and replacing it is the progressive idea that we give ultimate power to selected men and women to decide what every aspect of our lives should be about.

Nothing demonstrates this more than the lineup of nominees that President Biden has been sending to Congress for confirmation. Most recent is Sarah Bloom Raskin, whom the president has nominated to be the vice chairman of supervision of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors.

Miss Raskin doesn’t see her potential new role merely as supervising a smooth running economy and banking system. She sees her role as prophet and navigator of America’s future. But the difference between today’s progressive prophets and the prophets of the Bible is the latter knew that they were not God, but spokespersons for our creator.

Raskin. she’s convinced she knows the future. She questions, for instance, why oil and gas companies receive credit and capital infusion from the government during the corona crisis, along with other industries in “Why is the Fed spending so much money on a dying industry? It should not be spending money further entrenched the carbon economy”. That’s a headline for a column she did for The New York Times. Based on what does Raskin declare a death sentence on the multitrillion dollar oil and gas industry?

Oh, we don’t know. She is a prophet. Well, in April 1977, President Carter made some of the same predictions. He spoke to the nation announcing that we are in an energy crisis, that the world was running out of oil and gas, and that the only way to transition to a new world with energy alternatives would be building and investing in major new government programs. The result of Carter’s vision that big government was the answer to our challenges was the waste of multi billions of dollars in government spending and years of delay in the country, making adjustments to new realities and energy adjustments that could only be achieved by letting free markets work. The crisis then, like today, was not a crisis about natural resources, but a crisis of governing government. Too many Americans bought the distortion that they needed more, much more, not much less government. 

Well, Carter was a one term president. And by 2019, the United States was energy independent, producing more oil and gas than it consumed. Look, it’s not the job of our politicians or the government to decide what America’s future should or should not look like. It is not their job to decide what industries should flourish and which ones should fail.

It seems more and more as President Biden continues to put up nominees with their own specific agendas about how the world works and how we should run our lives, it more and more. Is it going to be our job to keep these nominees from powerful government posts in Washington, D.C. to further their progressive religion.


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