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Ben Weingarten Federalist Senior Contributor; Claremont Institute Fellow

Biden must hold Iran responsible for Hamas’s attack on Israel

Ben Weingarten Federalist Senior Contributor; Claremont Institute Fellow

In the immediate aftermath of the Oct. 7 Hamas attack on Israel, President Joe Biden ordered aircraft carriers to the Middle East and warned Iran and Hezbollah to keep their distance, seeking to deter a larger regional war. But critics of the president are questioning the effectiveness of his long-term Iran containment strategy over the last few years, which has primarily centered around reducing the risk of war and restarting the Iran nuclear deal.

Straight Arrow News contributor Ben Weingarten argues that Biden’s failed Iran strategy has emboldened its proxy militant groups. Weingarten suggests that Biden should hold Iran accountable for the Oct. 7 attack and allow Israel to fully defend itself.

I’ve argued President Joe Biden has Israel in a bear hug. He uses rhetoric to present the appearance of being a staunch ally of the Jewish state while doing everything he can within political reason to undermine it and maintain the Middle East strategy of making Iran — the world’s leading state sponsor of terror — the strong course. Quickly the bear hug is turning into a mauling.

It’s not just that President Biden claims he has Israel’s back, while refusing to put the mini-Holocaust that Hamas perpetrated at the foot of Iran, thereby protecting the “melocracy,” impose oil sanctions on Iran that fund the regime’s global jihadist network, including its proxies like Hamas; snapback sanctions that would further constrain the regime, exert maximum pressure on our major, non-NATO ally, Qatar, to turn over Hamas’s leaders, force Hamas to free the hostages and surrender or redesignate the Iran-backed Houthis, who have declared war on Israel, as a terrorist group …. or that he responds to [the] global eruption of Jew-hatred masquerading as anti-Zionism by creating a new anti-Islamophobia policy, as if Muslims are the real victims after jihadists perpetrated the greatest slaughter against Jews in 80 years.

The list of ways in which the president provides aid and comfort to Hamas and its proxies, while putting the screws to Israel, is quickly growing…

I’ve argued President Joe Biden has Israel in a bear hug. He uses rhetoric to present the appearance of being a staunch ally of the Jewish state. While doing everything he can within political reason to undermine it and maintain the Middle East strategy of making Iran the world’s leading state sponsor of terror. The strong course. Quickly the bear hug is turning into a mauling. It’s not just the President Biden claims he has Israel’s back, while refusing to put the mini Holocaust Tomas perpetrated at the foot of Iran, thereby protecting democracy and pose oil sanctions on Iran that fund the regime’s global jihad us network, including its proxies like Hamas snapback sanctions that would further constrain the regime exert maximum pressure on our major non NATO ally Qatar to turn over Hamas as leaders for some us to free the hostages and surrender or re designate the Iran back to these who have declared war on Israel as a terrorist group, or the response to global eruption of Jew hatred masquerading as anti Zionism by creating a new anti Islamophobia policy, as if Muslims are the real victims after jihadist perpetrated the greatest slaughter against Jews in 80 years. The list of ways in which the President provides aid and comfort to Hamas and its proxies, while putting the screws to Israel is quickly growing, and perhaps worse than this parade of horribles. First, we have the near daily drumbeat of Biden administration officials telling Israel it must respect the laws of war and protect civilian lives. As if the most humanitarian centric fighting force the most heavily scrutinized fighting force, probably in world history, fighting against one of the most barbaric enemies in world history isn’t doing everything in its power to get civilians evacuated, warn of coming operations and minimize civilian deaths. While the enemy intentionally hides and cloaks, its operations in major civilian centers, hospitals and mosques. As the New York Post aptly put it, the Biden Sullivan rhetoric amounts to a warning to Israel that they’ll hold it responsible for the results of Hamas is war crimes. Washington will jump ship in the face of major Palestinian civilian debts. I anything on the scale that US allies inflicted in taking out ISIS, of course showing that Apocrypha it was demanding that Israel adhere to untenable rules of engagement the US demands it also gives them us every possible advantage. The White House has called for a humanitarian pause repeatedly, a ceasefire by another name. This at the very time Israeli soldiers are inches from achieving the critical objective of splitting Gaza and to also at this time the administration is according to Senator Tom Cotton, secretly pressuring Israel to allow fuel into Gaza. As he notes Hamas has huge reserves of fuel that it could use for civilians, but instead stockpiles for its rockets and terror tunnels. This after the US demanded that Israel turn the comms back on in Gaza and utterly insane demand. And after the US has called for surgical strikes, rather than a more robust invasion, and reportedly called for no ground invasion. The US is trying to micromanage slow and narrow Israel’s war. Who do you think benefits. Also at this time, the State Department is calling for essentially rewarding the Palestinian Arabs for the jihad inflict on Israel by calling for a Palestinian state. Meanwhile, the administration continues to chide Israelis in Judea and Samaria. As former Ambassador David Friedman wrote, the population is largely radicalized, and there is no leadership that does not endorse the murder of Jews. Then there’s a matter of funding, but I don’t know said he would veto a house bill to shift $14 billion dollars earmarked for an IRS army turned on Americans to an Israeli army facing down our foes. A bill that right we dealings Israel in the Ukraine instead of cynically treating the two nations and the battles they are in as equivalent. All of this after many demanded delays on the part of the US buying time for Hamas and for the world to turn on Israel. For the cherry on top there’s the Whisper campaign to pressure and topple Israel’s wartime Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Politico reports that Joe Biden and top aides have discussed the likelihood that Benjamin Netanyahu was political days are numbered. And the President has conveyed that sentiment to the Israeli prime minister and in a recent conversation, the administration’s dimming view of Netanyahu, his political future comes as the president and his foreign policy team tried to work with and diplomatically steer, the Israeli leader as his country pursues a complicated and bloody confrontation with Hamas continues, Biden aides already are engaging an array of other Israeli politicians, some in power, some not on the war effort, transmission, we’re going to undermine you to the nth degree as another form of leverage over you so that you execute this war on our terms, or else, some friend executing a whispering campaign against the leader of Israel, weeks from a catastrophe and as the country is rallying to defend its existence in war. Biden, of course, as low as Bibi, from the start supporting the opposition to Israel’s judicial reform, attacked babies administration as extremists snubbed him in Washington and as Dan done everything he can to aid abet and enable Israel’s worst foes and ours so I repeat we’ve witnessed a bear hug but it is quickly turning into a mauling and it’s going to redound to Israel’s detriment and ours

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