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Ruben Navarrette Columnist, host & author

A long list of everything wrong with Donald Trump

Ruben Navarrette Columnist, host & author

As controversial GOP presidential frontrunner and former President Donald Trump gears up for the January Iowa caucuses, his personal character remains a major point of contention. While many on the Right perceive him as a formidable candidate and genuinely support him, others are appalled by his character and by his stated intentions.

Straight Arrow News contributor Ruben Navarrette argues Trump has yet to reveal his humanity and highlights a range of characteristics Trump appears to be lacking.

Ready, here we go. Trump is missing wisdom, introspection, empathy, compassion, perspective, common sense, courage, principle, smarts, humility, good judgment, character, loyalty, fidelity. And finally, Trump lacks that one special quality that every president must have: A deep understanding that the United States of America is so much bigger and grander than he is.

Sure, it takes a big ego to believe you can get elected president. But we want people in the Oval Office who see themselves as small, especially when compared to their country and their obligation to serve it. The smaller the better. That last one is a big deal.

Yes, Americans want a president that they like and respect. And if they can say they admire that person too well, then all the better. But they also should be able to connect with that person because they see things that they have in common. In his personal life, Trump has buried family members, including his parents, two brothers and a sister. He has, we can assume, known pain and loss and suffering. So why keep it a secret?

What’s the matter with Donald Trump? Well, how much time do we have? I’ve compiled a list of some of the things that are wrong with the former president and that’s worrisome about a possible return by Trump to the White House if Democrats don’t get their act together. My list is of Trump’s flaws, shortcomings and liabilities, all the embarrassments in one place. But before I run down the list, I want you to take note of the words of a British writer named Nate White, who offered a description of Trump that was spot on and Jolly good.

White was trying to explain why in his opinion, many Brits don’t like Trump. He wrote: “Trump lacks certain qualities, which the British traditionally esteem. For instance, he has no class, no charm, no coolness, no credibility, no compassion, no wit, no warmth, no wisdom, no subtlety, no sensitivity, no self-awareness, no humility, no honor and no grace.” He continued: “Trump is a troll, and like all trolls, he is never funny, and he never laughs. He only crows or cheers. And scarily, he doesn’t just talk in crass insults, he actually thinks in them.”

Finally, he wrapped up with this: “And worse, he is the most unforgivable all things to the British: A bully. There are certain rules to this stuff, the Queensbury rules of basic decency, and he breaks them all. He punches downward, which a gentleman should, would, and could never do, and every blow he aims is below the belt. He particularly likes to kick the vulnerable or voiceless, and he kicks them when they are down. In fact, if Frankenstein decided to make a monster assembled entirely from human flaws, he would make a Trump.”

Not bad. Of course, anyone who believes the fairy tale about how the British hate a bully should pick up a book on the British Empire’s colonial conquests in Asia and Africa, and its bloodstained campaigns to suppress rebellion and keep people on the farm. Still, old Nate definitely has Trump’s number. Here’s what I would add: A list of 15 things that Trump is missing, some of which have already been mentioned, and all of which we know from experience prevents the former president from being a good leader. Ready, here we go.

Trump is missing wisdom, introspection, empathy, compassion, perspective, common sense, courage, principle, smarts, humility, good judgment, character, loyalty, fidelity. And finally, Trump lacks that one special quality that every president must have: A deep understanding that the United States of America is so much bigger and grander than he is. Sure, it takes a big ego to believe you can get elected president. But we want people in the Oval Office who see themselves as small, especially when compared to their country and their obligation to serve it. The smaller the better. That last one is a big deal.

Yes, Americans want a president that they like and respect. And if they can say they admire that person too, well then, all the better. But they also should be able to connect with that person because they see things that they have in common. In his personal life, Trump has buried family members, including his parents, two brothers and a sister. He has, we can assume, known pain and loss and suffering. So why keep it a secret? In his professional career, the real estate mogul has endured setbacks, bankrupted businesses, and watched plans unravel and dreams die.

What do you learn from all that misfortune? We still have no idea. He won’t tell us. Trump feels stuff, he must, right? So why not show it and share it? How does he expect to connect with voters outside of MAGA robots if he doesn’t give us a peek at what it is that makes him human? Well, assuming he is, we’re going to need to see some evidence.

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