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A grand jury indicted New York City Mayor Eric Adams on charges of trading political power for bribes exceeding $100,000 in travel upgrades on Turkish Airlines. AP Images

Judge deciding whether to let charges drop against NYC Mayor Eric Adams is about to get key advice

A grand jury indicted New York City Mayor Eric Adams on charges of trading political power for bribes exceeding $100,000 in travel upgrades on Turkish Airlines. The Department of Justice urged to dismiss the charges, leading to the prosecutor’s resignation.

U.S. District Court Judge Dale Ho will decide on the dismissal request amid concerns about political influence in the case.

More than a dozen retired federal judges believe that Adams and DOJ officials are involved in a quid pro quo aimed at advancing political priorities.

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The Right accumsan pellentesque condimentum vehicula bibendum augue leo malesuada curae aptent tempus ad in parturient tellus, litora dictumst sed pretium nulla lacinia efficitur rutrum mus gravida nibh nostra.
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