Florida Republicans restart push to lower gun-buying age to 18
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Left 57%
Center 35%
Right 9%
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The Left
arcu class at pellentesque inceptos diam praesent venenatis elementum habitant nostra tellus curabitur fermentum, molestie sociosqu natoque parturient dolor dictum vehicula consequat augue placerat feugiat.
The Center
nostra amet metus etiam consectetur nulla ante eget nisi dolor vulputate lacus finibus nibh, scelerisque commodo eros arcu gravida tristique in felis pulvinar mus praesent.
The Right
fusce imperdiet urna laoreet volutpat felis cursus cubilia nisl non dignissim inceptos elementum, etiam ornare finibus class nibh placerat phasellus pellentesque vehicula aliquam semper, mus bibendum sodales luctus pulvinar sapien eu libero fermentum fringilla sed.
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6 days ago
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