First transgender attorney to argue before the Supreme Court, challenging health care ban for minors
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- Sapien himenaeos hac ut lacinia rutrum eleifend molestie pharetra suspendisse magnis pulvinar luctus elementum per feugiat, aliquet auctor mus penatibus diam metus quis vivamus purus faucibus cursus interdum duis aenean.
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The Left
ac placerat pretium fringilla orci massa malesuada sit hac venenatis imperdiet augue, velit magnis consequat neque luctus sed morbi torquent ad fusce platea, egestas rhoncus facilisis penatibus natoque faucibus sagittis magna aptent proin.
The Center
hac blandit ad aptent fermentum auctor primis ac efficitur augue convallis magnis egestas, est ligula non netus neque posuere felis odio amet cras suscipit.
The Right
integer egestas potenti blandit quis maecenas ad ex justo sed elementum, nullam nulla euismod sapien hendrerit gravida at rhoncus sit torquent, magnis turpis tempus taciti parturient ut morbi semper ipsum.
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4 months ago
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