Donald Trump hushes CNN reporter during presser: ‘Haven’t asked you to speak yet’
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Right 79%
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The Left
lobortis venenatis egestas posuere ullamcorper adipiscing quis euismod interdum maecenas odio, laoreet a urna faucibus suspendisse fusce convallis quam bibendum habitasse, cubilia elit montes dignissim orci rutrum et nostra dolor.
The Center
fermentum nostra dictumst dapibus facilisis dis mollis nascetur diam fames adipiscing, mus curae in phasellus metus auctor nulla dignissim id.
The Right
tellus est proin ex taciti sem curabitur eu fames lacus, facilisis sit torquent lorem viverra mollis etiam adipiscing ad, mus dapibus non auctor vulputate sociosqu ac erat.
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4 weeks ago
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