Dr. Frank Luntz Pollster and Political Analyst

‘That was great’: Undecided voters react to Walz-Vance debate

Dr. Frank Luntz Pollster and Political Analyst

The vice-presidential debate between Gov. Tim Walz, D-Minn., and Sen. JD Vance, R-Ohio, was seen as a win by both sides. In contrast to the Harris-Trump debate, public opinion on who won the Walz-Vance debate was split evenly. With the November election projected to be a tight race in the Electoral College, it remains to be seen whether this will impact the outcome of the election, but both Vance and Walz succeeded in improved their image with the American public.

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In this 30-minute episode of America Speaks, pollster and political analyst Dr. Frank Luntz interviews a group of undecided voters before and after the vice-presidential debate and asks what impact, if any, that debate might have on how these voters ultimately cast their ballots.

It’s days like this, or, as I should say, nights like this, that really matter to me, these nights that determine who the next President is going to be. And what’s special about this, even though I have no voice, what’s special about this evening is you’re going to get a chance to give your point of view about the candidates, the issues and the debate that you’re about to see, you can only hear this and see this on straight arrow news. I’m Dr Frank Luntz, and welcome to the latest edition of America speaks. And here we go.
We’re minutes away from the vice presidential debate. We are 30 days, 35 days from the election. I want to know you were undecided months ago. Have you changed that position? Are you still undecided today? Howard from Georgia, who do you support and why?
I am leaning towards Trump, but I’m still waiting to see Kamala Harris’s policies before I make a final decision. John from Pennsylvania, leaning Trump, but still open to hearing what else Harris has to say. James from Nevada, undecided right now. I’m waiting to hear what the Vice Presidents have, I don’t know enough about them. And then also Kamala Harris’s policies. Christina from North Carolina, undecided, because their VP picks really showed that they doubled down in the worst parts of them. And so I’m interested to hear if there’s any room for improvement or anything that can change. Adam from Michigan, well, leaning Harris, Trump’s still stuck in the past, and she hasn’t proven to be as extreme as I thought she would be. John from Arizona, leaning Harris, Trump has gone off the rails in the last three months. Gary from Michigan,
leaning Harris, but I want to hear what
Vance has to say.
Amy. Amy from Pennsylvania, I am still completely undecided, because the pros and cons are pretty much equal for both candidates. Reid from Nevada,
you know, leaning towards heriff, but I’m still undecided, because I don’t know too much about her yet, her policies.
Michael from Pennsylvania, leaning Trump
he’s been shot, and he’s a fighter.
You’re leaning Trump because he’s been shot.
That changed things for me. And I’m going to come back and ask why in a moment, Pierce from North Carolina, leading Trump. Because I think that Kamala is still, I mean, I think it’s just a front.
Thomas from Arizona,
blaming Kamala because of the presidential debate.
Karen from Michigan,
leaning towards Harris
waiting to see what the Vice Presidential ones will say to make it sure, one way or the other.
Emily from Georgia,
leaning Trump, because I just don’t believe that Harris believes what she’s selling. So this is what’s amazing about this group. You are evenly divided between Trump Harris and still undecided. You all come from key swing states. Literally, the presidential campaign could be decided by this zoom focal focus group. So congratulations. If I were to make you all moderator, I’m going to ask you, what one question would you ask? Which candidate don’t get to ask them both? Pick a candidate, pick an issue, pick a topic. What one question Would that be? Thomas from Arizona, I’m going to start with you.
I would ask JD Vance
if he thinks the country should have a dictator.
Karen from Michigan, what would be your one question and who would you ask it to?
I would ask JD Vance to explain the recent campaigns ideas about purging
Pierce, North Carolina. One question, which candidate I would ask, probably Tim Walz, what he would do as vice president if something like Minnesota were to happen on a grand scale. Michael, Pennsylvania, one question, one candidate.
Tim waltz, why did you lie about your rank in the military?
Reid from Nevada,
I would ask Trump, what is it really? What’s his real plan to for this Mideast problem that we’re going through right now? Emily from Georgia.
I would ask Tim waltz, if he had a 10 year old child that was confused about their gender, would he allow them to go forward with a gender altering surgery medication? Adam from Michigan. I’d ask JD Vance about how his views about Putin in Ukraine for the US interest in the region.
Amy from Pennsylvania, I would ask Vance, what they would do within the first 30 days regarding immigration. John from Arizona, I would ask Vance, what do you have to say about what you said about Trump in 2016
Okay, here’s a question I’ve been asked to ask you that I’m dying to know the answer to because I don’t know myself. As you make up your mind which is more important to you, the personality, the character traits and the character of the candidate, or the policies and the issues and where they stand.
And I know it’s a very tough question, but you gotta choose, because you’re going to help me choose which matters more to you, and I want you to raise your hands, who says the personality, the character traits and the character the candidate matters more? Raise your hands, 123455,
of you, six of you, who says the issues and policies matters more?
okay, can I get three of you to tell me policies? Any three of you who want to jump in, why do the policies matter more than the character? The economy is in the crapper, the border is out of control. It’s never been more out of control.
And we have wars going the world is literally on fire, on strike and underwater. It’s, it’s, it’s dystopian, like somebody else, why issues,
Howard, go ahead.
The policies is what’s going to shape our country. The character of a person is not going to shape our country.
Two more. Tell me why policies matter most. I’m looking for a leader, not a friend.
That’s true. I agree. I second that, and we’re electing like they say, not the Pope, but the President. And I think policy is important because it affects every single American. Okay, some of you said character matters more. Please tell me why.
Sorry, Christina, oh, policies won’t matter if you don’t have the character or talent or ability to get the move forward?
agreed there. I think especially Donald Trump’s character is so tied to the whims of his policy that it becomes very important in the decisions that he makes. President,
one more character.
ahead. It’s Who do I want? Do I want people on the world stage to be laughing at us or respect?
Karen, you’re going to say something. I think it has a lot to do with character, because when it comes down to the line, when they’re standing there and have to make a decision, their character is going to drive that decision. What advice do you have for the moderators tonight? THE MODERATOR is fair. Okay, how do you be fair?
You ask fair questions. You don’t beat them with you know, like they did. I’m not going to go back on the ABC debate, because it was extremely biased and unfair. You don’t ask pointed questions. If you do it to one, you better do it to both,
because we sit, we like fair we don’t like cheaters, we don’t like slanted things. Ask tough questions, but do it both sides,
somebody else. Don’t manipulate the audience with those fact checking one, one candidate and not another. If you’re going to do it, do it to both, because when you lean and you show that bias, then people who are easily influenced are going to follow the moderators lead and say, Oh, well, maybe this person isn’t the best and you know, this person is being fact checked and lying and this and that. I mean, you gotta, it’s gotta be an even board the first debate between Joe Biden and Trump, the moderators didn’t intervene, they didn’t interject, they asked a question and let the candidates speak.
That’s right. Yeah, right. And we’ve all seen when there is bias, and I think it would be refreshing for the American people to actually get answers tonight out of both of them and policy answers, and not the 213, on whatever it was before, because it’s clear as day. Everybody knows who’s boxed against Trump. I mean, if you don’t think so, I just it’s, it’s factual, you know,
I hope their response is, but how are you going to do that? They say anything. Also, let the voters fact check. We can, we can decide on what, who’s lying and who’s not. I.
Okay, all future, all future debates should have. You know, one team, pick a moderator for the other person and the other person like Kamala. Pick a moderator to ask Trump, and Trump pick a moderator to ask Kamala. That’s the only fair way that’d be interesting. Yeah, that’s
interesting. It’s a good idea. That is interesting. I
I’m I’m thoroughly impressed a debate. Finally,
guys, that’s great. Who is Raise your hands if you’re happy and pleased with the debate so far.
That’s incredible. We’ve never had that kind of
but I want to know who’s winning, and in a sense, single sentence why. I want to call a winner here and tell me why. So
read, I’m going to start with you who’s winning and why in one sentence. Honestly, it’s really tough right now, but I’m still kind of leaning towards waltz only because it just seems more poised than logical. Oh, my God. Tom, Tom, relax. Thomas from Arizona,
Walsh is
leaning towards waltz because, again, he’s poised and he’s talking in normal language. He’s not trying to impress me with his verbiage.
Pierce, who’s winning and why? I think Vance is winning, running circles around him. I think right now, Tim Walz is just out to lunch. You can see in his eyes, he’s off his game, for sure. Christina, who’s winning. I hate to say it, but JD Vance is winning, and he is just making it more relatable, and I think, easier for normal people to understand what he’s saying. John from Arizona, I hate to say it as someone who’s leaning Harris, but JD Vance. I mean, JD Vance is winning overall. I think walls won the abortion, but Vance ran circles on walls about the economy and immigration. Parent from Michigan who’s winning,
I think it’s waltz because
he is relating to people with a level you can understand. He’s not playing the games if you listen to what Vance is doing, we hear a lot about, you know, reestablish trust and things like this. But he’s using a lot of really soft and fluffy things while just saying, leave it to the women to make the decision. Leave it to the doctors. Trust the experts. Trust science. You know,
Howard from Georgia, who’s winning,
JD, Vance, by far, he is poised. He is very articulate, and he’s not dodging the questions waltz. I still haven’t gotten to where he will answer the question when it is asked, Adam from Michigan, who’s winning, I think. JD Vance, uh, very slightly, um, he’s been articulate. I think he’s clearly shown a spotlight on a lot of the significant concerns that people like me have had about Kamala Harris’s policies historically. Emily from Georgia, Vance. Vance, by far, Waltz’s tone has sort of like a whiny, impotent sound to it. And Vance is very confident, and he has all his numbers and facts to back in.
Michael from Pennsylvania, JD, Vance is giving a masterclass. Waltz is flailing. JD, Vance gives me hope, confidence, and I’m learning as I’m watching this, I’m actually learning stuff.
Amy from Pennsylvania, I agree that Vance is winning, and I think mostly because he’s been confident, calm, poised, and circles back to answer the question, even if he talks about something else in between. John from Pennsylvania, Vance by nose, waltz has actually been quite a bit more impressive than I expected. He was very nervous early on, but it’s come on pretty strong. Still say Vance though,
I want a show of hands. How many of you think this is the best debate that you’ve watched in some time? Raise your hands. Definitely,
almost it is actually all of you, in a sense, describe this debate tonight. Thomas, you start, it’s great TV without fact checks. Read
it’s a lot more civil. They’re not really just attacking each other with negative tone. Howard,
cordial with better exchanging of ideas and less personal attacks. Adam,
certainly more policy focused and leaving me wanting more from the main candidates, Emily, they’re polite and respectful, and they get their thoughts out and respect each other’s even complimenting each other. It’s.
Incredible. Michael,
encouraging and hopeful. In the beginning, I was hoping that JD would rip him apart on his military service lies, and then now I’m glad he didn’t. Amy, a lot of information was shared between from both candidates that allows us to consider them as viable options. John,
refreshing and a throwback to like 2008 and 2012
and James, not only was it substantial in its information provided, but was optimistic, cordial, sincere. They both were caring and seemed to want to work across both lines, to work with each other, so if I push you and you gotta choose a winner tonight, who chooses Mike waltz, raise your hands.
One, two,
who chooses JD Vance.
345, 678-910-1112,
to two, quickly wide advance win tonight.
He got my respect because he came prepared, because he wasn’t full of rhetoric. He actually spoke from you could tell he was thinking what he was saying. So I trusted him.
He remains. He remained steady during the whole performance, and I was very impressed with him being very sincere and authentic.
He humanized. He humanized himself, and actually looked like a regular guy.
Okay, we got 246-810-1214,
of you, and the vote was 12 to two for Vance, I want to know what your what did anyone change their preference, either from undecided to leading to a candidate or leading to a candidate to undecided? Did affect anyone’s vote preference this debate tonight, raise your hands if it did.
I see 234567,
hands go up, John. I’m going to start with you. Tell me why. I mean going into this i I’ve seen non stop of the childless cat ladies, the absurd comments Vance was making the like the French comments he’s made on abortion, the French fringe comments about child, about how childless cat ladies from 2021 I didn’t see that. JD, Vance tonight, I saw someone who is, quite frankly, I think, like it was said in the chat, a budding bromance between him and Tim Walz, who could figure out a bunch of country’s problems over a bottle like and now it’s like, it’s, I’m, pardon my French. Well, shit. Now where do I go? I’m back to star one,
and I think Vance provided some measure of hope. I did have some issues with what he said, but he doesn’t, he doesn’t seem like the boogeyman that everyone on the left has made him out to be. He seems like a genuine guy who has pretty substantial policy differences with another gender.
Okay, so you went from what to what leaning Harris back to undecided. Okay, Adam, you went from what to what, leaning Harris to undecided. Tell me why. You know, I said at the beginning, it was voting on character. I think Donald Trump has said a bunch of crazy things that make him unfit to lead, but JD Vance articulates a lot of policy that I actually agree with, and talk about character. Character certainly not the issue tonight. Both guys seem like people I’d like go out to have a beer with, kind of thing. So if he can articulate those policies in a way that in a likable way. You know, it brings me back to the point, you know, how much impact does a vice presidential candidate have? And if it has enough impact to make me, you know, think about voting for Trump, then I’m probably undecided.
Well, there’s six of USA. Did have an impact? Six out of 13 Pierce. How did it affect your vote? You went from what to what I mean. I think I was either not going to vote or I think me, personally, I’m not going to vote for Trump or Kamala. I feel comfortable voting for JD Vance, if that makes sense, he’s a candidate that I would feel comfortable putting my vote behind, besides Donald Trump and Kamala, and I know that he has, he’s in the back pocket of drop now, meaning he can control some things and keep him kind of at bay. And I think with his military experience, he’s going to do the right thing. And he showed that tonight.
Amy, you went from what to what? I went from undecided to leaning toward Trump because, because of Vance’s performance, I just thought he showed strong leadership. His communication skills were excellent, and he was consistently looking forward,
okay, James, you went from what to what, leaning Harris to undecided to undecided, maybe leaning towards Trump, based on tonight’s performance, I was.
Very surprised
with Vance’s performance and reaching across the aisle, his ability to want to be bipartisan, proactive member. And it was very substantive. I’m glad it was worthwhile seeing this debate tonight. Surprise John from Pennsylvania went from what to what. I was leaning Trump, but I think I’m much more strongly Trump now, because I feel like if something were to happen to Trump, I think Vance could step in on day one,
Michael, you went from what to what. I dipped the toe in for Trump, but now my full body is in because of JD Vance’s performance, because he made me feel so sure, and because I realized that the media had their thumb on the scale and was feeding us poison about him, and we got to see the real him.
And I appreciate that anybody else change their vote tonight. Howard Go ahead, from what to what I was leaning Trump to where I am full fledged behind Trump’s second presidency. Not that I like the man, but I think JD Vance actually provided a better way, a clear vision of the next four years that waltz nor Harris still has not done if Donald Trump were behind this camera and we’re listening to you, and again, I’m going to ask you these questions. What would you tell Donald Trump based on this debate tonight? I’m going to ask everyone of you the same question. And Howard from Georgia, I want to start with you. What would you tell Donald Trump if he could
stay on Vance’s message. Do not deviate. Do not get your personal feelings. Quit talking about cats, dogs, whatever it is. Stay on message. You will win this presidency. Adam from Michigan, what would you tell Trump? Step aside. JD, Vance can clearly do the job. Oh, God, you wouldn’t want to get him
killed. Emily, what message would you have for Trump? I tell him to stuff his ego. He needs to take a page Adam Vance’s book.
Read. What message would you have for Trump? I agree with Adam. You know, step aside. If Biden can step aside. So can you?
Jeez, Christina, what message would you have for Trump? I would tell him to be more quiet. Let JD Vance lead, because he’s not JD Vance and he can’t be quiet in public. Pierce,
I would tell him to just stay on message. I think too many times he gets into the semantics and the petty stuff, I would tell them, just focus on the problems at hand, fixing the problems, and you’ll win this election, because people can definitely see the difference between the two. Gary from Michigan, what message do you have for Kamala Harris?
I was still thinking about the You never asked me about Trump. So if I had to give her a message, I would say that that she needs to listen more than she’s listening.
Pierce. Message for
Pierce. Message for Harris, uh oh,
oh, yep, what do you I think the honeymoon might be over.
Emily, what message for Harris? I would tell her to be less catty and to be more respectful the way that waltz was tonight.
Amy, you messaged her, Harris,
just that she needs to show stronger leadership, because a lot of swing voters just didn’t know what she had been doing over the last four years.
Michael, you messaged her, Harris, be more authentic we could see through BS
and Karen, I’m back to you. Your message for Harris,
hold fast.
I would tell her to hold fast. I know again, is it? Thomas and I are the only outliers here, but
I I wasn’t watching the same debate. All of you guys were apparently watching, honest to God, John, you got your hand up. Go ahead. Pink. My message to Harris would be, you got a lot of work to do. I hope you. I hope you are not resting on your laurels. Because,
I mean, with pull, with pulling, yeah, it’s okay, it’s tight, but like, there’s increasing leads. I think, I think tonight, those leads are going to start evaporating. I got one more thing to say, though, seriously, when we were all talking before you said your advice to Trump, I seriously, what?
Love to have Trump. Step aside Vance. What he was saying tonight, there’s potential there. There’s real strong potential there. But I can’t vote for Vance. I have
that’s where I am too.
I mean, I really liked Vance. He really did well. He the commonality. He spoke of, I think Emily, you mentioned it too, you know, where they’re talking across partisanship. That was great, you know, like, why? Where was he? You know, nine months ago, I don’t know,
Thomas, you’re up, yeah, you were talking about
earlier. Your question was, what did the debate look like? And to me, it was a great TV show. You know, the last, the last time we didn’t have a great TV show, we had a nursing home on the circus. This time we had two people that could, that could talk, could could convey a message, but it was still a TV show. You know, how much of it can you really think is going to happen or was real?
It was a TV show and because there were no fact checking and there was no way of saying, How do I know this is what you’re going to do with my vote, if I give it to
and Michael, go ahead.
I’m 40 years old. I I’m sorry. Mute this. I, what I
wanted to say to Trump is that, you know, you did a good pick, picking. JD, now pick the rest of your cabinet like this. And And did anybody else notice that the moderators couldn’t help themselves to but fact check JD Vance that one time, and then when he tried to explain it, he they muted him. Did anybody else notice that?
Yeah, but at the end of the day, his performance, his performance, well, overshadowed video that in my last question, um, I’m here with a bunch of college students. I want to know from you all, what does this say about democracy? I want you to reflect on the entire campaign, and this debate is only one night in the whole campaign,
where’s our country heading democratically? Because in the end, it’s not just what happens on election day is what happens the day after and the day after that. Are you concerned about the health of our democracy, or are you confident that we’re okay and we’re moving forward? Any one of you, by the way, put your hands confident after tonight because, because I saw the the two human beings without the interference of the media. It’s the media that poisons our minds, when, when, when don’t have them fueling us with this nonsense and this vitriol and this hate. We see two human beings talking and discussing, even though they disagree. It was, it was, it gave me so much hope. Christina, go
ahead, yeah. So I think after today, I’m more hopeful, because I think we get the democracy we deserve when we treat each other the way we do right now. It’s a reflection of who we are as a culture.
But also what I wish I would have known when I was in college is that your local governments matter way more than the President, I think. And we need to hold those people accountable just as much as we’re holding these these people accountable. And if we could all act like this, more stuff would get done, but it’s more hopeful now, Pierce, I think you’re the youngest person on this zoom. Are you hopeful? Or are you concerned? I am actually hopeful after tonight. I mean, we there’s a lot of bipartisanship. I do think that every election is always the most existential election, or always the biggest election of our lifetime, every time. I’ve heard that for the last 12 years, but this time, I think it’s very clear there’s one candidate who hasn’t had any votes in four years, and there’s one candidate who took a bullet for democracy. So I don’t really see like college students will see through the BS and with all these young Tiktok stars and things like that kind of coming out and streamers like joining Trump’s team, I think college students are awake. I think they’re noticing they can’t afford to pay school and live. I think it’s a clear choice in this election.
Howard, you’re up. I loved watching the debate tonight. It gave me hope of people working together. The last time I saw this was John McCain rebooting a supporter. He did. He said Obama wasn’t a bad person. They just disagree on what the vision for it is. Vance is only three years older than I am, and it’s refreshing to see younger people in politics, not 60s and 70s and 80 year olds, but somebody who can work together and find commonality to make this country better. That’s.
What made our 90s better, this is what always made our country better. And it’s time we go back to that. I love that, and that’s a perfect way to bring this to a close. This has been a wonderful session. I appreciate all that you taught me. I think this is significant. I think it’s going to have an impact. And I love the fact that you brought your voice to the public debate, because it’s your voice that really matters. So on behalf of America speaks right here on straight arrow news. Thank you for your participation, and I look forward to seeing you all again in the days and weeks to come between now and Election Day.

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