
Straight Arrow News is committed to fair, factual, unbiased journalism that encourages viewers to make up their own minds. In addition to the facts, we believe it’s vital to hear perspectives from all sides of the political spectrum. We hope these different voices will help you reach your own conclusions. The commentary published in this section are solely those of the contributors and do not reflect the views of Straight Arrow News.

The American ethos has been somewhat unstable over the centuries, which may be partially explained by the country's unique geography.
August 21

Why Geography makes Americans hard to understand

Geopolitical Strategist

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Low-cost drone technology might remake some of the most powerful and expensive floating fortresses ever constructed in naval history.
August 19

How drones are changing global naval power

Geopolitical Strategist

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As nations and companies around the world transition to a four-day work week, Greece transitions into a six-day week. What gives?
August 15

Why is Greece moving to a 6-day workweek?

Geopolitical Strategist

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What’s happening in Bangladesh, and how will the crisis impact other nations in the region, specifically India?
August 12

What is happening in Bangladesh?

Geopolitical Strategist

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Biden’s decision to endorse Kamala Harris for 2024 has upended pollster’s predictions. What happens now, and how will both campaigns adapt?
August 9

‘Mean or extreme’: Americans discuss Harris and Trump

Pollster and Political Analyst

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