The most coveted voter right now is the undecided voter. They represent just 5% of the American population, and they are skeptical and cynical of both candidates, and that’s why this installment of America speaks is so special, we’ve returned to our discussion with 14 undecided voters aged 27 and younger, to see how the conventions, the interviews and the debates have impacted their vote. For the next 25 minutes, you’ll hear the good, the bad and the ugly from these essential voters as they process the information and make up their minds. What you’re about to hear will surprise you, but that’s exactly what we do right here on straight arrow news. So let’s get started.
Before I get to where you stand, I want to know where you sit. So give me one sentence to describe last night’s debate. First off, how many of you watched it? Raise your hands.
Okay, that’s not everybody. Or is that everybody? No, we got one person, actually. Aisha, did you watch it? Okay, so everyone watched it? Excellent. So one sentence to describe last night’s debate, Aisha, I’m gonna start with you.
Um, okay, for me, it was very eventful and chaotic, like, that’s how I would describe it. Jack,
uh, the moderators were the story.
Okay? Joseph, three on one.
I’ve heard that phrase before. Angelo, frustrating.
Chris, I
thought it was very one sided. Ben, I thought it was pretty substanceless. Pierce, oh, like I’ve learned nothing new.
it was chaotic.
McLean, a train wreck and an embarrassment. Abigail, the loser of the debate was our country.
Okay, I’m going to come back to you, Jasper. It
seemed like Eric was nervous and Trump was following her around.
Laura, or like culture, it was full of vagueness and lies.
Lillian, chaotic and frustrating. George, it’s just more of the same.
Okay. Abigail, you had the one, the response that I’m most interested in. Please tell me why you say that? Well, if a debate isn’t about answering questions where neither side answers a question directly, but it’s more about just attacking the other person as much as possible, how am I supposed to be an informed voter?
McLean, you’re nodding your head.
Both had, every time they were able to respond, they had two whole minutes, and somehow they filled those two minutes with a complete lack of substance
and just attacks on each other. And so, you know, me wanting to hear more about crime, or
I felt. I felt it was very frustrating. I don’t feel like I got anything from that debate. Both candidates are pretty uneager to answer any questions and just try to push it on to each other, rather than talk about their policies and what their plan was for the future. Does anyone here have a positive reaction to the debate last night? Anybody?
Let me try this again?
Is it really that bad?
Pierce? Why is it so bad? You just it’s very frustrating. And this was a chance for Kamala to kind of show us who she was, because nobody seems to know who she is. And I just feel like she failed. I feel like Trump looked weak. I’ve I’ve never seen him look like that before. I think the country lost overall. And it’s just deeply concerning that once again, we have these two choices after for a third election in a row, it’s the same bullshit mark. Are you that negative?
I’m not as negative as everybody. Everybody else is. I mean, you got from Trump, what you get from Trump and from Kamala, you didn’t get any policies, and you pretty much got just her pushing back on Trump, which is not something you see very often. So it wasn’t as negative as everybody else said, but it wasn’t very educational.
Okay, I gotta ask your question, is this politics at its best or politics at its worst?
Politics at its worst with with Kamala, every time she spoke, I felt like it was rehearsed. PR answer. She sometimes didn’t even answer the moderator’s question. She would just give what the debate prepped her for. And then with Trump, you know, once he gets flustered, he becomes out of control. Obviously, we saw it with him saying people were eating cats and dogs.
It and complaining to Kamala that she was wrongly accusing him of his rally sizes. So it was same old, same old, and that’s why our country’s in big trouble. What I remember most was that Kamala, like baited him and kind of dragged him around the stage, and he took the bait every single time. And it makes me nervous to have a leader like that in the Oval Office, because how can we trust that he’s going to have the self control to make enormous decisions if he can’t even control himself off debate stage? Who do you think won the debate last night? Kamala Harris or Donald Trump? Raise your hands if you think Harris won the debate.
One, two, raise it physically please. 34567, 345,
1314, Oh, my. It’s everyone.
Okay, let’s go tell me why anyone jump in now. I feel like, oh, go ahead, George. All right, thank you. I feel like Harris was just able to kind of get Trump at its worst, talking about all this little sound bits that everyone’s gotten so accustomed to over the last eight or so years. She was really able to play into that. Well, Trump really wasn’t able to press her as much as He probably wanted to on the policies and beliefs that so many Americans have
questions about. Harris was able to she was able to sidestep her what Trump should have hammered her on, I mean, just hammered her on immigration progressive policies. And she, I think was brilliant. I hate that she did it, but it was brilliant that she knew exactly what
what lever to pull to distract him from hammering her on her weakest points. And because of that, I think she won the debate
online. I don’t panic. Um, explain
Ben, um, I just thought, like her ability to, it essentially felt like she was driving the entire debate just because she was able to stay composed the whole time. Um, like she just kind of dictated his mood throughout the debate. And that stuck out to me because it made Trump seem like, you know, how are like? Are people just going to be dictating his views and his attitude if he is elected president again? Because she was so easy to get to him.
Two more of you. Why did Why do you feel Harris won? Actually, on you,
I quite frankly, think that Harris played it safe with her debate. She wasn’t giving answers of substance, and she’s basically regurgitating like all the previous comments. And because that, it came off like she was reading a flash card on the other side, Trump was all over the place, you know, poo COO for Cocoa Puffs. As someone said earlier, like he was bouncing off the walls with his remarks, they weren’t making sense. So in contrast to that, her remarks came off as really cool, calming and professional, while Trump looked like a hot head on stage.
I agree. I think that she ran kind of circles around Trump. I’ve never seen him like I said, Look, that week before, uh, maybe three on one had something to do with it. But also, I feel like Kamala the presidency doesn’t work out. She should get an Emmy for her performance, because it seemed like a pageant show for me. Um, it’s just the same old from empty promises and student loan, this free, this free that. So she just, she sounds great, but what the hell has she done for the past three and a half years? Is what I want
know Aisha. Um, I really have to agree. I think purely because Kamala was more calm and collected, and then I did get like more substance out of her like, from her policies about like for like, young families and small businesses. That is why I think she won the debate, and Trump was more of a hothead. Yeah, so he lost.
Okay, if Trump came to you and asked you for advice,
should he debate again? And what advice would you give him
So Angela, I’m going to start with you and then mark him going to you. Well, I would tell Trump, I think he should debate it again, but I would tell him to just shut the hell up and stop with the crazy remarks, especially when to the whole voter fraud crap that’s been going on for the past. Actually, I’ll even say this since 2016 when he lost against Ted Cruz in the Iowa primary caucus. It’s been going on for way too long, and so I would tell him to shut the hell up and stop talking about the damn 2020 election mark. Should he debate again? And what would be your advice? I’d say no, because everyone is always making excuses. Trump should debate, but not do this, not do that. This is just who Trump is. When you see him in public, when he gets pressed, this is who he is. You can’t say, do a debate and be different. This is who you are. So just take the Biden plan. Hide in the basement. Don’t show yourself. It was working for three years, and he was on troop social, not on Twitter. Nobody knew, but now that he’s back in the public eye, because he lost in 2020 because it was four years of chaos, he’s he went away for three years.
He was winning. Now he’s in the spotlight again. Now everybody sees how insane, how crazy is. You can’t hide that. That’s who you are. It’s your character. So it makes them great. For some people, when you got 81 million votes, so it makes them bad and why ultimately lost. To go back to what Mark said, I think he kind of hit the nail on the head too. I think the only reason, in my opinion, why I’m even interested in voting in Trump right now is because he was hiding in the basement for three and a half years. I didn’t hear from him, so I kind of forgot about all the craziness. Maybe it would be best for him just to keep hiding and not try to overcorrect this mistake. Well, you can’t
makes him sound human compared to Paris. That’s his, his like, his Achilles heel, but his only like selling point too. But you can’t hide in the basement as president, like that strategy for the last four years. And I mean,
I don’t think Trump’s capable of hiding in the basement. We see him always out and about at these rallies, you know, meeting with people, you know, he likes to be the big person in the room, so that he can’t even go after that strategy, because that would have him basically be irrelevant in the public. And with Trump, his ego is too big to allow that to happen. Okay, hold on one second, Patrick, I’m going to pull you in in one second, but I want to balance this. Should Kamala Harris debate, and what advice would you give her? If the answer is yes, anyone go ahead on that one?
I would say no.
What is what I mean? I think she clearly won the first debate. I know she maybe wants to do a second one, and maybe thinks that she’ll continue to hammer Trump. But, I mean, I think,
I think Trump knows he did badly, and I think he could get better advice. The question is, if he would choose to listen to it.
And so I think, how would it advantage Kamala to go again? She could lose she could do worse. The second time, she did phenomenally the first time, Abigail, what advice would you give and should you debate again? Well, doesn’t it? She doesn’t. She owe it to the American people to show us who she is, besides a sort of introductory speech, her speech at the convention was great, but now I know where she comes from. I do actually care about what you do for our country like I do actually care about what your plans are for education and foreign policy. And so
I might trust in her is still very, very low because she covered up Joe Biden’s age, and I’m still looking for how am I supposed to trust you again? And the only way that I can get to trust you is if you tell me what your actual plans are, besides a child tax credit, which was Trump’s idea in the first place, with a bunch of imaginary ideas about giving people a bunch of money that’s never going to fly. Like all of her policies that she actually states aren’t policies that we’re going to pass,
she doesn’t debate again. No, I don’t want you to be a strategist here. I want you to tell me what you want. Lily, more. Want to hear more from Yeah, and I think that, like as voters, we are owed that, because this is the only time that we’ve ever, like seen her, other than the DNC speech. And I’ve never voted Democrat. So other than being interested in, like, politics. Why would I watch the DNC? So I think that she owes it to the American people to be consistent.
George, from your perspective, do you want her to debate again? Yeah, I do. I don’t think we saw enough of her. You know, it’s she’s not transparent at all on her issues. And when she was asked about him, she just gave the cookie cutter, I think someone said note card answer earlier. I want to see what she’s about. She hasn’t given me any
of that. More from your perspective, should Harris debate again? And what advice would you give her? Um, I think she should debate again. I think, like everybody said, it was a good debate to attack Trump, but you need another debate. We’ve only seen you in the public once. Let’s really get some policy let’s really get more details of what you want to do. So I’d rather have a debate, no matter what Trump says, when you’re always going to say crazy stuff, give your message, what you actually stand for, what you actually mean. And if Trump does the same thing, you come out on top again. If he’s saying crazy stuff, and you’re actually given policy positions.
Angela hasn’t, haven’t. The two candidates said everything there is to say. I honestly, in my opinion, I feel I haven’t heard enough from Kamala Harris. I felt I just same with everyone says. I felt like she didn’t really answer, oh, the questions. And I still feel like she’s just not being truthful, like I just seem like I still seem like the flip flopping and just not being honest, even though he’s no longer on the ballot, President Joe Biden looms large over the 2024 election. So he asked our young voters what they thought of his presidency and whether Kamala.
HARRIS should actively want more closely to him or distance themselves from him. The answer may surprise you. We haven’t mentioned Joe Biden.
Do you want would you want Harris to emphasize her similarities or her differences from the former president by hands, and now this is physical. Who would rather have her separate herself from Joe Biden? Raise your hands. 2467,
who would rather be similar than she emphasizes or similarities to Joe Biden? 123,
I guess the rest of you on this four, and the rest of you undecided. Okay, for the two of you who think that the she should emphasize her differences, tell me why
I think that she should emphasize her differences, because I already know Joe Biden. I don’t know Harris, and I’m going to assume that she’s going to run her campaign similar to Biden, until she disproves that for me and demonstrates how she’s different than Biden. Trump made a comment about how she copied Biden’s health care plan. It’s like it was like four sentences like, run, Spot Run. That was another memorable comment that he made. So I need her to differentiate herself from him for me to vote for her.
Well, says differential.
I think she should totally differentiate herself. For Biden, she’s a new candidate, she said in all the stuff she’s going to do after being vice president for four years. So she has to put forward new ideas. As a result. You can’t just click a copy and paste from the body 2020 playbook to put into the Harris 2024 playbook, as it’s already been mentioned. We’re living in a very different time economically, in terms of national security, et cetera. So she should totally differentiate herself from Biden. If she doesn’t, I think she may lose to Trump.
I also hope she separates, mainly because I hope she has the kind of mental acuity to understand that some of the things that hurt and Biden have done are wrong, and to instead of just understand like, Oh, we did that, and let’s try and pretend we didn’t actually recognize that they’ve done some things wrong, and try and move in a different direction.
Now two people who say she should emphasize your similarities. I think she used to show that she’s not radical. And I don’t think Biden’s perceived as radical.
You know, he, maybe he is in some ways, but, or maybe even in many ways, but I think he, at least he comes off to be somewhat moderate. And I think Kamala, to me, struggles with coming off as remotely moderate mark. Why should she stress her similarities? Uh, binds. It a little bit different. It’s not believable if she differentiates, to me, because she ran as a progressive in 2020 and now in 2024 she’s been her, she’s been his VP for four years. So if you’re trying to differentiate, I don’t personally find it believable, considering for three, four years, she defended everything Biden did, anytime you’re in public, is Joe Biden’s great all this and that. So for me, if she differentiates, it makes me feel more like she’s lying and deceiving and not telling the truth.
Okay, Aisha, should she emphasize her differences or her similarities? Um, I feel like I agree with Mike here because, like, a lot of her policies are very similar to Biden’s, but Biden was, like, not mentally there. So if she shows herself as someone like Biden, but like, more mentally stable and stronger, she could win more of the American population. We started with you all right, after the Republican Convention, there’s been a lot of key moments since then. Give me a sentence, but only one sentence to describe the 2024 election.
Your attitudes to it, attitudes, your experiences. How would you explain it? In a sense, Joseph, you go first. Let’s try again in 2028
it’s been full of twists and turns in and I still don’t know where I’m going to go. Jack,
feels like something out of this, out of a dysphopian movie. And hope we have better options in 2028
I’ve been paying attention, and I still don’t know what’s going on.
uninspiring and negative. Pierce, it’s been chaotic and crazy and probably the most historic election we’ll remember for the rest of our lives.
And Chris,
this was going to be the most consequential election of our lifetime.
As the host of America speaks, I listen carefully when my participants express something that is either negative or disconcerting.
It, and when they were asked to describe either Donald Trump or Kamala Harris or even in general, what they think about this election, it’s downright depressing. I want you to hear what I hear, because it may depress you too. Give me a word or phrase to describe Kamala Harris. Jack, I’ll start with you.
Political. PR Joseph,
Angelo, confident, confident mark, politician, Pierce, Hone, being terrifying. Lillian, liar, George rehearsed. Aisha flip flopper. McLean, one word or phrase to describe Kamala Harris, insincere and shallow. Abigail run, Scott run,
an empty suit.
Ben all over the place, Laura, actress, Chris, vibes, candidate
from when we first talked until now. How many of you would say your opinion of Kamala Harris has improved? Raise your hands
again. I gotta count them. 123456,
who would say your opinion about her has gotten worse?
Hands up if they got worse. 12346,
to four.
Can two of you tell me why it’s deteriorated, and then I’m gonna ask two of you to tell me why it’s better. Let’s start with a negative. Two of you, why has it gotten worse? I can go, um, I feel like when we first talked, I was pretty ambivalent about Kamala Harris because I didn’t know much about her, but the more she talks, the less I like her, and also the more holes in the story I see. And even last night, there were things that she said, Oh, I didn’t vote against that I’ve always, you know, protected whatever. And I’m like, I I know that that’s not true. So I think that, you know, that’s why it’s gotten more negative. One more from more negative. I think he’s gotten more negative, personally, because I’ve seen more of her now a little bit I think that she really needed to show up to that CNN interview without Tim olsburger side to me, that was it just looked like she needed a chaperone. And we’re used to seeing Biden needing a chaperone.
Okay, now why positive? So you said your opinion of her has gotten better since we first talked to you. Tell me why.
I mean, we started off with from what I would view as a blank slate, I didn’t know anything about her, except for the fact that she’s associated with Biden. So I actually feel like she’s grown and has improved public speaking abilities from I saw from when I first saw her till now, I have seen her, you know, embrace that prosecutor side and deliver really effective speeches. Okay, one more why? Why more positive? Um, I would say my opinion of her has gotten more positive, mainly because she did bring up some policies she will enact when she becomes president, like lifting up young American families and small businesses. I don’t know over there she’s actually going to fulfill those promises, but I think because of that, it’s more positive.
Okay, let’s go to Donald Trump.
First. Give me a word or phrase, and let’s focus on now. Give me a word or phrase to describe Donald Trump. Now, Aisha, I’m going to start with you.
I would say haunted. Lillian, undisciplined. Laura, stable.
Say it again. Sorry. Unstable. Jasper,
kind of selfishly hysterical.
Chris, unviable candidate. Abigail, unfocused. McLean,
lacking character and discipline. Ben, further deteriorating.
Pierce, unhinged and needs a Xanax.
So do I? Mark?
Mark, Oh, me, oh, um, a joke.
Angelo, pathetic. Joseph, spiraling Jack, unfocused, okay. Show of hands. Donald Trump, better in the last few weeks or worse in the last few weeks. Who says your opinion of him is better in the last few weeks? Raise your hands.
Who says it’s worse.
1011, 12.
Okay, I’m just going to focus on those who say worse. Give me three of you.
Is why so negative?
We saw him in the debate, and he looks pretty weak next to Kamala Harris, who’s someone who’s historically not been able to perform well and to pay it all together, and next to Kamala Harris, you know, these are people are gonna be after negotiating super important deals with other countries, and Trump just looked absolutely dominated by someone who’s been super weak in the past, and that’s honestly a shock compared to what we’ve seen in the past two more. See, I don’t make I want to push back. I don’t actually think he looked weak. I thought he looked so immature. That’s the problem. He was not able to not let himself be baited, and so he looked strong, and he’s like a big enough guy, and projects, you know, bravado. But when it comes to actually being able to rein his emotions in, he’s just completely incapable of doing so, yeah, and also, but that is weakness. I mean, not being able to control your emotion, that’s weak. That’s not what we wanted. A leader, my opinion, to him already, was that as low as it could possibly and I think just seeing him more in the public eye and seeing him against somebody, Joe Biden was like, his brain’s not there. He’s he’s gone and seeing him against somebody that’s just a normal politician, not a great politician, a very average politician. That, let’s not forget, in 2020 she didn’t make it to Super Tuesday, she got nowhere and to see her just mop the floor with them. That’s pretty sad. Do you really want that, as a leader of the country, that if someone personally attacks him, he melts down. Imagine when he’s negotiating with world leaders that are way better, way better leaders, way better politics, how they can manipulate him in those closed doors meetings. That’s honestly scary to see, that Kamala Harris can do that. What a real politician and what a real country leader could do to him. I’m going to take a play from McLean, and I’m going to push back just a little bit on that. I do hear what you’re saying. I do respect it 100% but we have seen when he does negotiate, sending showing a picture of the Taliban leader, Abdul’s house, pushing back, getting almost out of NATO and getting more funding when he is tasked at hand with like he created peace in the Middle East as well. That was unheard of. Everybody said he was going to start wars. He didn’t. So I have seen him when he negotiates, and that’s why he is we use and so He does have a record. Kamala, on the other hand, she got 13 people killed in Afghanistan because of her weak negotiations. In my opinion,
I could not believe yesterday that Kamala Harris basically went up there and said that with the Afghanistan withdrawal, that all that everything Biden did was great. I was stunned that there was no remorse or anything, that she just went up there and said, everything went really well. Again, lack of accountability with this administration and politicians in general is just astoundingly and it makes me really angry Well, when I was even more astounded that there was no fact check on it for her exactly
did I mean, I don’t know if I was the only one that saw this, but I saw a tweet from Donald Trump three days ago threatening to lock up people that engage in voter fraud and that are basically dissidents of his beliefs. I mean, when I read that like cease and desist tweet, I think it was titled like that was just disgusting to me. That was so abhorrent that a major US political figure would tweet that. And you know, as a Republican, the fact that that is the face of my party right now, it just makes me incredibly sad. I think that a lot of the reason why we’re here is because of Trump’s past, and what he showed the debate is that he hasn’t moved on from it, so it’s hard for us to vote for him when we see you so hung up. Won’t happen. Before you’ve heard what they think about the candidates and what they think about the election, now it’s time for them to make a decision. Do they support Trump? Do they support Harris? Will they write in somebody else, or will they not even vote? And here we go.
Several weeks ago, all of you are undecided. Let’s find out where you stand. You’ve seen the Democratic Convention, you’ve seen the CNN interview, and last night you saw the debate. Where are you now? Trump Harris or undecided? And give me a sentence. Why Pierce? I’m going to start with you
today. If the election was held Trump, because the four years under him were a lot better than the four years I’m living in now. Jasper,
um, I’m actually leaning towards voting for Trump, just because that’s the only thing I feel I can do while living in an extremely blue area to show that I’m
the American. People are not putting up with this. Aisha.
I’m leaning towards Kamala, because I know she has to give an exemplary performance as president now so she can win again in 2028
Lillian, i.
I think that I would probably vote for Trump, and I honestly can’t tell you why, other than I’ve voted Republican my entire life,
I’m leaning towards Trump just because his policy is on economic deregulation. Just
better for everyone. Honestly, Mark
undecided, just because my deal breaker was situation in Gaza and 30,000 Palestinians have been killed, and no candidate has either plan at all to do anything about it. Laura,
I’m leaning towards Harris because I feel like she’s entering into her political prime while Trump still can’t forget the past.
I’m truly still undecided. I think Harris is too radical, but Trump continues to show me so many deep causes for concern between character, temperament
and overall well being
Trump, because his administration has already done good things,
leaning towards right in because I just don’t want to feel personally responsible for whatever happens, and I don’t believe my one vote will make a difference, even in the swim state. Chris,
I’m leaning Harris, because this is not who the Republican Party or conservatism should be. And we can reset in 2028 to get Harris out of office.
Angelo, I’m gonna have to go with Kamala Harris, just because I feel as if she is a leader who can maybe try and unite the country. While with Trump, we’ve seen he just does not want to unite. And he had that chance and the opportunity after the assassination attempt, but he still continued with this divisive nature. And I just I have to go with Harris, Joseph, I’m truly undecided, because we haven’t. We’ve heard plans, but we haven’t heard action steps for how either candidate is going to make my everyday life better.
And Jack,
I’m leaning towards writing in Mike Bloomberg. You know, I liked some of Trump’s policies, especially during his first three years, but as we’ve seen over the last few weeks Trump, when he’s Trump, He’s flustered, he’s out of control. And then with Harris, I think she’s a very inauthentic phony. And again, as someone that is a Democrat, registered vote order,
I just, I don’t like appointing a nominee without a vote.
How many of you like both candidates? That you have a basically favorable point of view, but you just can’t decide. Raise your hands.
I see zero hands going up. How many of you dislike both candidates and you can’t figure out who’s worse? On 2345,
13 out of 14. And I note how many people put up two hands
really hated. What does this say about imagine
it’s too hard to run for president. There are so many people that could be president that are just not heard from, and we’re stuck with these two people. We need to go. It’s the progressives fault. They they they dragged Mitt Romney on and John McCain through the mud. Okay, saying horrible things about them. So what else? What else is the is the right going to do? But if you keep crying wolf over and over, eventually you’re going to get a wolf in the party.
We need a moderate party. I think, unfortunately, the two party system is failing. We need like an independent, moderate party, bipartisan, some moderate republican, some moderate debtor, has to come together and put together a nominee that they
feel is best for the country, because the two party system is broken right now, and it’s only getting worse with the divisiveness in Congress and then in America in general, it really, the whole situation almost makes me wonder, like, Are Americans stupid? Like, we really, like, people actually have to go out and vote for this. Like, millions of people voted for Trump in the primary, and I don’t think he’s a very good person. Like, really this?
I think it shows the state of the country. I mean, it shows why we’re getting our ass kicked in education across the globe, while we’re falling behind on economically across the globe. I mean, it just shows military. I don’t think it’s as strong as it was before. I just I feel like this is the prime example once again, for the third election in the row, we have these clown clowns running for president on both sides. They have sucked for the past three years, I’m like, you mentioned earlier, where we like both candidates, that would have been Obama and McCain. That will never happen again with the polarization of this country. We’ll never have another election, in my opinion, where we will like both candidates. You’re just like, I feel like our country has been through so much worse, and we are just so living in the moment that.
You know, we forget that, you know, Charles Sumner was caned on the floor of the, you know, in Congress. So, like, I mean, we have been in worse shape before, but it’s up to our generation to kind of dig us out of this rut that we’re currently in. It’s also the presidential election is a little over hyped, like Congress does, way more for the American people. Local elections are way more important ballot measures. States are voting on abortion rights this November. Like, I mean, yeah, the president matters, but we’ll still be here in 2028 but the lower offices almost matter more to me. That’s that’s kind of what these last couple elections have made me realize we have to get involved in local elections. We have to get involved and say things can get better. You don’t have to choose these two candidates. You do have a voice, like the same thing with Joe Biden. Joe Biden was so bad, and people spoke out so much, they just flat out replaced them. They just replaced them. We can do better. I mean, we didn’t get better with Kamala, but it shows that we can do we can’t have change.
I feel like we just, like Mark said, We need to get more people to vote like my students. They ask me all the time, you know, Mr. So and So, who are you voting for? And I tell them, it doesn’t matter who I’m voting for. What matters is that I’m voting. And I think that that message needs to be spread like it. You don’t have to force somebody, polarize somebody to vote for a candidate be involved in the democratic process, because without democratic process, we are not America Isha, what do you want to hear from Harris? Um, I want her to tell me exactly how she will fix this country’s inflation problem.
Ben, what do you hold on? Hold on, actually, but she said that didn’t she.
She was kind of vague about it, and I didn’t get much from her as a tote to
Ben, what do
you want to hear from I wanted to explain all the flip flopping. I mean, I grew up in California. She was my US senator. She was the most liberal US senator, and now she’s trying to run as a moderate and flip flopping on all these issues. I understand that someone can flip flop over a decade or two, but over four years, I just don’t get it. So I want her to explain those decisions and not give the answer. Oh, because politically convenient piers, what do you want to hear from her most? I would like same answer. I would have like an answer on the flip flopping. There was a statement. There is no question. I’m in favor of banning fracking. Now she said, I’ve never said that. I mean, it’s the same thing that Trump does, just own it. I just wish one of these candidates would own it. Laura,
what do you want to hear most?
I would ask her how she can defend the fact that 13 people were killed in Afghanistan.
McLean, what do you want to hear most? I want to hear if you actually have a gun, what kind of gun do you have? How did you manage to get it through DC firearm rules? And then, why are you trying to take away everyone else’s guns?
Okay, let’s flip the tables. If Donald Trump are listening to you right now, can I get six or seven of you to tell me what you most want to hear from him if you are standing in front of him,
Jack, go ahead.
I would love for Trump to just put aside the BS obviously accept the results of the 2020, election. Move on. Have a forward looking mindset. Stop doing dwindling on the past focus on the issues that are most important to voters. He wins overwhelmingly with the economy and immigration. Yet last night, he actually spoke about abortion more or as much as the economy. So I’d love to for him to just set out his ideas and focus on his own strong Angela, what do you want to hear from Trump? What I want to hear from Trump is for him to stop talking about the the 2020, election, stop acting like January 6 was not like this little, small thing that happened. And I also want to know who the heck is running this campaign, because I just saw that Laura lumer was coming out of his plane, and I don’t want to psychopath around he comes president,
George. What do you want to hear from Trump? I want to hear who Trump’s surrounding himself and when he gets the Oval Office. Is it going to be these heritage project type people who have clearly shown they have negative policies, American people? Are they going to be more rfks, Tulsi gabbards, these more moderate leaning people who have sensible policies? Chris, I would ask a similar question. I would ask, Are are you going to fill your your administration with people who are completely bought into Maga, or are you going to fill it with people who know how to govern and put in effective conservative policy mark?
Um, I’d ask, if I give him some true sermon, I’d ask, Why are you running? Are you running because you genuinely care about your constituents? Are you running because you want to stay out of prison? Are you running to help billionaires? Are you running just out of personal pride, like, what is the real reason you’re running because I I just don’t believe he’s running for his constituents or for any of us,
when all 14 undecided voters agree.
That Kamala Harris won the debate, you’d expect them all to support her candidacy, but she still hasn’t given a number of them the information they want, the details they need, and a clear vision of America they deserve. And when most of these 14 voters complain that Donald Trump is actually even more frustrating to them than he has been yet half are still willing to consider voting for him. That in itself, explains why this election is just so close. We have more to explore, and that’s exactly what we will be doing in the weeks and months ahead. So on behalf of my friends here at America speaks only on straight aero news. Keep watching and keep listening. Goodbye for now you.
‘I’ve learned nothing’: Young undecided voters on debate, election
By Straight Arrow News
Only a small percentage of Americans who said they plan to vote in the November elections have not yet made up their minds up about who they’ll be voting for. However, at least in the Electoral College, the upcoming election is projected to be a tight race, and a small number of undecided voters in just a handful of states could make a difference.
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In this 40-minute episode of America Speaks, pollster and political analyst Dr. Frank Luntz interviews a group of young undecided American voters to understand what they care about, how they perceive the presidential debate, and what their concerns are as November approaches.
The most coveted voter right now is the undecided voter. They represent just 5% of the American population, and they are skeptical and cynical of both candidates, and that’s why this installment of America speaks is so special, we’ve returned to our discussion with 14 undecided voters aged 27 and younger, to see how the conventions, the interviews and the debates have impacted their vote. For the next 25 minutes, you’ll hear the good, the bad and the ugly from these essential voters as they process the information and make up their minds. What you’re about to hear will surprise you, but that’s exactly what we do right here on straight arrow news. So let’s get started.
Before I get to where you stand, I want to know where you sit. So give me one sentence to describe last night’s debate. First off, how many of you watched it? Raise your hands.
Okay, that’s not everybody. Or is that everybody? No, we got one person, actually. Aisha, did you watch it? Okay, so everyone watched it? Excellent. So one sentence to describe last night’s debate, Aisha, I’m gonna start with you.
Um, okay, for me, it was very eventful and chaotic, like, that’s how I would describe it. Jack,
uh, the moderators were the story.
Okay? Joseph, three on one.
I’ve heard that phrase before. Angelo, frustrating.
Chris, I
thought it was very one sided. Ben, I thought it was pretty substanceless. Pierce, oh, like I’ve learned nothing new.
it was chaotic.
McLean, a train wreck and an embarrassment. Abigail, the loser of the debate was our country.
Okay, I’m going to come back to you, Jasper. It
seemed like Eric was nervous and Trump was following her around.
Laura, or like culture, it was full of vagueness and lies.
Lillian, chaotic and frustrating. George, it’s just more of the same.
Okay. Abigail, you had the one, the response that I’m most interested in. Please tell me why you say that? Well, if a debate isn’t about answering questions where neither side answers a question directly, but it’s more about just attacking the other person as much as possible, how am I supposed to be an informed voter?
McLean, you’re nodding your head.
Both had, every time they were able to respond, they had two whole minutes, and somehow they filled those two minutes with a complete lack of substance
and just attacks on each other. And so, you know, me wanting to hear more about crime, or
I felt. I felt it was very frustrating. I don’t feel like I got anything from that debate. Both candidates are pretty uneager to answer any questions and just try to push it on to each other, rather than talk about their policies and what their plan was for the future. Does anyone here have a positive reaction to the debate last night? Anybody?
Let me try this again?
Is it really that bad?
Pierce? Why is it so bad? You just it’s very frustrating. And this was a chance for Kamala to kind of show us who she was, because nobody seems to know who she is. And I just feel like she failed. I feel like Trump looked weak. I’ve I’ve never seen him look like that before. I think the country lost overall. And it’s just deeply concerning that once again, we have these two choices after for a third election in a row, it’s the same bullshit mark. Are you that negative?
I’m not as negative as everybody. Everybody else is. I mean, you got from Trump, what you get from Trump and from Kamala, you didn’t get any policies, and you pretty much got just her pushing back on Trump, which is not something you see very often. So it wasn’t as negative as everybody else said, but it wasn’t very educational.
Okay, I gotta ask your question, is this politics at its best or politics at its worst?
Politics at its worst with with Kamala, every time she spoke, I felt like it was rehearsed. PR answer. She sometimes didn’t even answer the moderator’s question. She would just give what the debate prepped her for. And then with Trump, you know, once he gets flustered, he becomes out of control. Obviously, we saw it with him saying people were eating cats and dogs.
It and complaining to Kamala that she was wrongly accusing him of his rally sizes. So it was same old, same old, and that’s why our country’s in big trouble. What I remember most was that Kamala, like baited him and kind of dragged him around the stage, and he took the bait every single time. And it makes me nervous to have a leader like that in the Oval Office, because how can we trust that he’s going to have the self control to make enormous decisions if he can’t even control himself off debate stage? Who do you think won the debate last night? Kamala Harris or Donald Trump? Raise your hands if you think Harris won the debate.
One, two, raise it physically please. 34567, 345,
1314, Oh, my. It’s everyone.
Okay, let’s go tell me why anyone jump in now. I feel like, oh, go ahead, George. All right, thank you. I feel like Harris was just able to kind of get Trump at its worst, talking about all this little sound bits that everyone’s gotten so accustomed to over the last eight or so years. She was really able to play into that. Well, Trump really wasn’t able to press her as much as He probably wanted to on the policies and beliefs that so many Americans have
questions about. Harris was able to she was able to sidestep her what Trump should have hammered her on, I mean, just hammered her on immigration progressive policies. And she, I think was brilliant. I hate that she did it, but it was brilliant that she knew exactly what
what lever to pull to distract him from hammering her on her weakest points. And because of that, I think she won the debate
online. I don’t panic. Um, explain
Ben, um, I just thought, like her ability to, it essentially felt like she was driving the entire debate just because she was able to stay composed the whole time. Um, like she just kind of dictated his mood throughout the debate. And that stuck out to me because it made Trump seem like, you know, how are like? Are people just going to be dictating his views and his attitude if he is elected president again? Because she was so easy to get to him.
Two more of you. Why did Why do you feel Harris won? Actually, on you,
I quite frankly, think that Harris played it safe with her debate. She wasn’t giving answers of substance, and she’s basically regurgitating like all the previous comments. And because that, it came off like she was reading a flash card on the other side, Trump was all over the place, you know, poo COO for Cocoa Puffs. As someone said earlier, like he was bouncing off the walls with his remarks, they weren’t making sense. So in contrast to that, her remarks came off as really cool, calming and professional, while Trump looked like a hot head on stage.
I agree. I think that she ran kind of circles around Trump. I’ve never seen him like I said, Look, that week before, uh, maybe three on one had something to do with it. But also, I feel like Kamala the presidency doesn’t work out. She should get an Emmy for her performance, because it seemed like a pageant show for me. Um, it’s just the same old from empty promises and student loan, this free, this free that. So she just, she sounds great, but what the hell has she done for the past three and a half years? Is what I want
know Aisha. Um, I really have to agree. I think purely because Kamala was more calm and collected, and then I did get like more substance out of her like, from her policies about like for like, young families and small businesses. That is why I think she won the debate, and Trump was more of a hothead. Yeah, so he lost.
Okay, if Trump came to you and asked you for advice,
should he debate again? And what advice would you give him
So Angela, I’m going to start with you and then mark him going to you. Well, I would tell Trump, I think he should debate it again, but I would tell him to just shut the hell up and stop with the crazy remarks, especially when to the whole voter fraud crap that’s been going on for the past. Actually, I’ll even say this since 2016 when he lost against Ted Cruz in the Iowa primary caucus. It’s been going on for way too long, and so I would tell him to shut the hell up and stop talking about the damn 2020 election mark. Should he debate again? And what would be your advice? I’d say no, because everyone is always making excuses. Trump should debate, but not do this, not do that. This is just who Trump is. When you see him in public, when he gets pressed, this is who he is. You can’t say, do a debate and be different. This is who you are. So just take the Biden plan. Hide in the basement. Don’t show yourself. It was working for three years, and he was on troop social, not on Twitter. Nobody knew, but now that he’s back in the public eye, because he lost in 2020 because it was four years of chaos, he’s he went away for three years.
He was winning. Now he’s in the spotlight again. Now everybody sees how insane, how crazy is. You can’t hide that. That’s who you are. It’s your character. So it makes them great. For some people, when you got 81 million votes, so it makes them bad and why ultimately lost. To go back to what Mark said, I think he kind of hit the nail on the head too. I think the only reason, in my opinion, why I’m even interested in voting in Trump right now is because he was hiding in the basement for three and a half years. I didn’t hear from him, so I kind of forgot about all the craziness. Maybe it would be best for him just to keep hiding and not try to overcorrect this mistake. Well, you can’t
makes him sound human compared to Paris. That’s his, his like, his Achilles heel, but his only like selling point too. But you can’t hide in the basement as president, like that strategy for the last four years. And I mean,
I don’t think Trump’s capable of hiding in the basement. We see him always out and about at these rallies, you know, meeting with people, you know, he likes to be the big person in the room, so that he can’t even go after that strategy, because that would have him basically be irrelevant in the public. And with Trump, his ego is too big to allow that to happen. Okay, hold on one second, Patrick, I’m going to pull you in in one second, but I want to balance this. Should Kamala Harris debate, and what advice would you give her? If the answer is yes, anyone go ahead on that one?
I would say no.
What is what I mean? I think she clearly won the first debate. I know she maybe wants to do a second one, and maybe thinks that she’ll continue to hammer Trump. But, I mean, I think,
I think Trump knows he did badly, and I think he could get better advice. The question is, if he would choose to listen to it.
And so I think, how would it advantage Kamala to go again? She could lose she could do worse. The second time, she did phenomenally the first time, Abigail, what advice would you give and should you debate again? Well, doesn’t it? She doesn’t. She owe it to the American people to show us who she is, besides a sort of introductory speech, her speech at the convention was great, but now I know where she comes from. I do actually care about what you do for our country like I do actually care about what your plans are for education and foreign policy. And so
I might trust in her is still very, very low because she covered up Joe Biden’s age, and I’m still looking for how am I supposed to trust you again? And the only way that I can get to trust you is if you tell me what your actual plans are, besides a child tax credit, which was Trump’s idea in the first place, with a bunch of imaginary ideas about giving people a bunch of money that’s never going to fly. Like all of her policies that she actually states aren’t policies that we’re going to pass,
she doesn’t debate again. No, I don’t want you to be a strategist here. I want you to tell me what you want. Lily, more. Want to hear more from Yeah, and I think that, like as voters, we are owed that, because this is the only time that we’ve ever, like seen her, other than the DNC speech. And I’ve never voted Democrat. So other than being interested in, like, politics. Why would I watch the DNC? So I think that she owes it to the American people to be consistent.
George, from your perspective, do you want her to debate again? Yeah, I do. I don’t think we saw enough of her. You know, it’s she’s not transparent at all on her issues. And when she was asked about him, she just gave the cookie cutter, I think someone said note card answer earlier. I want to see what she’s about. She hasn’t given me any
of that. More from your perspective, should Harris debate again? And what advice would you give her? Um, I think she should debate again. I think, like everybody said, it was a good debate to attack Trump, but you need another debate. We’ve only seen you in the public once. Let’s really get some policy let’s really get more details of what you want to do. So I’d rather have a debate, no matter what Trump says, when you’re always going to say crazy stuff, give your message, what you actually stand for, what you actually mean. And if Trump does the same thing, you come out on top again. If he’s saying crazy stuff, and you’re actually given policy positions.
Angela hasn’t, haven’t. The two candidates said everything there is to say. I honestly, in my opinion, I feel I haven’t heard enough from Kamala Harris. I felt I just same with everyone says. I felt like she didn’t really answer, oh, the questions. And I still feel like she’s just not being truthful, like I just seem like I still seem like the flip flopping and just not being honest, even though he’s no longer on the ballot, President Joe Biden looms large over the 2024 election. So he asked our young voters what they thought of his presidency and whether Kamala.
HARRIS should actively want more closely to him or distance themselves from him. The answer may surprise you. We haven’t mentioned Joe Biden.
Do you want would you want Harris to emphasize her similarities or her differences from the former president by hands, and now this is physical. Who would rather have her separate herself from Joe Biden? Raise your hands. 2467,
who would rather be similar than she emphasizes or similarities to Joe Biden? 123,
I guess the rest of you on this four, and the rest of you undecided. Okay, for the two of you who think that the she should emphasize her differences, tell me why
I think that she should emphasize her differences, because I already know Joe Biden. I don’t know Harris, and I’m going to assume that she’s going to run her campaign similar to Biden, until she disproves that for me and demonstrates how she’s different than Biden. Trump made a comment about how she copied Biden’s health care plan. It’s like it was like four sentences like, run, Spot Run. That was another memorable comment that he made. So I need her to differentiate herself from him for me to vote for her.
Well, says differential.
I think she should totally differentiate herself. For Biden, she’s a new candidate, she said in all the stuff she’s going to do after being vice president for four years. So she has to put forward new ideas. As a result. You can’t just click a copy and paste from the body 2020 playbook to put into the Harris 2024 playbook, as it’s already been mentioned. We’re living in a very different time economically, in terms of national security, et cetera. So she should totally differentiate herself from Biden. If she doesn’t, I think she may lose to Trump.
I also hope she separates, mainly because I hope she has the kind of mental acuity to understand that some of the things that hurt and Biden have done are wrong, and to instead of just understand like, Oh, we did that, and let’s try and pretend we didn’t actually recognize that they’ve done some things wrong, and try and move in a different direction.
Now two people who say she should emphasize your similarities. I think she used to show that she’s not radical. And I don’t think Biden’s perceived as radical.
You know, he, maybe he is in some ways, but, or maybe even in many ways, but I think he, at least he comes off to be somewhat moderate. And I think Kamala, to me, struggles with coming off as remotely moderate mark. Why should she stress her similarities? Uh, binds. It a little bit different. It’s not believable if she differentiates, to me, because she ran as a progressive in 2020 and now in 2024 she’s been her, she’s been his VP for four years. So if you’re trying to differentiate, I don’t personally find it believable, considering for three, four years, she defended everything Biden did, anytime you’re in public, is Joe Biden’s great all this and that. So for me, if she differentiates, it makes me feel more like she’s lying and deceiving and not telling the truth.
Okay, Aisha, should she emphasize her differences or her similarities? Um, I feel like I agree with Mike here because, like, a lot of her policies are very similar to Biden’s, but Biden was, like, not mentally there. So if she shows herself as someone like Biden, but like, more mentally stable and stronger, she could win more of the American population. We started with you all right, after the Republican Convention, there’s been a lot of key moments since then. Give me a sentence, but only one sentence to describe the 2024 election.
Your attitudes to it, attitudes, your experiences. How would you explain it? In a sense, Joseph, you go first. Let’s try again in 2028
it’s been full of twists and turns in and I still don’t know where I’m going to go. Jack,
feels like something out of this, out of a dysphopian movie. And hope we have better options in 2028
I’ve been paying attention, and I still don’t know what’s going on.
uninspiring and negative. Pierce, it’s been chaotic and crazy and probably the most historic election we’ll remember for the rest of our lives.
And Chris,
this was going to be the most consequential election of our lifetime.
As the host of America speaks, I listen carefully when my participants express something that is either negative or disconcerting.
It, and when they were asked to describe either Donald Trump or Kamala Harris or even in general, what they think about this election, it’s downright depressing. I want you to hear what I hear, because it may depress you too. Give me a word or phrase to describe Kamala Harris. Jack, I’ll start with you.
Political. PR Joseph,
Angelo, confident, confident mark, politician, Pierce, Hone, being terrifying. Lillian, liar, George rehearsed. Aisha flip flopper. McLean, one word or phrase to describe Kamala Harris, insincere and shallow. Abigail run, Scott run,
an empty suit.
Ben all over the place, Laura, actress, Chris, vibes, candidate
from when we first talked until now. How many of you would say your opinion of Kamala Harris has improved? Raise your hands
again. I gotta count them. 123456,
who would say your opinion about her has gotten worse?
Hands up if they got worse. 12346,
to four.
Can two of you tell me why it’s deteriorated, and then I’m gonna ask two of you to tell me why it’s better. Let’s start with a negative. Two of you, why has it gotten worse? I can go, um, I feel like when we first talked, I was pretty ambivalent about Kamala Harris because I didn’t know much about her, but the more she talks, the less I like her, and also the more holes in the story I see. And even last night, there were things that she said, Oh, I didn’t vote against that I’ve always, you know, protected whatever. And I’m like, I I know that that’s not true. So I think that, you know, that’s why it’s gotten more negative. One more from more negative. I think he’s gotten more negative, personally, because I’ve seen more of her now a little bit I think that she really needed to show up to that CNN interview without Tim olsburger side to me, that was it just looked like she needed a chaperone. And we’re used to seeing Biden needing a chaperone.
Okay, now why positive? So you said your opinion of her has gotten better since we first talked to you. Tell me why.
I mean, we started off with from what I would view as a blank slate, I didn’t know anything about her, except for the fact that she’s associated with Biden. So I actually feel like she’s grown and has improved public speaking abilities from I saw from when I first saw her till now, I have seen her, you know, embrace that prosecutor side and deliver really effective speeches. Okay, one more why? Why more positive? Um, I would say my opinion of her has gotten more positive, mainly because she did bring up some policies she will enact when she becomes president, like lifting up young American families and small businesses. I don’t know over there she’s actually going to fulfill those promises, but I think because of that, it’s more positive.
Okay, let’s go to Donald Trump.
First. Give me a word or phrase, and let’s focus on now. Give me a word or phrase to describe Donald Trump. Now, Aisha, I’m going to start with you.
I would say haunted. Lillian, undisciplined. Laura, stable.
Say it again. Sorry. Unstable. Jasper,
kind of selfishly hysterical.
Chris, unviable candidate. Abigail, unfocused. McLean,
lacking character and discipline. Ben, further deteriorating.
Pierce, unhinged and needs a Xanax.
So do I? Mark?
Mark, Oh, me, oh, um, a joke.
Angelo, pathetic. Joseph, spiraling Jack, unfocused, okay. Show of hands. Donald Trump, better in the last few weeks or worse in the last few weeks. Who says your opinion of him is better in the last few weeks? Raise your hands.
Who says it’s worse.
1011, 12.
Okay, I’m just going to focus on those who say worse. Give me three of you.
Is why so negative?
We saw him in the debate, and he looks pretty weak next to Kamala Harris, who’s someone who’s historically not been able to perform well and to pay it all together, and next to Kamala Harris, you know, these are people are gonna be after negotiating super important deals with other countries, and Trump just looked absolutely dominated by someone who’s been super weak in the past, and that’s honestly a shock compared to what we’ve seen in the past two more. See, I don’t make I want to push back. I don’t actually think he looked weak. I thought he looked so immature. That’s the problem. He was not able to not let himself be baited, and so he looked strong, and he’s like a big enough guy, and projects, you know, bravado. But when it comes to actually being able to rein his emotions in, he’s just completely incapable of doing so, yeah, and also, but that is weakness. I mean, not being able to control your emotion, that’s weak. That’s not what we wanted. A leader, my opinion, to him already, was that as low as it could possibly and I think just seeing him more in the public eye and seeing him against somebody, Joe Biden was like, his brain’s not there. He’s he’s gone and seeing him against somebody that’s just a normal politician, not a great politician, a very average politician. That, let’s not forget, in 2020 she didn’t make it to Super Tuesday, she got nowhere and to see her just mop the floor with them. That’s pretty sad. Do you really want that, as a leader of the country, that if someone personally attacks him, he melts down. Imagine when he’s negotiating with world leaders that are way better, way better leaders, way better politics, how they can manipulate him in those closed doors meetings. That’s honestly scary to see, that Kamala Harris can do that. What a real politician and what a real country leader could do to him. I’m going to take a play from McLean, and I’m going to push back just a little bit on that. I do hear what you’re saying. I do respect it 100% but we have seen when he does negotiate, sending showing a picture of the Taliban leader, Abdul’s house, pushing back, getting almost out of NATO and getting more funding when he is tasked at hand with like he created peace in the Middle East as well. That was unheard of. Everybody said he was going to start wars. He didn’t. So I have seen him when he negotiates, and that’s why he is we use and so He does have a record. Kamala, on the other hand, she got 13 people killed in Afghanistan because of her weak negotiations. In my opinion,
I could not believe yesterday that Kamala Harris basically went up there and said that with the Afghanistan withdrawal, that all that everything Biden did was great. I was stunned that there was no remorse or anything, that she just went up there and said, everything went really well. Again, lack of accountability with this administration and politicians in general is just astoundingly and it makes me really angry Well, when I was even more astounded that there was no fact check on it for her exactly
did I mean, I don’t know if I was the only one that saw this, but I saw a tweet from Donald Trump three days ago threatening to lock up people that engage in voter fraud and that are basically dissidents of his beliefs. I mean, when I read that like cease and desist tweet, I think it was titled like that was just disgusting to me. That was so abhorrent that a major US political figure would tweet that. And you know, as a Republican, the fact that that is the face of my party right now, it just makes me incredibly sad. I think that a lot of the reason why we’re here is because of Trump’s past, and what he showed the debate is that he hasn’t moved on from it, so it’s hard for us to vote for him when we see you so hung up. Won’t happen. Before you’ve heard what they think about the candidates and what they think about the election, now it’s time for them to make a decision. Do they support Trump? Do they support Harris? Will they write in somebody else, or will they not even vote? And here we go.
Several weeks ago, all of you are undecided. Let’s find out where you stand. You’ve seen the Democratic Convention, you’ve seen the CNN interview, and last night you saw the debate. Where are you now? Trump Harris or undecided? And give me a sentence. Why Pierce? I’m going to start with you
today. If the election was held Trump, because the four years under him were a lot better than the four years I’m living in now. Jasper,
um, I’m actually leaning towards voting for Trump, just because that’s the only thing I feel I can do while living in an extremely blue area to show that I’m
the American. People are not putting up with this. Aisha.
I’m leaning towards Kamala, because I know she has to give an exemplary performance as president now so she can win again in 2028
Lillian, i.
I think that I would probably vote for Trump, and I honestly can’t tell you why, other than I’ve voted Republican my entire life,
I’m leaning towards Trump just because his policy is on economic deregulation. Just
better for everyone. Honestly, Mark
undecided, just because my deal breaker was situation in Gaza and 30,000 Palestinians have been killed, and no candidate has either plan at all to do anything about it. Laura,
I’m leaning towards Harris because I feel like she’s entering into her political prime while Trump still can’t forget the past.
I’m truly still undecided. I think Harris is too radical, but Trump continues to show me so many deep causes for concern between character, temperament
and overall well being
Trump, because his administration has already done good things,
leaning towards right in because I just don’t want to feel personally responsible for whatever happens, and I don’t believe my one vote will make a difference, even in the swim state. Chris,
I’m leaning Harris, because this is not who the Republican Party or conservatism should be. And we can reset in 2028 to get Harris out of office.
Angelo, I’m gonna have to go with Kamala Harris, just because I feel as if she is a leader who can maybe try and unite the country. While with Trump, we’ve seen he just does not want to unite. And he had that chance and the opportunity after the assassination attempt, but he still continued with this divisive nature. And I just I have to go with Harris, Joseph, I’m truly undecided, because we haven’t. We’ve heard plans, but we haven’t heard action steps for how either candidate is going to make my everyday life better.
And Jack,
I’m leaning towards writing in Mike Bloomberg. You know, I liked some of Trump’s policies, especially during his first three years, but as we’ve seen over the last few weeks Trump, when he’s Trump, He’s flustered, he’s out of control. And then with Harris, I think she’s a very inauthentic phony. And again, as someone that is a Democrat, registered vote order,
I just, I don’t like appointing a nominee without a vote.
How many of you like both candidates? That you have a basically favorable point of view, but you just can’t decide. Raise your hands.
I see zero hands going up. How many of you dislike both candidates and you can’t figure out who’s worse? On 2345,
13 out of 14. And I note how many people put up two hands
really hated. What does this say about imagine
it’s too hard to run for president. There are so many people that could be president that are just not heard from, and we’re stuck with these two people. We need to go. It’s the progressives fault. They they they dragged Mitt Romney on and John McCain through the mud. Okay, saying horrible things about them. So what else? What else is the is the right going to do? But if you keep crying wolf over and over, eventually you’re going to get a wolf in the party.
We need a moderate party. I think, unfortunately, the two party system is failing. We need like an independent, moderate party, bipartisan, some moderate republican, some moderate debtor, has to come together and put together a nominee that they
feel is best for the country, because the two party system is broken right now, and it’s only getting worse with the divisiveness in Congress and then in America in general, it really, the whole situation almost makes me wonder, like, Are Americans stupid? Like, we really, like, people actually have to go out and vote for this. Like, millions of people voted for Trump in the primary, and I don’t think he’s a very good person. Like, really this?
I think it shows the state of the country. I mean, it shows why we’re getting our ass kicked in education across the globe, while we’re falling behind on economically across the globe. I mean, it just shows military. I don’t think it’s as strong as it was before. I just I feel like this is the prime example once again, for the third election in the row, we have these clown clowns running for president on both sides. They have sucked for the past three years, I’m like, you mentioned earlier, where we like both candidates, that would have been Obama and McCain. That will never happen again with the polarization of this country. We’ll never have another election, in my opinion, where we will like both candidates. You’re just like, I feel like our country has been through so much worse, and we are just so living in the moment that.
You know, we forget that, you know, Charles Sumner was caned on the floor of the, you know, in Congress. So, like, I mean, we have been in worse shape before, but it’s up to our generation to kind of dig us out of this rut that we’re currently in. It’s also the presidential election is a little over hyped, like Congress does, way more for the American people. Local elections are way more important ballot measures. States are voting on abortion rights this November. Like, I mean, yeah, the president matters, but we’ll still be here in 2028 but the lower offices almost matter more to me. That’s that’s kind of what these last couple elections have made me realize we have to get involved in local elections. We have to get involved and say things can get better. You don’t have to choose these two candidates. You do have a voice, like the same thing with Joe Biden. Joe Biden was so bad, and people spoke out so much, they just flat out replaced them. They just replaced them. We can do better. I mean, we didn’t get better with Kamala, but it shows that we can do we can’t have change.
I feel like we just, like Mark said, We need to get more people to vote like my students. They ask me all the time, you know, Mr. So and So, who are you voting for? And I tell them, it doesn’t matter who I’m voting for. What matters is that I’m voting. And I think that that message needs to be spread like it. You don’t have to force somebody, polarize somebody to vote for a candidate be involved in the democratic process, because without democratic process, we are not America Isha, what do you want to hear from Harris? Um, I want her to tell me exactly how she will fix this country’s inflation problem.
Ben, what do you hold on? Hold on, actually, but she said that didn’t she.
She was kind of vague about it, and I didn’t get much from her as a tote to
Ben, what do
you want to hear from I wanted to explain all the flip flopping. I mean, I grew up in California. She was my US senator. She was the most liberal US senator, and now she’s trying to run as a moderate and flip flopping on all these issues. I understand that someone can flip flop over a decade or two, but over four years, I just don’t get it. So I want her to explain those decisions and not give the answer. Oh, because politically convenient piers, what do you want to hear from her most? I would like same answer. I would have like an answer on the flip flopping. There was a statement. There is no question. I’m in favor of banning fracking. Now she said, I’ve never said that. I mean, it’s the same thing that Trump does, just own it. I just wish one of these candidates would own it. Laura,
what do you want to hear most?
I would ask her how she can defend the fact that 13 people were killed in Afghanistan.
McLean, what do you want to hear most? I want to hear if you actually have a gun, what kind of gun do you have? How did you manage to get it through DC firearm rules? And then, why are you trying to take away everyone else’s guns?
Okay, let’s flip the tables. If Donald Trump are listening to you right now, can I get six or seven of you to tell me what you most want to hear from him if you are standing in front of him,
Jack, go ahead.
I would love for Trump to just put aside the BS obviously accept the results of the 2020, election. Move on. Have a forward looking mindset. Stop doing dwindling on the past focus on the issues that are most important to voters. He wins overwhelmingly with the economy and immigration. Yet last night, he actually spoke about abortion more or as much as the economy. So I’d love to for him to just set out his ideas and focus on his own strong Angela, what do you want to hear from Trump? What I want to hear from Trump is for him to stop talking about the the 2020, election, stop acting like January 6 was not like this little, small thing that happened. And I also want to know who the heck is running this campaign, because I just saw that Laura lumer was coming out of his plane, and I don’t want to psychopath around he comes president,
George. What do you want to hear from Trump? I want to hear who Trump’s surrounding himself and when he gets the Oval Office. Is it going to be these heritage project type people who have clearly shown they have negative policies, American people? Are they going to be more rfks, Tulsi gabbards, these more moderate leaning people who have sensible policies? Chris, I would ask a similar question. I would ask, Are are you going to fill your your administration with people who are completely bought into Maga, or are you going to fill it with people who know how to govern and put in effective conservative policy mark?
Um, I’d ask, if I give him some true sermon, I’d ask, Why are you running? Are you running because you genuinely care about your constituents? Are you running because you want to stay out of prison? Are you running to help billionaires? Are you running just out of personal pride, like, what is the real reason you’re running because I I just don’t believe he’s running for his constituents or for any of us,
when all 14 undecided voters agree.
That Kamala Harris won the debate, you’d expect them all to support her candidacy, but she still hasn’t given a number of them the information they want, the details they need, and a clear vision of America they deserve. And when most of these 14 voters complain that Donald Trump is actually even more frustrating to them than he has been yet half are still willing to consider voting for him. That in itself, explains why this election is just so close. We have more to explore, and that’s exactly what we will be doing in the weeks and months ahead. So on behalf of my friends here at America speaks only on straight aero news. Keep watching and keep listening. Goodbye for now you.
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