With the first Republican presidential debate upon us, the 2024 election campaign has truly begun. Former President Donald Trump has a massive lead with some polls putting him at or near 50% more than all of his competitors combined. To put this in perspective, no candidate in modern times has ever had such a significant lead, and then failed to win their party’s nomination. I’m Dr. Frank Luntz, your host here at American speaks. We thought this was the perfect time to take the temperature of grassroots Republicans, all of them undecided at this critical juncture. You’re going to hear from all the major candidates Donald Trump, Ron DeSantis, Tim Scott, Nikki Haley, Mike Pence, the veck Ramaswamy, and Chris Christie, The Good, the Bad, and the things you won’t see or hear anywhere else, other than right here on straight arrow news. First, I asked our panel, what would be the deciding factor in their presidential preference? Let’s see if their answers match yours. Yeah, from the start with you.
Jeff, can you tell me what is the most important deciding factor in your choice for Republican nominee? That’s going to be the economy. But by far, but be specific? What do you mean by the economy? Well, you know, with you, I’ve got a young family trying to raise the family and with the prices that are going up with inflation between gas and everything else, and insurance, you know, just it starts to stifle what you can provide for your family. And it also makes you start looking outside for extra work, which takes time away from the family. And I think that, you know, that’s, that’s just, you know, we need to get back to focusing on the economy and growing our economy and getting the inflation thing under control. Okay.
the one thing that I’m going to be looking at is border security. And my reason for that is because I feel that that covers so many issues. With with the border wide open, it’s it is affecting, you know, our economy, it’s affecting
our ability to help our own people, where all these the money and everything is going towards the illegals. And we’re who knows who’s coming through the border, as far as you know, folks, folks that want to take our country down. So border security is my number one issue. Kirk, the number one issue in the Republican primaries, the number one bank factor, what is it for you think someone who’s not going to be a catastrophic extremist and scare 60 of the country to vote for Joe Biden, Jennifer? I would say I’m
just the criminal system i are, how they deal with criminals. Because I live in Louisiana and close to New Orleans, we always go there and the crime rate in New Orleans, it’s out of control. Right now, people are scared to just even go there.
Michael from North Carolina, gotta get the fiscal house in order entitlements. We’re going to be running out of funding during the next during the next term. And it’s got to be addressed. Oh, illegal immigration.
And this BS, a so called asylum.
I think the that problem is so far reaching impacts the economy and every other so many things throughout our, or our economy. And I don’t even know where to stop. That’s illegals. We need to, we need to shut down the borders and shut down asylum, the so called asylum. Okay. trumaine.
Honestly, live in a state that for the last 60 days has had temperatures above 100 degrees and how climate change is its effect on the economy and health care for me.
barely breathe here. And I’m out of my house tonight because
the grid went down. So how we’re addressing infrastructure
and its relationship to the economy. Eddie, what’s your number one deciding factor?
I want to see somebody who can demonstrate leadership and take a step at reducing some of the polarity. That’s in the in the electorate. We got to win this election. I am sure that all of these candidates are better than Joe Biden. Every single one of these Republican candidates are better than Joe Biden. I want to see somebody who can lead the people in the middle and attract them, to vote for them. And somebody who will get to Washington and understand the task at hand and have a plan to make things
little bit better fourth, one more general general question then we’re going to get to to Trump.
If the candidates were listening to this interview right now, what would you tell them about the upcoming campaign? If they’re listening, if all 10 of them are listening to your conversation, what would you tell them? Anybody.
I went to sleep to settle
So after Trump,
they need to they need to be stronger and not be afraid of alienating people that are questioning his integrity and his loyalty to the party and to our country. He they need to come out strong on the economy and be going after women’s vote. We can see after Ohio, that how important the women are going to be in this election and they cannot keep taking a tiptoe around the issues.
Point they need to all come out much stronger Miko from North Carolina, and then Tremaine from Texas. I see you now. Yeah, I think I think Eddie and Pamela right. I mean, we gotta we gotta pull people in to vote Republican and not alienate voters, he can’t gotta win to make any of these issues. Issues work.
I think everyone has kind of said it’s the alienation of the voters, and
we can’t just go after Republican voters, you can’t it just if you really want to
get into office, and you really want to affect change, you’re gonna pull people in, who don’t necessarily agree with you etiology. But they agree with you on some of the issues. And that you you make you stand on the issues. Rach, I see you’re nodding your head against some some of this. Well, some of it. Yes. I mean, I agree with we need to expand the party, we need to bring in other people, we need to have people feel included. I have 100% agree with that. I totally disagree with the go after Donald Trump.
I want to hear what you’re for. Not what’s wrong with the other guy. Tell me what you’re going to do, how you’re going to do it. Not? What’s wrong with Mike Pence, or Donald Trump or Nikki Haley or Tim Scott or anybody else.
Because that’s what’s going to allow us to expand the party is to know what people are for not fight amongst each other. I believe in Ronald Reagan’s thing of don’t speak ill of another Republican. Okay. Now, let’s hear from about the candidates themselves. First up front runner, Donald Trump, most of the panel clearly love his policies, but his personality, that’s a different matter. Let’s listen. My mission is to rescue hardworking families from the nightmare of Biden nomics and restore the American Dream, something you don’t hear too much about anymore. And that’s going to be restored for you. And for everyone you love. under my leadership, household net worth rose to an all time high. And the African American, Hispanic American, Asian American poverty rates hit an all time low. We built the greatest economy in the history of the world. And when I’m reelected, we will quickly do that, again. No administration in modern times is matched the power of our America first economic formula, they never even came close. We had low taxes, low regulations, low inflation, maximum American energy production, we were energy independent, and fair and reciprocal trade. Under Trump. Every policy is about making life better and more affordable for hardworking American families. Okay, let’s get a reaction to that. Anybody?
Yeah. Okay. That’s, that’s what he needs to do. He needs his standpoint. He needs to remember the good things that happen, how the economy was great. And he needs to keep a positive on everything he says.
Somebody else? Ga, yeah, he needs to stick to a viable points and try to avoid, you know, saying everything’s perfect and great because it’s not, no matter how good everything is just
an even keel type of making his points. That’s what he should do. First thing I want to say is I’ll applaud him for what he just said and for his policy. The problem that I have is he didn’t make them permanent. There was too many executive orders which are overturned like that by the next administration. So I wanted to know why would the next go around be any different than that?
I mean, energy and energy independence household well
out there great, but I mean, in all honesty, he can’t win. I don’t see any way he’s gonna pull independence. I just it’s it’s all BS to me. And when he started stomping the greatest economy ever, that’s BS. I mean, it was a good economy. But, I mean, people are gonna see right through that any kind of independent is just going to turn it right off.
Like I liked what I heard. I liked that he I like him a little bit better when he adds some humor and he gets people laughing. In that specific clip he looked.
I don’t I can’t even quite put a finger on it. But he looked almost like he was trying to be somebody different.
And I don’t know if it’s because of all these indictments. And, you know, I don’t I don’t know what that’s doing to him as far as personality wise. But but, you know, I did like that he was focused on the issues they are and wasn’t going off on a tangent. I mean, we all don’t like Biden, but he wasn’t going off on that tangent. He was on focus. That’s positive. Okay. You got one more Donald Trump clip, Danny, let’s roll it. The latest morning console poll has as far ahead we’re at 59% and the others are at like 12 one is at 12 I think that’s the sanctimonious but he’s rapidly being caught by Ramage Swami. Who’s good. No, no, Christie is he’s eating right now. He can’t be
Sir, please do not call him a fat pig. That’s very disrespect. Don’t call him.
See, I’m I’m trying to be nice. Don’t call him a fat pig. You can’t.
He can’t do that.
So now because you’re not allowed to do that, and therefore we’re not going to do it. Okay. We want to be very civil. Right. Okay. That’s not going to help him.
He’s not angry.
No comment. That’s not gonna go. I liked him up until the point that he made that fat comment. I liked his demeanor. He seemed more relaxed in that video than he was. And he seemed more Trump in that video than he was in the first one. He seemed too stiff. But once he starts going down that road, with those with those inappropriate I mean, it’s just inappropriate. It that turns me off and and I have to get my mind straight because that tends to negate mitigate or not. What’s the word I’m looking for? It tends
to eliminate all the good things he does just gets pushed to the back. And then that’s all I can see. And it makes me It disgusts me. Because there’s no need for it. Well, first of all, with with the state of our country, I don’t really want to see a candidate try their hand at stand up comedy. I’d rather go see a comedian of my own choice. I don’t like his humor. I don’t really have anything flattering to say about Donald Trump. Aside from his policies, I think he’s a political vampire. And I know that’s very strong language. But when Donald Trump is in the room, he sucks the air out of the room and
overshadows everybody else. And And yet, we have a wealth of qualified, articulate candidates whose messages we may not hear because of Donald Trump’s verb.
verbosity, they if that’s even a word.
Not a fan. I mean, I voted for him.
But I wouldn’t again, my goal
this month Trump reminds me of he’s he’s eases toxic is Hillary Clinton was
in 2016 Sif teases toxic to the Republican Party, he can remind me about the Bobby Knight of politics with his, you know, just deciding anything in his sound bites. I mean, he doesn’t think things through these just shut up sometimes. Will someone defend Trump please
stay like him because he always speaks the truth. And just because people don’t like the way he says it. Everybody is so sensitive in the US. And even like I’m supposed to leave because he calls somebody family. People are affecting cool, in fact, just say the truth in some way. He is funny. He is funny.
In some ways, I mean, it cracks me up when he says that stuff, because I’m just like, I can’t believe I just heard him say that. But it cracks me up and I know that appeals to a certain demographic, where, like some of the others have said where Hey, he’s just speaking his mind whether he should be
He’s saying it or not, is a different matter. But he’s he’s speaking his mind. And that’s one of the problems with a lot of the other candidates is that they’re too. In some ways they’re not. They’re too guarded next Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. Overall a favorable reaction, particularly in regard to his focus on the future, rather than arguing about the past, let’s go to the number two person in the surveys. Ron DeSantis. Let’s take a look. And we’re going to show you two clips from him. If the election is a referendum on Joe Biden’s policies and the failures that we’ve seen, and we are presenting a positive vision for the future, we will win the presidency, and we will have a chance to turn the country around if on the other hand, the election is not about January 20 2025, but January 6 2021, or what document was left by the toilet at Mar a Lago? If it’s a referendum on that we are going to lose matches to reality. So you know, with Trump in the race, that is largely what it’s going to be about and right now fighting
against that’s not a that’s not a pathway for success for the Republican Party. I think a lot of our voters understand that. Okay. By the way, you can give me general reactions, you can react to the video, but I want to know what you all think of Rhonda Santa Sandra, I’m gonna start with you. Yeah, in that clip, he did excellent. He held his ground. He wasn’t throwing punches. He didn’t make it about Donald Trump. He made it about the Republican Party and unity and getting stuff done like that. AMA.
Santas is right. And Trump is making it all about himself in his Vendetta. And the problem is the media is going along with it, to ensure that Trump is the nominee.
Jennifer, I was just gonna say that, um, I feel like he, he stands firm in what he believes and that, um, you know, even if it isn’t the most popular
answer, he still goes with it.
Josie and then Kirk,
I like to Santas. I like him a lot.
His The proof is in his state.
He was he’s an excellent governor. And I last year, I was saying I wish it would have been trump the Santas ticket, because I think that would have solved that solves so many problems.
Our community? I mean, he’s eloquent. He’s right. But you know, I saw the other film on there. I mean, it’s, you know, talking about January 6 is terrible. But if you push that out and replace it with something even worse, like banning abortion, I mean, let’s get it even worse.
Eddie, go ahead. He has his record in Florida, which is good.
And he’s right for the Republican Party to go forward, the best thing we can do is leave January 6 2020. Behind. And with any of these other candidates besides Trump, we can do that.
Okay, let’s show you one more video from him.
And I’ll get reaction. So would you veto any sort of federal bill that tries to put a nationwide ban in place, so we will be a pro life president and we will support pro life policies. I would not allow what a lot of the left wants to do, which is to override pro life protections throughout the country all the way up really until the moment of birth in some instances, which I think is infanticide. I gotta push back on you on that. Because that that’s a misrepresentation of what’s happening. I mean, that 1.3% of abortions happen at 21 weeks or higher, and there’s no evidence of Democrats pushing for but their view is till your view is is that all the way up into that yet there should not be any legal protections, there is no indication of Democrats pushing. Okay, so this is what happens when you’ve got a interviewer that is far left. Here in New Mexico. It’s exactly like one of the Santa says they are doing abortions up to birth. It has about 1.3% And he’s got to stand strong. Every Republicans has to stand a strong on pro life because the left will butcher babies all the way up until birth as long as they can. And they’re pushing it here. They’re trying to put abortion clinic on every street. It’s horrible. Okay. i Yeah, I think the biggest issue that happened with abortion is the overturn of Roe v. Wade, which didn’t ban abortions. It just threw it back to the States. And this is a very polarizing issue. Our candidates job is to win the election. You do not win it by polarizing it with pro life and pro choice. Leave that to the state tried to talk about your over leaders overall leadership of the country.
Armand, I want you to jump in here. Yeah, I agree. I just I mean, I don’t like this this issue because it is so polarizing. And I think, you know, I think there’s a winning piece in the middle, that’s either just throw it back to the states, the states issue and let’s handle it. But I do think that six weeks like in Florida, that’s just really, really tight. A lot of women don’t know if they’re pregnant. And that’s just does not feel like it’s gonna sustain. Pam, another Sima Fornia.
This is a toxic issue for many Republicans. And I think Ohio shows that most of the country is where Europe is, we’re there in the middle. Even though California has been extremely, we have, you know, a legislator that keeps passing, you know, bills that the majority of the state don’t even agree with. But on this issue, the Republicans need to understand the other side. And we need to be the party that is not forcing our views, whatever they are down everyone’s throat. We’ve been having that the last two years. We understand that. And we turn to South Carolina Senator Tim Scott, his life story and his communication capabilities. Both received very high marks, the only concern his governing experience. I wanted you Tim Scott now.
So, Danny, let’s pull up from Scott, people are hungry for something hopeful and optimistic. I believe America could do for anyone, but she’s done. For me. Restoring Hope creating opportunities, and defending and protecting the America that we love is such an important combination, especially when think about restoring hope. I’m a kid that grew up in a single parent household mired in poverty. By the time I was in the fourth grade, I went to four different elementary schools. As a freshman in high school, I fell for subjects. And so I understand and appreciate the importance of hope. One of the ways that we can restore hope in this country is to focus on our education system. We didn’t have too many kids in poor zip codes trapped in failing schools, I want parents to have a choice of kids have a bigger chance, if we focus on those issues.
67% of Democrats, 68% of independents 70% of Republicans 72% of African Americans, 66% of Hispanics all agree of some form of school choice, because at the end of the day, my Mama loves her child more than she does Republicans or Democrats. So the real combination is can we find a way to make America better by having every child in every zip code have quality education, I think that he has the moral integrity, integrity that we’re looking for. You know, I like him as a person. I like, you know, his his moral standings. And I think that’s what the country’s got to come back to moral compass. And he’s, I like his message. But I, I wish I would hear more of a policy.
More about his policies in terms of the economy,
inflation, stuff like that. I think he’s, I think he’s very positive. I think he’s a great
speaker, but I need to know a little more about what he’s going to do with the economy, energy.
That stuff.
Michael, I liked it. I liked the positivity. I think schools are really important. I just think, you know, we’re gonna have our 200 and 50th anniversary as a country in three years, and having something that brings us together and having somebody who can draw that draw us together is really crucial right now.
I think he would crush Biden. And everybody knew, I think he would draw a rally of support that we haven’t seen probably in well, maybe. I don’t even know how long but a long time,
Eddie? Yeah, I’m gonna echo what Paul just said, you know, I mean, put that that optimism, the word opportunity and hope and and just look at the body language, listen to the voice and put that against, you know, senile Joe, we got a chance if that’s our if that’s, if that’s who’s on the ballot. If he if it’s that candidate, and phenol do we got a chance, folks? Much better chance than if it’s Donald Trump and Joe? I liked him, Scott, but I think the problem I have with him is that he doesn’t have governing or managerial or military experience. He has policy background and not huge ones have at that. And he’s got a great story personal, is very likable and down to earth. But we need someone who can actually govern as well. Next up veck Ramaswamy. Our panel knew less about him than the other candidates going into our session. But the more they learned, the more they liked. Let’s listen. Let’s see how you react to that. What do I want to tell you all when I’m leaving the White House
I want to tell you that once again, in the United States of America, we again have three branches coequal branches of government, not for that we shut down the unconstitutional administrative state.
I want to tell you in January 2033, that we as Americans are no longer dependent on our enemy, Communist China for our modern way of life. That is not a nation.
I want to tell you in January 2033, that American Exceptionalism is alive and well that our economy is growing at the fastest rate of any nation in the developed world. Once again, I want to tell you in January 2033, most importantly, of all, the young Americans,
all Americans,
we are once again,
proud to be citizens of this nation.
Yes, yes, go. When I when I answered the questionnaire for coming on. This evening, I put him down as my number three choice. The more I hear from him, the more I like him, he’s focused. He, he knows how to speak and he just, he’s he, I feel confident could bring America back to where we need to be.
Nice. He’s a dream candidate. He’s got the presence, he’s articulate. He tells you what his policies are going to be. I expect that he’s going to be able to deliver on those results. I like it.
Michael, he’s a jerk. I can’t stand this guy. I don’t understand why he’s running. And I can’t stand the fact that as a conservative as a Republican, he wants to require some civics exam to be able to vote if you’re under 25. Well, right now, who would be administrating that civics exam? It would be Joe Biden. What the hell idea is that? It Guys, I’m just a waste of time.
Vivec has the passion and the energy that the other candidates need. He is articulate.
I don’t agree with everything. He says he has some offshoots. Sometimes he’s faltered. But he is out there and pushing the boundaries.
he has great talking points. He do well in a TED presentation, but he doesn’t have the political savvy, unfortunately.
Tremendous. I agree. Sounds good. He looks good. But I just don’t think he has the political savvy to pull it off. He’s a self made billionaire that came to this country with nothing. I think that what he’s doing with his passion is grabbing a hold of young people
who want the same thing. And I think if there’s anyone out there any candidate that underestimates them, it’s in their, their, to their loss. And I think they would be right to,
you know, take on some of his his tactics. I think he could be a very good leader, though, he probably had to get mugged by reality a few times first.
But he’s clearly smart. Right? Former Vice President Mike Pence was next, it’s pretty clear that these voters don’t want to focus on what happened January 6, they want to focus on the future. I know in my heart of hearts, that on January 6, I did my duty, kept my oath to the Constitution of the United States. And the thing that I’m encouraged about major is as we travel not only here in New Hampshire, but around the country is more and more Americans are recognizing
that we kept our oath that day. And I think with this week’s news I’ve had I’ve had so many people come up to me and just express their appreciation for the stand that we took by God’s grace,
to do our duty to see to the peaceful transfer of power. And I’m encouraged by that, I must tell you, Look, President Trump was wrong.
He was wrong, then he’s wrong. Now, I had no right to overturn the election. And more and more Americans are coming up to me every day and recognizing that and, and for my part, I’m running for president in part because,
frankly, President Trump asked me to put him over the constitution that day, but I chose the Constitution and I always will. Okay, who wants to talk first, and then yeah.
Mike from Mike Pence and his candidacy. January 6 is the only issue not a winning issue. And he has nothing else and I’m not surprised that the one clip you show is going to talk about his performance on January 6, it’s always got it’s not enough.
I disagree with with what everyone’s saying, as far as I think he’s great. The problem with him to me is that he he does seem like he’s reading off a script all the time is what i That’s it.
That’s what it seems like to me. I think that he stood by he did his job as VP for Trump. He headed up the COVID vaccine Task Force, and did a tremendous job with that. The problem is everybody remembers him on January 6, and he took what could have been, you know, a horrific fall. He stood by and was paraded by Trump. And to me, he stood up and had the integrity to, as he said, uphold the Constitution and go forward. Do I think he has a shot? No. Denise, I think with Mike Pence, we would be constantly
remembering reliving January 6. And what we really need is a forward thinking forward acting candidate, Nikki Haley, former UN ambassador and South Carolina governor was well received by the group, particularly in how she handled the interviewer lesson to the candidates watching the tougher you are with the press, the more likely you are to generate Republican support. I don’t even remember, remember how many indictments this has been. And it just, I can’t keep responding to every one of these dramas when we have real issues in our country. You know, I think that the fact that we should be talking about China, we should be talking about the debt. We should be talking about transparency in our schools, we should be talking about crime. All of these things are so much more important. We shouldn’t be talking about whether a 77 year old president is going to be spending time in jail. Good message articulate stays on point about policies. I like her as a candidate. I think she’s good.
Pamela, I agree. Nikki Haley has the managerial experience the governing experience, military background, she can be the crossover candidate that is being overlooked. She has got to fire herself up and get that kind of the vacuum, passion going and get her message out to more people. Rich.
She’s strong, she’s got a great record. She’s right to not talk about Trump’s failings and turn everything back to what she’s going to do and how she’s going to do it. I would love to see her talk more about those things.
Oh, I think she has every attribute that we want. And in it, maybe lacking the Down to Earth part a little bit more than I liked and tips that I like in Tim Scott, but everything else executive experience. She’s, uh, seems like a, like a pit bull type, with her experience with UN and govern and being a governor. She’s great. Sandra, he’s always been a strong leader. She has all the right ideas. He’s gonna need to step it up, though, to get her hat in the ring on this primary, though, that she’s Uh, she’s a great candidate. I think as far as her clip, I mean, it’s right. I mean, you know, the two people that their candidacy seems to be revolving around attacking Trump for January 6 are chris Christie and Mike Pence and and she’s right, leave that behind what’s closest in these issues, was focused on what we can do for the country and how we can grow as a country in the next four years, or at least backtrack from some of the disaster that senile Joe was brought forth. Finally, former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, the group wanted to know more about what he would do, rather than what Donald Trump had done.
Think we need a slight change
from the character and approach of Donald Trump?
I think we need a significant change from the character and approach of Donald Trump, I would just do
we’re going to try to bring this country back together.
Doesn’t mean we will fight of course, we’re fine.
You’re Italian American soul mine.
Our families.
They fought all the time,
all the time, about big things and small things. But if somebody from the outside came in and tried to take one of us on, there became a whole nother matter. That’s what this country has to get back to. We can fight amongst ourselves always like about the issues that are important to us. And we should the founders set it up that way. But
when we have threats to the very core of who we are, is from outside forces or from malignant forces within like a failed education system.
Well, then we better band together and we need a president who’s willing to do that. And I do like having Christie and Christie involved and I hope he lasts for a while on this because I just think we need him to be able to put your up Trump to be honest to set us up though I don’t think he’s really the effective candidate.
The end of the day,
Pamela? I agree he is unlikable to most people I feel and his message is all about it. Anybody But Trump, and that’s fine. Let him be the pit bull to go after Trump while the other candidates just focus on their policies. Jermaine, I lived in New Jersey under chris Christie, and I thought he was the right guy for the job at that time, as far as a presidential candidate. I’m not really sure what he’s for, and what he’s against. I just hear him talk about Trump. And that would be my reason for not backing it up. We closed our session by giving each panelist the opportunity to ask one candidate one question, some of the responses surprise me. And they may surprise you. Let’s listen. Let’s say you could talk to any candidate running.
Which candidate would you choose? And what would you ask them?
Those them to start with you? What question would you ask any candidate of your choice?
So I would ask to Santas, I would want to know who?
Who has options would be for Supreme Court?
And also, any ideas he would have for his cabinet?
Do these get to ask any candidate any question?
What would you ask? And who would you ask?
That’s tough. I think I would ask
Nikki Haley
how she plans to handle China? I think that’s a big thing she has experienced at the United Nations. I’d want to I want more clarity on that. Jeff, I
think I would, I would, I would ask
probably Ron DeSantis. And I would ask him, I would like to see what he looks how he is going to get around the Trump issue.
What is his plans to to unite us and not go down this division that we’ve gone through the last few weeks to
Kirk? Well, I’d ask Donald Trump, he’s probably going to be the nominee, whether we like it or not. And I’d ask him, Hey, bro, what do you think it’s gonna go better this time? Right, like 2020. Let’s say a lot of things went wrong. ministration a lot of things went wrong federal election. What do you think is gonna go better this time? Maria from Texas. I would ask Trump why he squandered his chance when he got the Senate. So the first three years of his presidency when he had the Senate in the house, and why he then tried to push abolition of birthright citizenship.
I got asked Michael from North Carolina, you’re actually applauding what Maria said. Why? Because Donald Trump had a Republican Congress and Republican Senate for two years and didn’t accomplish anything. During those two years didn’t get you know, I think people have said, you know, you relied on and executive orders to get legislation through during those couple years when he had everything behind them.
Denise, you’re nodding your head. Why? Absolutely. I I completely concur with that. There’s a lot of wasted opportunity in those two years. And it was very frustrating. The following year, we had following two years, we had to deal with Nancy Pelosi, it was terrible. And there you have it. A group of voters eager to replace the sitting president but not necessarily sure whom they want to replace him with. Former President Trump is clearly the man to beat. Whether he is beatable. Keep coming back to America speaks at straight era news to find out. I’m Dr. Frank Luntz. Thanks for watching
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By Straight Arrow News
In a recent poll, some 63% of Republicans say they want former President Donald Trump to run for president again. But if there was a candidate able to rise from the GOP pack as a viable challenger to President Joe Biden, would Republicans take a second look at their options?
In this 39-minute episode of America Speaks, a group of undecided GOP voters — many weary of Trump’s negativity — sits down with political analyst and pollster Dr. Frank Luntz to weigh the pros and cons of each of the alternative GOP candidates.
With the first Republican presidential debate upon us, the 2024 election campaign has truly begun. Former President Donald Trump has a massive lead with some polls putting him at or near 50% more than all of his competitors combined. To put this in perspective, no candidate in modern times has ever had such a significant lead, and then failed to win their party’s nomination. I’m Dr. Frank Luntz, your host here at American speaks. We thought this was the perfect time to take the temperature of grassroots Republicans, all of them undecided at this critical juncture. You’re going to hear from all the major candidates Donald Trump, Ron DeSantis, Tim Scott, Nikki Haley, Mike Pence, the veck Ramaswamy, and Chris Christie, The Good, the Bad, and the things you won’t see or hear anywhere else, other than right here on straight arrow news. First, I asked our panel, what would be the deciding factor in their presidential preference? Let’s see if their answers match yours. Yeah, from the start with you.
Jeff, can you tell me what is the most important deciding factor in your choice for Republican nominee? That’s going to be the economy. But by far, but be specific? What do you mean by the economy? Well, you know, with you, I’ve got a young family trying to raise the family and with the prices that are going up with inflation between gas and everything else, and insurance, you know, just it starts to stifle what you can provide for your family. And it also makes you start looking outside for extra work, which takes time away from the family. And I think that, you know, that’s, that’s just, you know, we need to get back to focusing on the economy and growing our economy and getting the inflation thing under control. Okay.
the one thing that I’m going to be looking at is border security. And my reason for that is because I feel that that covers so many issues. With with the border wide open, it’s it is affecting, you know, our economy, it’s affecting
our ability to help our own people, where all these the money and everything is going towards the illegals. And we’re who knows who’s coming through the border, as far as you know, folks, folks that want to take our country down. So border security is my number one issue. Kirk, the number one issue in the Republican primaries, the number one bank factor, what is it for you think someone who’s not going to be a catastrophic extremist and scare 60 of the country to vote for Joe Biden, Jennifer? I would say I’m
just the criminal system i are, how they deal with criminals. Because I live in Louisiana and close to New Orleans, we always go there and the crime rate in New Orleans, it’s out of control. Right now, people are scared to just even go there.
Michael from North Carolina, gotta get the fiscal house in order entitlements. We’re going to be running out of funding during the next during the next term. And it’s got to be addressed. Oh, illegal immigration.
And this BS, a so called asylum.
I think the that problem is so far reaching impacts the economy and every other so many things throughout our, or our economy. And I don’t even know where to stop. That’s illegals. We need to, we need to shut down the borders and shut down asylum, the so called asylum. Okay. trumaine.
Honestly, live in a state that for the last 60 days has had temperatures above 100 degrees and how climate change is its effect on the economy and health care for me.
barely breathe here. And I’m out of my house tonight because
the grid went down. So how we’re addressing infrastructure
and its relationship to the economy. Eddie, what’s your number one deciding factor?
I want to see somebody who can demonstrate leadership and take a step at reducing some of the polarity. That’s in the in the electorate. We got to win this election. I am sure that all of these candidates are better than Joe Biden. Every single one of these Republican candidates are better than Joe Biden. I want to see somebody who can lead the people in the middle and attract them, to vote for them. And somebody who will get to Washington and understand the task at hand and have a plan to make things
little bit better fourth, one more general general question then we’re going to get to to Trump.
If the candidates were listening to this interview right now, what would you tell them about the upcoming campaign? If they’re listening, if all 10 of them are listening to your conversation, what would you tell them? Anybody.
I went to sleep to settle
So after Trump,
they need to they need to be stronger and not be afraid of alienating people that are questioning his integrity and his loyalty to the party and to our country. He they need to come out strong on the economy and be going after women’s vote. We can see after Ohio, that how important the women are going to be in this election and they cannot keep taking a tiptoe around the issues.
Point they need to all come out much stronger Miko from North Carolina, and then Tremaine from Texas. I see you now. Yeah, I think I think Eddie and Pamela right. I mean, we gotta we gotta pull people in to vote Republican and not alienate voters, he can’t gotta win to make any of these issues. Issues work.
I think everyone has kind of said it’s the alienation of the voters, and
we can’t just go after Republican voters, you can’t it just if you really want to
get into office, and you really want to affect change, you’re gonna pull people in, who don’t necessarily agree with you etiology. But they agree with you on some of the issues. And that you you make you stand on the issues. Rach, I see you’re nodding your head against some some of this. Well, some of it. Yes. I mean, I agree with we need to expand the party, we need to bring in other people, we need to have people feel included. I have 100% agree with that. I totally disagree with the go after Donald Trump.
I want to hear what you’re for. Not what’s wrong with the other guy. Tell me what you’re going to do, how you’re going to do it. Not? What’s wrong with Mike Pence, or Donald Trump or Nikki Haley or Tim Scott or anybody else.
Because that’s what’s going to allow us to expand the party is to know what people are for not fight amongst each other. I believe in Ronald Reagan’s thing of don’t speak ill of another Republican. Okay. Now, let’s hear from about the candidates themselves. First up front runner, Donald Trump, most of the panel clearly love his policies, but his personality, that’s a different matter. Let’s listen. My mission is to rescue hardworking families from the nightmare of Biden nomics and restore the American Dream, something you don’t hear too much about anymore. And that’s going to be restored for you. And for everyone you love. under my leadership, household net worth rose to an all time high. And the African American, Hispanic American, Asian American poverty rates hit an all time low. We built the greatest economy in the history of the world. And when I’m reelected, we will quickly do that, again. No administration in modern times is matched the power of our America first economic formula, they never even came close. We had low taxes, low regulations, low inflation, maximum American energy production, we were energy independent, and fair and reciprocal trade. Under Trump. Every policy is about making life better and more affordable for hardworking American families. Okay, let’s get a reaction to that. Anybody?
Yeah. Okay. That’s, that’s what he needs to do. He needs his standpoint. He needs to remember the good things that happen, how the economy was great. And he needs to keep a positive on everything he says.
Somebody else? Ga, yeah, he needs to stick to a viable points and try to avoid, you know, saying everything’s perfect and great because it’s not, no matter how good everything is just
an even keel type of making his points. That’s what he should do. First thing I want to say is I’ll applaud him for what he just said and for his policy. The problem that I have is he didn’t make them permanent. There was too many executive orders which are overturned like that by the next administration. So I wanted to know why would the next go around be any different than that?
I mean, energy and energy independence household well
out there great, but I mean, in all honesty, he can’t win. I don’t see any way he’s gonna pull independence. I just it’s it’s all BS to me. And when he started stomping the greatest economy ever, that’s BS. I mean, it was a good economy. But, I mean, people are gonna see right through that any kind of independent is just going to turn it right off.
Like I liked what I heard. I liked that he I like him a little bit better when he adds some humor and he gets people laughing. In that specific clip he looked.
I don’t I can’t even quite put a finger on it. But he looked almost like he was trying to be somebody different.
And I don’t know if it’s because of all these indictments. And, you know, I don’t I don’t know what that’s doing to him as far as personality wise. But but, you know, I did like that he was focused on the issues they are and wasn’t going off on a tangent. I mean, we all don’t like Biden, but he wasn’t going off on that tangent. He was on focus. That’s positive. Okay. You got one more Donald Trump clip, Danny, let’s roll it. The latest morning console poll has as far ahead we’re at 59% and the others are at like 12 one is at 12 I think that’s the sanctimonious but he’s rapidly being caught by Ramage Swami. Who’s good. No, no, Christie is he’s eating right now. He can’t be
Sir, please do not call him a fat pig. That’s very disrespect. Don’t call him.
See, I’m I’m trying to be nice. Don’t call him a fat pig. You can’t.
He can’t do that.
So now because you’re not allowed to do that, and therefore we’re not going to do it. Okay. We want to be very civil. Right. Okay. That’s not going to help him.
He’s not angry.
No comment. That’s not gonna go. I liked him up until the point that he made that fat comment. I liked his demeanor. He seemed more relaxed in that video than he was. And he seemed more Trump in that video than he was in the first one. He seemed too stiff. But once he starts going down that road, with those with those inappropriate I mean, it’s just inappropriate. It that turns me off and and I have to get my mind straight because that tends to negate mitigate or not. What’s the word I’m looking for? It tends
to eliminate all the good things he does just gets pushed to the back. And then that’s all I can see. And it makes me It disgusts me. Because there’s no need for it. Well, first of all, with with the state of our country, I don’t really want to see a candidate try their hand at stand up comedy. I’d rather go see a comedian of my own choice. I don’t like his humor. I don’t really have anything flattering to say about Donald Trump. Aside from his policies, I think he’s a political vampire. And I know that’s very strong language. But when Donald Trump is in the room, he sucks the air out of the room and
overshadows everybody else. And And yet, we have a wealth of qualified, articulate candidates whose messages we may not hear because of Donald Trump’s verb.
verbosity, they if that’s even a word.
Not a fan. I mean, I voted for him.
But I wouldn’t again, my goal
this month Trump reminds me of he’s he’s eases toxic is Hillary Clinton was
in 2016 Sif teases toxic to the Republican Party, he can remind me about the Bobby Knight of politics with his, you know, just deciding anything in his sound bites. I mean, he doesn’t think things through these just shut up sometimes. Will someone defend Trump please
stay like him because he always speaks the truth. And just because people don’t like the way he says it. Everybody is so sensitive in the US. And even like I’m supposed to leave because he calls somebody family. People are affecting cool, in fact, just say the truth in some way. He is funny. He is funny.
In some ways, I mean, it cracks me up when he says that stuff, because I’m just like, I can’t believe I just heard him say that. But it cracks me up and I know that appeals to a certain demographic, where, like some of the others have said where Hey, he’s just speaking his mind whether he should be
He’s saying it or not, is a different matter. But he’s he’s speaking his mind. And that’s one of the problems with a lot of the other candidates is that they’re too. In some ways they’re not. They’re too guarded next Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. Overall a favorable reaction, particularly in regard to his focus on the future, rather than arguing about the past, let’s go to the number two person in the surveys. Ron DeSantis. Let’s take a look. And we’re going to show you two clips from him. If the election is a referendum on Joe Biden’s policies and the failures that we’ve seen, and we are presenting a positive vision for the future, we will win the presidency, and we will have a chance to turn the country around if on the other hand, the election is not about January 20 2025, but January 6 2021, or what document was left by the toilet at Mar a Lago? If it’s a referendum on that we are going to lose matches to reality. So you know, with Trump in the race, that is largely what it’s going to be about and right now fighting
against that’s not a that’s not a pathway for success for the Republican Party. I think a lot of our voters understand that. Okay. By the way, you can give me general reactions, you can react to the video, but I want to know what you all think of Rhonda Santa Sandra, I’m gonna start with you. Yeah, in that clip, he did excellent. He held his ground. He wasn’t throwing punches. He didn’t make it about Donald Trump. He made it about the Republican Party and unity and getting stuff done like that. AMA.
Santas is right. And Trump is making it all about himself in his Vendetta. And the problem is the media is going along with it, to ensure that Trump is the nominee.
Jennifer, I was just gonna say that, um, I feel like he, he stands firm in what he believes and that, um, you know, even if it isn’t the most popular
answer, he still goes with it.
Josie and then Kirk,
I like to Santas. I like him a lot.
His The proof is in his state.
He was he’s an excellent governor. And I last year, I was saying I wish it would have been trump the Santas ticket, because I think that would have solved that solves so many problems.
Our community? I mean, he’s eloquent. He’s right. But you know, I saw the other film on there. I mean, it’s, you know, talking about January 6 is terrible. But if you push that out and replace it with something even worse, like banning abortion, I mean, let’s get it even worse.
Eddie, go ahead. He has his record in Florida, which is good.
And he’s right for the Republican Party to go forward, the best thing we can do is leave January 6 2020. Behind. And with any of these other candidates besides Trump, we can do that.
Okay, let’s show you one more video from him.
And I’ll get reaction. So would you veto any sort of federal bill that tries to put a nationwide ban in place, so we will be a pro life president and we will support pro life policies. I would not allow what a lot of the left wants to do, which is to override pro life protections throughout the country all the way up really until the moment of birth in some instances, which I think is infanticide. I gotta push back on you on that. Because that that’s a misrepresentation of what’s happening. I mean, that 1.3% of abortions happen at 21 weeks or higher, and there’s no evidence of Democrats pushing for but their view is till your view is is that all the way up into that yet there should not be any legal protections, there is no indication of Democrats pushing. Okay, so this is what happens when you’ve got a interviewer that is far left. Here in New Mexico. It’s exactly like one of the Santa says they are doing abortions up to birth. It has about 1.3% And he’s got to stand strong. Every Republicans has to stand a strong on pro life because the left will butcher babies all the way up until birth as long as they can. And they’re pushing it here. They’re trying to put abortion clinic on every street. It’s horrible. Okay. i Yeah, I think the biggest issue that happened with abortion is the overturn of Roe v. Wade, which didn’t ban abortions. It just threw it back to the States. And this is a very polarizing issue. Our candidates job is to win the election. You do not win it by polarizing it with pro life and pro choice. Leave that to the state tried to talk about your over leaders overall leadership of the country.
Armand, I want you to jump in here. Yeah, I agree. I just I mean, I don’t like this this issue because it is so polarizing. And I think, you know, I think there’s a winning piece in the middle, that’s either just throw it back to the states, the states issue and let’s handle it. But I do think that six weeks like in Florida, that’s just really, really tight. A lot of women don’t know if they’re pregnant. And that’s just does not feel like it’s gonna sustain. Pam, another Sima Fornia.
This is a toxic issue for many Republicans. And I think Ohio shows that most of the country is where Europe is, we’re there in the middle. Even though California has been extremely, we have, you know, a legislator that keeps passing, you know, bills that the majority of the state don’t even agree with. But on this issue, the Republicans need to understand the other side. And we need to be the party that is not forcing our views, whatever they are down everyone’s throat. We’ve been having that the last two years. We understand that. And we turn to South Carolina Senator Tim Scott, his life story and his communication capabilities. Both received very high marks, the only concern his governing experience. I wanted you Tim Scott now.
So, Danny, let’s pull up from Scott, people are hungry for something hopeful and optimistic. I believe America could do for anyone, but she’s done. For me. Restoring Hope creating opportunities, and defending and protecting the America that we love is such an important combination, especially when think about restoring hope. I’m a kid that grew up in a single parent household mired in poverty. By the time I was in the fourth grade, I went to four different elementary schools. As a freshman in high school, I fell for subjects. And so I understand and appreciate the importance of hope. One of the ways that we can restore hope in this country is to focus on our education system. We didn’t have too many kids in poor zip codes trapped in failing schools, I want parents to have a choice of kids have a bigger chance, if we focus on those issues.
67% of Democrats, 68% of independents 70% of Republicans 72% of African Americans, 66% of Hispanics all agree of some form of school choice, because at the end of the day, my Mama loves her child more than she does Republicans or Democrats. So the real combination is can we find a way to make America better by having every child in every zip code have quality education, I think that he has the moral integrity, integrity that we’re looking for. You know, I like him as a person. I like, you know, his his moral standings. And I think that’s what the country’s got to come back to moral compass. And he’s, I like his message. But I, I wish I would hear more of a policy.
More about his policies in terms of the economy,
inflation, stuff like that. I think he’s, I think he’s very positive. I think he’s a great
speaker, but I need to know a little more about what he’s going to do with the economy, energy.
That stuff.
Michael, I liked it. I liked the positivity. I think schools are really important. I just think, you know, we’re gonna have our 200 and 50th anniversary as a country in three years, and having something that brings us together and having somebody who can draw that draw us together is really crucial right now.
I think he would crush Biden. And everybody knew, I think he would draw a rally of support that we haven’t seen probably in well, maybe. I don’t even know how long but a long time,
Eddie? Yeah, I’m gonna echo what Paul just said, you know, I mean, put that that optimism, the word opportunity and hope and and just look at the body language, listen to the voice and put that against, you know, senile Joe, we got a chance if that’s our if that’s, if that’s who’s on the ballot. If he if it’s that candidate, and phenol do we got a chance, folks? Much better chance than if it’s Donald Trump and Joe? I liked him, Scott, but I think the problem I have with him is that he doesn’t have governing or managerial or military experience. He has policy background and not huge ones have at that. And he’s got a great story personal, is very likable and down to earth. But we need someone who can actually govern as well. Next up veck Ramaswamy. Our panel knew less about him than the other candidates going into our session. But the more they learned, the more they liked. Let’s listen. Let’s see how you react to that. What do I want to tell you all when I’m leaving the White House
I want to tell you that once again, in the United States of America, we again have three branches coequal branches of government, not for that we shut down the unconstitutional administrative state.
I want to tell you in January 2033, that we as Americans are no longer dependent on our enemy, Communist China for our modern way of life. That is not a nation.
I want to tell you in January 2033, that American Exceptionalism is alive and well that our economy is growing at the fastest rate of any nation in the developed world. Once again, I want to tell you in January 2033, most importantly, of all, the young Americans,
all Americans,
we are once again,
proud to be citizens of this nation.
Yes, yes, go. When I when I answered the questionnaire for coming on. This evening, I put him down as my number three choice. The more I hear from him, the more I like him, he’s focused. He, he knows how to speak and he just, he’s he, I feel confident could bring America back to where we need to be.
Nice. He’s a dream candidate. He’s got the presence, he’s articulate. He tells you what his policies are going to be. I expect that he’s going to be able to deliver on those results. I like it.
Michael, he’s a jerk. I can’t stand this guy. I don’t understand why he’s running. And I can’t stand the fact that as a conservative as a Republican, he wants to require some civics exam to be able to vote if you’re under 25. Well, right now, who would be administrating that civics exam? It would be Joe Biden. What the hell idea is that? It Guys, I’m just a waste of time.
Vivec has the passion and the energy that the other candidates need. He is articulate.
I don’t agree with everything. He says he has some offshoots. Sometimes he’s faltered. But he is out there and pushing the boundaries.
he has great talking points. He do well in a TED presentation, but he doesn’t have the political savvy, unfortunately.
Tremendous. I agree. Sounds good. He looks good. But I just don’t think he has the political savvy to pull it off. He’s a self made billionaire that came to this country with nothing. I think that what he’s doing with his passion is grabbing a hold of young people
who want the same thing. And I think if there’s anyone out there any candidate that underestimates them, it’s in their, their, to their loss. And I think they would be right to,
you know, take on some of his his tactics. I think he could be a very good leader, though, he probably had to get mugged by reality a few times first.
But he’s clearly smart. Right? Former Vice President Mike Pence was next, it’s pretty clear that these voters don’t want to focus on what happened January 6, they want to focus on the future. I know in my heart of hearts, that on January 6, I did my duty, kept my oath to the Constitution of the United States. And the thing that I’m encouraged about major is as we travel not only here in New Hampshire, but around the country is more and more Americans are recognizing
that we kept our oath that day. And I think with this week’s news I’ve had I’ve had so many people come up to me and just express their appreciation for the stand that we took by God’s grace,
to do our duty to see to the peaceful transfer of power. And I’m encouraged by that, I must tell you, Look, President Trump was wrong.
He was wrong, then he’s wrong. Now, I had no right to overturn the election. And more and more Americans are coming up to me every day and recognizing that and, and for my part, I’m running for president in part because,
frankly, President Trump asked me to put him over the constitution that day, but I chose the Constitution and I always will. Okay, who wants to talk first, and then yeah.
Mike from Mike Pence and his candidacy. January 6 is the only issue not a winning issue. And he has nothing else and I’m not surprised that the one clip you show is going to talk about his performance on January 6, it’s always got it’s not enough.
I disagree with with what everyone’s saying, as far as I think he’s great. The problem with him to me is that he he does seem like he’s reading off a script all the time is what i That’s it.
That’s what it seems like to me. I think that he stood by he did his job as VP for Trump. He headed up the COVID vaccine Task Force, and did a tremendous job with that. The problem is everybody remembers him on January 6, and he took what could have been, you know, a horrific fall. He stood by and was paraded by Trump. And to me, he stood up and had the integrity to, as he said, uphold the Constitution and go forward. Do I think he has a shot? No. Denise, I think with Mike Pence, we would be constantly
remembering reliving January 6. And what we really need is a forward thinking forward acting candidate, Nikki Haley, former UN ambassador and South Carolina governor was well received by the group, particularly in how she handled the interviewer lesson to the candidates watching the tougher you are with the press, the more likely you are to generate Republican support. I don’t even remember, remember how many indictments this has been. And it just, I can’t keep responding to every one of these dramas when we have real issues in our country. You know, I think that the fact that we should be talking about China, we should be talking about the debt. We should be talking about transparency in our schools, we should be talking about crime. All of these things are so much more important. We shouldn’t be talking about whether a 77 year old president is going to be spending time in jail. Good message articulate stays on point about policies. I like her as a candidate. I think she’s good.
Pamela, I agree. Nikki Haley has the managerial experience the governing experience, military background, she can be the crossover candidate that is being overlooked. She has got to fire herself up and get that kind of the vacuum, passion going and get her message out to more people. Rich.
She’s strong, she’s got a great record. She’s right to not talk about Trump’s failings and turn everything back to what she’s going to do and how she’s going to do it. I would love to see her talk more about those things.
Oh, I think she has every attribute that we want. And in it, maybe lacking the Down to Earth part a little bit more than I liked and tips that I like in Tim Scott, but everything else executive experience. She’s, uh, seems like a, like a pit bull type, with her experience with UN and govern and being a governor. She’s great. Sandra, he’s always been a strong leader. She has all the right ideas. He’s gonna need to step it up, though, to get her hat in the ring on this primary, though, that she’s Uh, she’s a great candidate. I think as far as her clip, I mean, it’s right. I mean, you know, the two people that their candidacy seems to be revolving around attacking Trump for January 6 are chris Christie and Mike Pence and and she’s right, leave that behind what’s closest in these issues, was focused on what we can do for the country and how we can grow as a country in the next four years, or at least backtrack from some of the disaster that senile Joe was brought forth. Finally, former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, the group wanted to know more about what he would do, rather than what Donald Trump had done.
Think we need a slight change
from the character and approach of Donald Trump?
I think we need a significant change from the character and approach of Donald Trump, I would just do
we’re going to try to bring this country back together.
Doesn’t mean we will fight of course, we’re fine.
You’re Italian American soul mine.
Our families.
They fought all the time,
all the time, about big things and small things. But if somebody from the outside came in and tried to take one of us on, there became a whole nother matter. That’s what this country has to get back to. We can fight amongst ourselves always like about the issues that are important to us. And we should the founders set it up that way. But
when we have threats to the very core of who we are, is from outside forces or from malignant forces within like a failed education system.
Well, then we better band together and we need a president who’s willing to do that. And I do like having Christie and Christie involved and I hope he lasts for a while on this because I just think we need him to be able to put your up Trump to be honest to set us up though I don’t think he’s really the effective candidate.
The end of the day,
Pamela? I agree he is unlikable to most people I feel and his message is all about it. Anybody But Trump, and that’s fine. Let him be the pit bull to go after Trump while the other candidates just focus on their policies. Jermaine, I lived in New Jersey under chris Christie, and I thought he was the right guy for the job at that time, as far as a presidential candidate. I’m not really sure what he’s for, and what he’s against. I just hear him talk about Trump. And that would be my reason for not backing it up. We closed our session by giving each panelist the opportunity to ask one candidate one question, some of the responses surprise me. And they may surprise you. Let’s listen. Let’s say you could talk to any candidate running.
Which candidate would you choose? And what would you ask them?
Those them to start with you? What question would you ask any candidate of your choice?
So I would ask to Santas, I would want to know who?
Who has options would be for Supreme Court?
And also, any ideas he would have for his cabinet?
Do these get to ask any candidate any question?
What would you ask? And who would you ask?
That’s tough. I think I would ask
Nikki Haley
how she plans to handle China? I think that’s a big thing she has experienced at the United Nations. I’d want to I want more clarity on that. Jeff, I
think I would, I would, I would ask
probably Ron DeSantis. And I would ask him, I would like to see what he looks how he is going to get around the Trump issue.
What is his plans to to unite us and not go down this division that we’ve gone through the last few weeks to
Kirk? Well, I’d ask Donald Trump, he’s probably going to be the nominee, whether we like it or not. And I’d ask him, Hey, bro, what do you think it’s gonna go better this time? Right, like 2020. Let’s say a lot of things went wrong. ministration a lot of things went wrong federal election. What do you think is gonna go better this time? Maria from Texas. I would ask Trump why he squandered his chance when he got the Senate. So the first three years of his presidency when he had the Senate in the house, and why he then tried to push abolition of birthright citizenship.
I got asked Michael from North Carolina, you’re actually applauding what Maria said. Why? Because Donald Trump had a Republican Congress and Republican Senate for two years and didn’t accomplish anything. During those two years didn’t get you know, I think people have said, you know, you relied on and executive orders to get legislation through during those couple years when he had everything behind them.
Denise, you’re nodding your head. Why? Absolutely. I I completely concur with that. There’s a lot of wasted opportunity in those two years. And it was very frustrating. The following year, we had following two years, we had to deal with Nancy Pelosi, it was terrible. And there you have it. A group of voters eager to replace the sitting president but not necessarily sure whom they want to replace him with. Former President Trump is clearly the man to beat. Whether he is beatable. Keep coming back to America speaks at straight era news to find out. I’m Dr. Frank Luntz. Thanks for watching
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‘Getting rid of them’: Americans discuss Trump and immigration
Underreported stories from each side
DHS’ Kristi Noem says Trump admin will resume construction of 7 miles of southern border wall
31 sources | 11% from the left Getty ImagesVoters flood town halls with fears of Social Security cuts, putting heat on GOP over Musk and DOGE
25 sources | 0% from the right AP ImagesLatest Stories
Test post with no body copy
How does dyeing the Chicago River on St. Patrick’s Day impact fish?
Trapped Antarctic researchers reporting death threats from colleague
Democratic Party’s favorability ratings drop to record low: Poll
Israel accused of ‘genocidal acts’ against Palestinians in new UN report
Popular Opinions
In addition to the facts, we believe it’s vital to hear perspectives from all sides of the political spectrum.
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