I’m Frank Luntz. I’ve been the host of America speaks for the last year now. And I’ve never done this kind of introduction, because we’ve never been through what we are experiencing right now. The President of the United States literally hours ago, announced that he was not seeking reelection. We had done this focus group Friday night after the convention, asking swing voters undecided voters, what should happen next? Should Biden be the candidate generis be the candidate? Or should it be somebody else and what they thought of the convention speeches and the events of the last month, which truly are incredible. We’re recording this because of the events of today, Sunday. And we’re going to put this video out, you’re going to see it relatively unedited what voters had to say Friday night, because it’s relevant to what’s happening right now. virtually nobody wanted Joe Biden among the swing voters, nobody wanted him to be the candidate. And not many people wanted Kamala Harris, either. You’re going to hear their words, their reactions, and just know that this is only happening right here on straight arrow news. So let’s go to the tape. It is so rare that I get the opportunity to have a conversation within 24 hours of a key event that may have made a significant difference in meaningful, measurable difference in the election outcome. That’s what I’ve got right now. And so I’m going to ask you questions about Donald Trump, about Joe Biden, about Kamala Harris and the state of the race, based on Donald Trump’s speech at the convention, based on Joe Biden’s debate, and his interviews on ABC and NBC, and the potential of a Harris presidency or somebody else, based on what you the American people want. So my first question is, give me a sense to describe Donald Trump’s speech last night, Logan, I’m gonna start with you.
It was too long.
Logan, give me a sense about Donald Trump’s speech last night.
He started really well, but he should have stopped after 30 minutes. It was too long.
Tracy give me a sense about Trump’s speech.
I felt that it was inspiring and that he had, he felt a new, fresh beginning for himself. And it was great. Joe,
I thought it was a pity party at the beginning where he had to recap his shooting. And then he went into his shtick of what he usually does at a speech. Tony.
I saw a change that I hadn’t seen in the past eight years, likely after Saturday. So I thought he showed some leadership in that way. But again, he became repetitive. And it was too long. Amy.
I liked that he was unifying and more subdued. But I agree that the speech was too long.
I thought it started off really dragging and boring. And then but I was very interested to hear whether it actually happened because I haven’t seen anything about what actually happened afterwards. And that it was just a snooze fest really repetitive and talk about low energy. Luke?
Well, it is it is part of the campaign. So of course, he’s going to be in campaign mode. I thought it was actually pretty energizing. It was a little long, but you know, his fans can’t get enough of what he has to say they eat it up. So no big deal. Howard.
It was the best version of Donald. I’ve seen and at the humility that he showed in the beginning, especially when he was talking about the gentleman that passed away at his rally. It was a little long, but if he continues this up, that’s good things to come. We’ll
Well I thought the first 15 to 20 minutes was riveting. I was glad that he covered what happened. I thought the last 10 minutes was good. The middle part was more of a campaign rally, which I expected but it went too long. If you could to cut 20 or 30 minutes out it would have been a much better speech.
I thought it began very well, I was happy to see that he recognized the victim of the shooting from the rally the past weekend. I thought it was a little achy when he went behind him and tried to kiss the helmet. But the speech to be was great. At the end, it was really well done at the end. about it, you could last at least 3040 minutes out of the middle. It was just nothing was on subject.
And Leah,
I agree for me that first 15 months was remotely harassing, but then it just got confusing after that he was one place and he was another and it was just hard to keep up with.
Okay. Um, sounds like you’re not grading him all that high. In fact, by show of hands, how many of you would give Donald Trump speech and a one? How many give him a B? 123. And would you give him a C and that’s where we get everyone who we give them a D 123 of you four of you, and who would give him an F. So now we flunks him, okay?
David has sends to describe the Biden candidacy.
In complete shambles, it’s becoming an embarrassment. The man has served the country well, for such a long time, I hate for this to be what we’re going to remember him by and stomp for him to retire. And you know, as a conservative, I hope he doesn’t. But, you know, as a human, I feel for him. I feel for his family. He needs to step aside.
I think it’s in freefall. And also lead, it’s probably in the midst of a coup. Chris,
I think my word or my phrase would be concerning because he doesn’t seem fit. He doesn’t seem to answer questions. I watched, you know, the interviews with both both Lester Holt and George Stephanopoulos. And it was it was just kind of very canned answers and dancing around, which I know some politicians like to do, but it seemed very deliberate. And, you know, I wonder where I don’t know that he is the leader at this point. And that’s concerning. James
from the that had described Joe Biden’s candidacy.
One question after another. He is a classic example of deflection, you know, they would ask him a question and he would go off somewhere else and didn’t want to talk about uncomfortable wishes that were bothering I believe. And also a lot of his sentences were very disjointed and choppy. It starts something about him mentioning that he was doing good, and then it would end and go so quick to some other area without really completing the thought. I feel bad for him. Jaron.
Very, it’s very chaotic right now. And I think the gentleman from Ohio had said that it was like, as a conservative, I want to, I want to support him. But then then, you know, as a human, I think he’s suffering and he’s trying to do something that maybe beyond his reach right now. But he’s on trying because he thinks there’s no other way. I don’t think he’s doing it for personal reasons or grandiose or, you know, enriches family or anything like that. But I think he feels caught in a spot where he’s trying to do something. And I don’t know if he’s up to it.
Let me ask you show of hands. How many of you voted for Joe Biden? 2020. Okay, a lot of keep your hands up. Can the people who voted for Joe Biden tell me what you think of his candidacy right now? Amy, Sherry, James and Logan.
I have no faith in him. I think his he needs to step aside and let someone else take over.
Because because
of everything that has been mentioned, I think that he is suffering mentally and go ahead. Please continue. Oh, and it lacks credibility because of it. his mental status.
I think his campaign is over. And I think it should be over because the man needs to exit with some dignity while he can.
James, you voted for Joe Biden, how would you describe his candidacy?
Well, back in 2020, we were concerned about his mental capacity and state. And we seen it gradually decline over time. It’s, you know, and other people are noticing it now, and it’s being more prevalent. So it’s gotten worse.
James from Iowa, you voted for him your description of his candidacy now. I
think his candidacy candidacy is in big trouble. I don’t think it’ll probably survive through the Democratic convention. And I think that him serving four more years is a almost an impossibility.
And Logan from Oklahoma.
I voted for him in 2020. I voted for Trump in 16. And right now, he is totally out of touch with reality, his campaign is totally out of touch. It’s time for him to step aside. He’s not listening to the voters at this point.
So that’s what makes this such a fascinating focus group. All of you voted for Trump once. None of you voted for Trump twice. More than half of you voted for Joe Biden. And a whole lot of you aren’t voting for him again. Anyone else wants to tell me who voted for Joe Biden 2020. How you would evaluate his candidacy right now in 2024. Howard, and Richard?
Well, the knives are out. His candidacy is, is in big trouble, and he ought to take the high road and step out. Howard,
his candidacy is done. He needs to ride off into the sunset and retire for the betterment of the country.
Your advice to Joe Biden is very clear. I’d like to get a few of you to give advice for Donald Trump, particularly those who did not vote for him in 2020. Who wants to go on this one? Sherry Howard, and then Joe.
I think that Trump better hope that Biden stays in because because that is his best chance. I haven’t forbid that somebody like Mark Kelly, take, take a nomination, either for President or Vice President.
How would you advice to Trump as someone who did not vote for him in 2020?
Stay humble. Stay humility. Stop with the name calling. Stay on track.
Did you feel he did that last night?
Not completely, but a lot better than he has been.
Joe is someone who didn’t vote for him in 2020. Your advice to Donald Trump?
He needs to include JD Vance more. Last night. You had the five big letters up there Trump. No Trump Vance was all about Trump. He needs to reach out more to his partner.
Anyone else here have advice for Donald Trump regardless of whether or not you voted for him? David, you go. And then Richard.
Best advice I think anybody can give him would be just to be quiet. The Dems are doing it to themselves. So all you got to do is stay the course and nada, not trip on your own shoelaces at this point. RICHARD
I would agree Trump ought to stay the course and keep quiet, but he ought to be careful. Vance Vance, talk more like a Democrat praising Lisa Cohn at the FTC.
Well, your advice for Trump
stay on message Don’t deviate so much. tends to ramble. And there’s not a lot of details, not a candidate but I would like more details from Trump. As to how he anticipates to accomplish the things he says he’s going to
How many of you do not want Joe Biden’s a continuous campaign? Raise your hands if you think you should not continue. So I’m looking through this, and I see that it’s well over half of you all. So let me ask you, I’m gonna go through every one of you. Give me a sense as the person you think should be the Democratic nominee, going into the general election. Lea, I’m going to start with you.
I felt I went inside Harris, but it looks like that might be leaning that way.
But who do you want to represent the Democrats in 2024?
Really, anyone that can actually get the job done?
Would you have no names?
Not right off? No. Well, who
should the Democrats nominate for President in 2024?
Well, I think if Biden chooses to step aside, which I think it’s his choice, then Eris is next in line. I would hate to see that process circumvented. If I were to choose someone on my own, I would think probably, I would think these I don’t know. But honestly, I haven’t bris.
Who would you choose to represent the Democrats in 2024?
I I’m kind of like the gentleman just before? I really don’t know. I mean, I you know, I think we hear Kamala Harris. I don’t know that she can win, though. Which is sad, I think because, you know, kind of like you said it is the process and all of that. And I think Newsom is the obvious despite the fact that he has said repeatedly that he is not, you know, throwing his hat in that race at all. So I don’t I don’t know who the obvious candidate would be, to be honest. Who should
the Democratic candidate be?
I wish I could give you a name, but as well, I don’t know. I just don’t believe that Biden is fit for presidency. And I don’t want Kamala Harris to be, you know, President. Howard,
who should the Democrats nominate?
The Democrats would have a great chance of winning, if they would put their power behind RFK Jr.
Well, that’s not going to happen because he’s running as an independent. So of the of what could happen who should they choose? Um.
Maybe Gavin Newsom, maybe, but I honestly don’t see any viable candidates.
barber who should the Democrats choose? They
need to choose Harris. If they’re going to tap into the war chest and not alienate a good portion of their base. However, they need to have a moderate if they’re going to win with the debacle they’re in right now. And I think their best chance of that would be Andy Bashir.
High who should the Democrats choose?
With that being less than four months away? I think that Gavin Newsom, it’s too late in the too late in the game in the process for him, but so remediate the damage that’s now been done. If biting does leave, I would have to say hairs based on experience and what she could do to motivate certain basis independent voters to vote that likely are not fans of either candidate.
Amy, pick the Democratic candidate.
I would say Gavin Newsom just because he’s a younger, familiar name and representative of the Democratic Party.
Richard, who should the Democrats nominate?
I think the ticket would be Harrison Kelly. Because Kelly shores up Harris, because of the debacle debacle she has on the border.
James from Iowa who you choose.
They want to win. I think their best choice would probably be Michelle Obama. My recommendation might be Fetterman and Whitmer ticket, but I don’t think they’re going to be able to get past terrorists. I think she’s probably gonna have to be there nomination.
Joe, who would you choose?
I had mentioned until he became an independent. I thought he would have been able to play on both sides and get a red boat. Other than that, I don’t know.
Tracy, who would you choose?
I choose Governor Pritzker of Illinois.
because he has the money. He’s pretty smart. You pay attention when he speaks. And I think he does a good job and I think everybody else will feel that way to be we’re running.
Gretchen Whitmer at the top of the ticket. She’s a proven governor, solid track record and Andy Beshear as VP, Democrat governor in a red state.
Okay, I’m gonna re ask the question in a very straightforward way. The Democrats can have Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, or somebody else? Who would you tell them to choose based on who would have the greatest likelihood of winning your vote? Who Says Joe Biden, raise your hands? Okay, that’s absolutely devastating, because more than half of you voted for him. Who says Kamala Harris? 123 have you? And who says four? Have you and who says somebody else? Everyone else, please explain why particularly those who voted for Joe Biden and 2020. Why you don’t want Biden and why you don’t want to Harris Please explain. Richard and then David.
I don’t think the country is ready for a female person.
just because of the demographics, and I think Trump would would absolutely devastated. David,
the country is absolutely ready. And we’re past due to have a female president of that. That’s not my concern with Harris. She’s wildly unpopular. When she ran, and Biden defeated her, the last go round, I’m not sure if she made it in the last four or five, but do have the greatest shot to win this thing. It can’t be anybody that’s currently in the oval or in the in the building, they’re gonna have to outsource it.
Anyone else here who voted for Joe Biden, and don’t want either Biden or Harris to lead the Democrats? Howard, Karen, Joe, and then James Howard.
Kamala Harris does not have the proven track record the proven leadership, the necessary skills in order to be an effective leader, effective president. Okay,
Karen, you voted for Joe Biden, yet you don’t want Biden or Harris as the Democratic nominee. Explain that.
I don’t think they can win. I think they’ve got too much against them. Right now. I’ve created an awful lot of baggage. And whether it’s from the campaign, or just all these questions that are being raised, I
think it’s time for President Biden to step down, step aside. And on the other hand, as far as vice president Kamala Harris, she lacks the presidential leadership qualities that I would want to come from somebody that’s running for the seat, the ticket, her track record, and not because she’s a woman. That’s, we have to say,
Sherry, you voted for Biden, but you don’t want Biden your heirs. Tell me why? Well,
I think that Biden needs to go out with his boots on. And now let’s go ahead and look forward and look at Harris. Everything the administration has done will be hung on her whether that’s right or wrong. And she was given the portfolio of the border. Nobody wants any part of that. So let’s go ahead. If I were advising the Democrats, I would say let’s go ahead, find someone without any of this baggage. Yay, fresh start.
James from Iowa.
Yeah, I don’t think Biden will be able to his to his decline is just getting too severe. I don’t think he’ll be able to serve four more years. Harris. I don’t, I’ve never found her very effective. I can’t really save anything she’s done as the vice president. Plus when I heard her talk, she doesn’t have much of substance to say she doesn’t say anything that I’ve found to be intelligent.
Anybody else here doesn’t want Biden or Harris.
I voted for Joe Biden because he said that he was going to run one term and be a transitional president. And now he in both of the interviews He says that the job’s not finished well, I’m sorry, it’s not his job to complete. He told us that he was going to be a uniter and and pass the torch and and he can’t do it anymore. And Harris’s is for better or worse tagged along with that and she’s very divisive. You
are or were undecided. You’re the kind of voters that these candidates care about. Give me a name of someone who you will consider voting for on the Democratic side for President. Or you can say, I don’t know. Logan, you start
Whitmer because she has a proven track record in Michigan.
Tracy. I don’t know, Joe.
I don’t know. James,
from Iowa. Fetterman
from Pennsylvania because I think he makes more sense than politicians. Barbara
Sher, because I think that we need someone who’s moderate we need to move back more toward the middle.
Biden, because he’s shown and has a proven track record of decades of about 50 years of working with Republican and Democrats. And he’s got legislation passed in 2021. And since he’s been in office, which this country desperately needs
Gretchen Whitmer because she has been the executive officer of a state where
Richard this year because because he’s a moderate. And from the from Middle America, one of the flyover states, Chris,
I don’t know.
Jameson, Nevada.
I want to say Bashir, but I honestly don’t know. Garen
Whitner Michigan. She’s very strong. Luke.
I do not know, Howard.
Jon Ossoff. from Georgia. He’s proud. Whenever red state and that could potentially be a great stepping stone for presidency.
honestly don’t know. David.
I don’t know. layup.
I don’t know either. Amy,
I don’t know.
I gotta tell you. I have a My reaction is Oh, my God. You’re not choosing Harris. Only one of you chose Biden. It’s I know, you’re undecided, or you were undecided. I’ve never seen a situation like this before. And there you have it. undecided voters, swing voters, people who will make the difference in the next presidential campaign. And they are unanimous in agreeing that Joe Biden should not have been the Democratic candidate and almost unanimous in preferring somebody other than Kamala Harris. This is one of those special moments that you can see only right here on straight our news. I’m Dr. Frank Luntz and I’ll see you again soon.
‘I don’t know’: Swing voters debate who best to replace Biden
By Straight Arrow News
On Sunday, July 21, President Joe Biden announced that he would be stepping down as the Democratic nominee for president in the 2024 election. Biden quickly announced that he would be endorsing Kamala Harris for that nomination and encouraged his supporters to support her as well.
At the Republican National Convention (RNC), Donald Trump formally accepted the Republican nomination just days after surviving an assassination attempt. Trump, who has been accused of encouraging and celebrating political violence in the past, said he “tore up” his original fiery partisan speech, and delivered a new speech calling on all Americans to come together and lower the political temperature.
Be the first to know when Dr. Frank Luntz publishes a new commentary! Download the Straight Arrow News app and enable push notifications today!
Watch the above 28-minute video as pollster and political analyst Dr. Frank Luntz asks American swing voters — prior to his stepping down — whether they think Biden should stay or go. Dr. Luntz also asks the panel who should take Biden’s place and what they thought of Donald Trump’s acceptance speech at the RNC.
This episode was filmed on July 19, two days before President Biden’s public announcement that he would not seek reelection.
I’m Frank Luntz. I’ve been the host of America speaks for the last year now. And I’ve never done this kind of introduction, because we’ve never been through what we are experiencing right now. The President of the United States literally hours ago, announced that he was not seeking reelection. We had done this focus group Friday night after the convention, asking swing voters undecided voters, what should happen next? Should Biden be the candidate generis be the candidate? Or should it be somebody else and what they thought of the convention speeches and the events of the last month, which truly are incredible. We’re recording this because of the events of today, Sunday. And we’re going to put this video out, you’re going to see it relatively unedited what voters had to say Friday night, because it’s relevant to what’s happening right now. virtually nobody wanted Joe Biden among the swing voters, nobody wanted him to be the candidate. And not many people wanted Kamala Harris, either. You’re going to hear their words, their reactions, and just know that this is only happening right here on straight arrow news. So let’s go to the tape. It is so rare that I get the opportunity to have a conversation within 24 hours of a key event that may have made a significant difference in meaningful, measurable difference in the election outcome. That’s what I’ve got right now. And so I’m going to ask you questions about Donald Trump, about Joe Biden, about Kamala Harris and the state of the race, based on Donald Trump’s speech at the convention, based on Joe Biden’s debate, and his interviews on ABC and NBC, and the potential of a Harris presidency or somebody else, based on what you the American people want. So my first question is, give me a sense to describe Donald Trump’s speech last night, Logan, I’m gonna start with you.
It was too long.
Logan, give me a sense about Donald Trump’s speech last night.
He started really well, but he should have stopped after 30 minutes. It was too long.
Tracy give me a sense about Trump’s speech.
I felt that it was inspiring and that he had, he felt a new, fresh beginning for himself. And it was great. Joe,
I thought it was a pity party at the beginning where he had to recap his shooting. And then he went into his shtick of what he usually does at a speech. Tony.
I saw a change that I hadn’t seen in the past eight years, likely after Saturday. So I thought he showed some leadership in that way. But again, he became repetitive. And it was too long. Amy.
I liked that he was unifying and more subdued. But I agree that the speech was too long.
I thought it started off really dragging and boring. And then but I was very interested to hear whether it actually happened because I haven’t seen anything about what actually happened afterwards. And that it was just a snooze fest really repetitive and talk about low energy. Luke?
Well, it is it is part of the campaign. So of course, he’s going to be in campaign mode. I thought it was actually pretty energizing. It was a little long, but you know, his fans can’t get enough of what he has to say they eat it up. So no big deal. Howard.
It was the best version of Donald. I’ve seen and at the humility that he showed in the beginning, especially when he was talking about the gentleman that passed away at his rally. It was a little long, but if he continues this up, that’s good things to come. We’ll
Well I thought the first 15 to 20 minutes was riveting. I was glad that he covered what happened. I thought the last 10 minutes was good. The middle part was more of a campaign rally, which I expected but it went too long. If you could to cut 20 or 30 minutes out it would have been a much better speech.
I thought it began very well, I was happy to see that he recognized the victim of the shooting from the rally the past weekend. I thought it was a little achy when he went behind him and tried to kiss the helmet. But the speech to be was great. At the end, it was really well done at the end. about it, you could last at least 3040 minutes out of the middle. It was just nothing was on subject.
And Leah,
I agree for me that first 15 months was remotely harassing, but then it just got confusing after that he was one place and he was another and it was just hard to keep up with.
Okay. Um, sounds like you’re not grading him all that high. In fact, by show of hands, how many of you would give Donald Trump speech and a one? How many give him a B? 123. And would you give him a C and that’s where we get everyone who we give them a D 123 of you four of you, and who would give him an F. So now we flunks him, okay?
David has sends to describe the Biden candidacy.
In complete shambles, it’s becoming an embarrassment. The man has served the country well, for such a long time, I hate for this to be what we’re going to remember him by and stomp for him to retire. And you know, as a conservative, I hope he doesn’t. But, you know, as a human, I feel for him. I feel for his family. He needs to step aside.
I think it’s in freefall. And also lead, it’s probably in the midst of a coup. Chris,
I think my word or my phrase would be concerning because he doesn’t seem fit. He doesn’t seem to answer questions. I watched, you know, the interviews with both both Lester Holt and George Stephanopoulos. And it was it was just kind of very canned answers and dancing around, which I know some politicians like to do, but it seemed very deliberate. And, you know, I wonder where I don’t know that he is the leader at this point. And that’s concerning. James
from the that had described Joe Biden’s candidacy.
One question after another. He is a classic example of deflection, you know, they would ask him a question and he would go off somewhere else and didn’t want to talk about uncomfortable wishes that were bothering I believe. And also a lot of his sentences were very disjointed and choppy. It starts something about him mentioning that he was doing good, and then it would end and go so quick to some other area without really completing the thought. I feel bad for him. Jaron.
Very, it’s very chaotic right now. And I think the gentleman from Ohio had said that it was like, as a conservative, I want to, I want to support him. But then then, you know, as a human, I think he’s suffering and he’s trying to do something that maybe beyond his reach right now. But he’s on trying because he thinks there’s no other way. I don’t think he’s doing it for personal reasons or grandiose or, you know, enriches family or anything like that. But I think he feels caught in a spot where he’s trying to do something. And I don’t know if he’s up to it.
Let me ask you show of hands. How many of you voted for Joe Biden? 2020. Okay, a lot of keep your hands up. Can the people who voted for Joe Biden tell me what you think of his candidacy right now? Amy, Sherry, James and Logan.
I have no faith in him. I think his he needs to step aside and let someone else take over.
Because because
of everything that has been mentioned, I think that he is suffering mentally and go ahead. Please continue. Oh, and it lacks credibility because of it. his mental status.
I think his campaign is over. And I think it should be over because the man needs to exit with some dignity while he can.
James, you voted for Joe Biden, how would you describe his candidacy?
Well, back in 2020, we were concerned about his mental capacity and state. And we seen it gradually decline over time. It’s, you know, and other people are noticing it now, and it’s being more prevalent. So it’s gotten worse.
James from Iowa, you voted for him your description of his candidacy now. I
think his candidacy candidacy is in big trouble. I don’t think it’ll probably survive through the Democratic convention. And I think that him serving four more years is a almost an impossibility.
And Logan from Oklahoma.
I voted for him in 2020. I voted for Trump in 16. And right now, he is totally out of touch with reality, his campaign is totally out of touch. It’s time for him to step aside. He’s not listening to the voters at this point.
So that’s what makes this such a fascinating focus group. All of you voted for Trump once. None of you voted for Trump twice. More than half of you voted for Joe Biden. And a whole lot of you aren’t voting for him again. Anyone else wants to tell me who voted for Joe Biden 2020. How you would evaluate his candidacy right now in 2024. Howard, and Richard?
Well, the knives are out. His candidacy is, is in big trouble, and he ought to take the high road and step out. Howard,
his candidacy is done. He needs to ride off into the sunset and retire for the betterment of the country.
Your advice to Joe Biden is very clear. I’d like to get a few of you to give advice for Donald Trump, particularly those who did not vote for him in 2020. Who wants to go on this one? Sherry Howard, and then Joe.
I think that Trump better hope that Biden stays in because because that is his best chance. I haven’t forbid that somebody like Mark Kelly, take, take a nomination, either for President or Vice President.
How would you advice to Trump as someone who did not vote for him in 2020?
Stay humble. Stay humility. Stop with the name calling. Stay on track.
Did you feel he did that last night?
Not completely, but a lot better than he has been.
Joe is someone who didn’t vote for him in 2020. Your advice to Donald Trump?
He needs to include JD Vance more. Last night. You had the five big letters up there Trump. No Trump Vance was all about Trump. He needs to reach out more to his partner.
Anyone else here have advice for Donald Trump regardless of whether or not you voted for him? David, you go. And then Richard.
Best advice I think anybody can give him would be just to be quiet. The Dems are doing it to themselves. So all you got to do is stay the course and nada, not trip on your own shoelaces at this point. RICHARD
I would agree Trump ought to stay the course and keep quiet, but he ought to be careful. Vance Vance, talk more like a Democrat praising Lisa Cohn at the FTC.
Well, your advice for Trump
stay on message Don’t deviate so much. tends to ramble. And there’s not a lot of details, not a candidate but I would like more details from Trump. As to how he anticipates to accomplish the things he says he’s going to
How many of you do not want Joe Biden’s a continuous campaign? Raise your hands if you think you should not continue. So I’m looking through this, and I see that it’s well over half of you all. So let me ask you, I’m gonna go through every one of you. Give me a sense as the person you think should be the Democratic nominee, going into the general election. Lea, I’m going to start with you.
I felt I went inside Harris, but it looks like that might be leaning that way.
But who do you want to represent the Democrats in 2024?
Really, anyone that can actually get the job done?
Would you have no names?
Not right off? No. Well, who
should the Democrats nominate for President in 2024?
Well, I think if Biden chooses to step aside, which I think it’s his choice, then Eris is next in line. I would hate to see that process circumvented. If I were to choose someone on my own, I would think probably, I would think these I don’t know. But honestly, I haven’t bris.
Who would you choose to represent the Democrats in 2024?
I I’m kind of like the gentleman just before? I really don’t know. I mean, I you know, I think we hear Kamala Harris. I don’t know that she can win, though. Which is sad, I think because, you know, kind of like you said it is the process and all of that. And I think Newsom is the obvious despite the fact that he has said repeatedly that he is not, you know, throwing his hat in that race at all. So I don’t I don’t know who the obvious candidate would be, to be honest. Who should
the Democratic candidate be?
I wish I could give you a name, but as well, I don’t know. I just don’t believe that Biden is fit for presidency. And I don’t want Kamala Harris to be, you know, President. Howard,
who should the Democrats nominate?
The Democrats would have a great chance of winning, if they would put their power behind RFK Jr.
Well, that’s not going to happen because he’s running as an independent. So of the of what could happen who should they choose? Um.
Maybe Gavin Newsom, maybe, but I honestly don’t see any viable candidates.
barber who should the Democrats choose? They
need to choose Harris. If they’re going to tap into the war chest and not alienate a good portion of their base. However, they need to have a moderate if they’re going to win with the debacle they’re in right now. And I think their best chance of that would be Andy Bashir.
High who should the Democrats choose?
With that being less than four months away? I think that Gavin Newsom, it’s too late in the too late in the game in the process for him, but so remediate the damage that’s now been done. If biting does leave, I would have to say hairs based on experience and what she could do to motivate certain basis independent voters to vote that likely are not fans of either candidate.
Amy, pick the Democratic candidate.
I would say Gavin Newsom just because he’s a younger, familiar name and representative of the Democratic Party.
Richard, who should the Democrats nominate?
I think the ticket would be Harrison Kelly. Because Kelly shores up Harris, because of the debacle debacle she has on the border.
James from Iowa who you choose.
They want to win. I think their best choice would probably be Michelle Obama. My recommendation might be Fetterman and Whitmer ticket, but I don’t think they’re going to be able to get past terrorists. I think she’s probably gonna have to be there nomination.
Joe, who would you choose?
I had mentioned until he became an independent. I thought he would have been able to play on both sides and get a red boat. Other than that, I don’t know.
Tracy, who would you choose?
I choose Governor Pritzker of Illinois.
because he has the money. He’s pretty smart. You pay attention when he speaks. And I think he does a good job and I think everybody else will feel that way to be we’re running.
Gretchen Whitmer at the top of the ticket. She’s a proven governor, solid track record and Andy Beshear as VP, Democrat governor in a red state.
Okay, I’m gonna re ask the question in a very straightforward way. The Democrats can have Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, or somebody else? Who would you tell them to choose based on who would have the greatest likelihood of winning your vote? Who Says Joe Biden, raise your hands? Okay, that’s absolutely devastating, because more than half of you voted for him. Who says Kamala Harris? 123 have you? And who says four? Have you and who says somebody else? Everyone else, please explain why particularly those who voted for Joe Biden and 2020. Why you don’t want Biden and why you don’t want to Harris Please explain. Richard and then David.
I don’t think the country is ready for a female person.
just because of the demographics, and I think Trump would would absolutely devastated. David,
the country is absolutely ready. And we’re past due to have a female president of that. That’s not my concern with Harris. She’s wildly unpopular. When she ran, and Biden defeated her, the last go round, I’m not sure if she made it in the last four or five, but do have the greatest shot to win this thing. It can’t be anybody that’s currently in the oval or in the in the building, they’re gonna have to outsource it.
Anyone else here who voted for Joe Biden, and don’t want either Biden or Harris to lead the Democrats? Howard, Karen, Joe, and then James Howard.
Kamala Harris does not have the proven track record the proven leadership, the necessary skills in order to be an effective leader, effective president. Okay,
Karen, you voted for Joe Biden, yet you don’t want Biden or Harris as the Democratic nominee. Explain that.
I don’t think they can win. I think they’ve got too much against them. Right now. I’ve created an awful lot of baggage. And whether it’s from the campaign, or just all these questions that are being raised, I
think it’s time for President Biden to step down, step aside. And on the other hand, as far as vice president Kamala Harris, she lacks the presidential leadership qualities that I would want to come from somebody that’s running for the seat, the ticket, her track record, and not because she’s a woman. That’s, we have to say,
Sherry, you voted for Biden, but you don’t want Biden your heirs. Tell me why? Well,
I think that Biden needs to go out with his boots on. And now let’s go ahead and look forward and look at Harris. Everything the administration has done will be hung on her whether that’s right or wrong. And she was given the portfolio of the border. Nobody wants any part of that. So let’s go ahead. If I were advising the Democrats, I would say let’s go ahead, find someone without any of this baggage. Yay, fresh start.
James from Iowa.
Yeah, I don’t think Biden will be able to his to his decline is just getting too severe. I don’t think he’ll be able to serve four more years. Harris. I don’t, I’ve never found her very effective. I can’t really save anything she’s done as the vice president. Plus when I heard her talk, she doesn’t have much of substance to say she doesn’t say anything that I’ve found to be intelligent.
Anybody else here doesn’t want Biden or Harris.
I voted for Joe Biden because he said that he was going to run one term and be a transitional president. And now he in both of the interviews He says that the job’s not finished well, I’m sorry, it’s not his job to complete. He told us that he was going to be a uniter and and pass the torch and and he can’t do it anymore. And Harris’s is for better or worse tagged along with that and she’s very divisive. You
are or were undecided. You’re the kind of voters that these candidates care about. Give me a name of someone who you will consider voting for on the Democratic side for President. Or you can say, I don’t know. Logan, you start
Whitmer because she has a proven track record in Michigan.
Tracy. I don’t know, Joe.
I don’t know. James,
from Iowa. Fetterman
from Pennsylvania because I think he makes more sense than politicians. Barbara
Sher, because I think that we need someone who’s moderate we need to move back more toward the middle.
Biden, because he’s shown and has a proven track record of decades of about 50 years of working with Republican and Democrats. And he’s got legislation passed in 2021. And since he’s been in office, which this country desperately needs
Gretchen Whitmer because she has been the executive officer of a state where
Richard this year because because he’s a moderate. And from the from Middle America, one of the flyover states, Chris,
I don’t know.
Jameson, Nevada.
I want to say Bashir, but I honestly don’t know. Garen
Whitner Michigan. She’s very strong. Luke.
I do not know, Howard.
Jon Ossoff. from Georgia. He’s proud. Whenever red state and that could potentially be a great stepping stone for presidency.
honestly don’t know. David.
I don’t know. layup.
I don’t know either. Amy,
I don’t know.
I gotta tell you. I have a My reaction is Oh, my God. You’re not choosing Harris. Only one of you chose Biden. It’s I know, you’re undecided, or you were undecided. I’ve never seen a situation like this before. And there you have it. undecided voters, swing voters, people who will make the difference in the next presidential campaign. And they are unanimous in agreeing that Joe Biden should not have been the Democratic candidate and almost unanimous in preferring somebody other than Kamala Harris. This is one of those special moments that you can see only right here on straight our news. I’m Dr. Frank Luntz and I’ll see you again soon.
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