Abbott: “I will pass the mic to Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick.” UPSOUND:
Unidentified Men: “Excuse me. Excuse me. Excuse me. Sit down. You’re out of, you’re out of line and an embarrassment. Sit down and don’t play this stuff.”
O’Rourke: “The next shooting is right nowand you are doing nothing.”
Unidentified Men:”No. You need to get his ass out here. This isn’t the place to talk to talk this over.”
O’Rourke: “This is totally predictable.”
Unidentified Men”Sir, you’re out of line. Sir, you’re out of line. Sir, you’re out of line. Please leave this auditorium. I can’t believe you’re a sick son of a bitch that would come to a deal like this to make a political issue.”
O’Rourke: “This is on you. (Unintelligible)”
Unidentified Man:”It’s on assholes like you. Why don’t you get out of here?”
Gov. Greg Abbott, (R) Texas: “We need all Texans to, in this one moment in time put aside personal agendas. Think of somebody other than ourselves. Think about the people who are hurt. And help those who have been hurt.”
Beto O’Rourke, (D) Texas Gubernatorial Candidate: “But we’ve got to stand up to this or we just accept this theater and business as usual and we accept the next shooting. We could have stopped this if we had stood up after Santa Fe High School, if we had stood up after El Paso, we are going to stop the next one. We’re standing up right here in Uvalde,Texas right now. That’s why I’m here. So the people of Texas want right now. That’s what we’re going to focus on.”