Joe Biden, U.S. President: “Just as the American economy is recovering, it’s in all of our interests to have global the global economy begin to recover as well. This is about our values. We value inherent dignity of all people, the inherent dignity of everyone. In times of trouble, Americans reach out to offer a helping hand. That’s who we are. I’ve said before in the fight against COVID-19, the United States is committed to be the arsenal of vaccines, just as we were the arsenal of democracy during World War Two. We’re backing up that commitment. We’ve contributed more than any other nation to COVAX, the collective global effort delivering COVID-19 vaccines across the world.”
“As of today, we have shipped over 110 million doses to 65 nations. According to the United Nations, this is more than the donations of all 24 countries that have donated any vaccine to other countries, including China and Russia, all those nations combined. These vaccine donations from America are free. We’re not selling them. There are no demands, no conditions, no coercion attached, and there’s no favoritism and no strings attached. We’re doing this to save lives and to end this pandemic. That’s it.”
“The democracies of the world are looking to America to lead again in two ways. First, to demonstrate we can control this virus at home, and second, to show we can help address it around the world. Vaccinate America and help vaccinate the world, that’s how we’re about to beat this thing. We’re always going to have enough doses for every American who wants one. Our work in donating vaccines around the world is about America following through on our promises and delivering what we say will deliver.”