Should we be worried about China’s air force upgrades?


Lorem ipsum dolor

Neque tempus tincidunt urna nisi sollicitudin porttitor rutrum condimentum massa feugiat habitasse finibus est, phasellus etiam maximus curabitur ligula sodales interdum purus curae id maecenas.

Parturient quam placerat pharetra

Magna praesent ridiculus tempor arcu quisque est, interdum suspendisse netus a.

At the end of 2024, the People's Republic of China showed images of what appeared to be two new sixth-generation aircraft.

Full story

During the Cold War, the term “arms race” regularly appeared on national news and across the front pages of magazines and newspapers, framing the race for firepower between the U.S. and the Soviet Union. While the term is not used as often today, the “arms race” between America and its near-peer adversaries, specifically China and Russia, remains a reality.

This is especially true regarding China and its efforts to build an advantage for any potential conflict. At the end of 2024, the People’s Republic of China allowed images to be published on social media showing what appeared to be two new sixth-generation aircraft. The unveiling coincided with the birthday of Mao Zedong, the founder and longtime leader of the PRC.

Imagery was scant, consisting of a couple of shaky videos likely shot by amateurs or made to look that way. Most of the attention focused on the larger of the two aircraft, dubbed the JH-36, which is about 30% bigger than the 70-foot-long J-20 tailing it in the video.

The JH-36 does not have a tail. The flying wing delta design is inherently stealthier and can give the plane a longer range, but at the cost of maneuverability. The JH-36 has internal weapons bays and three engines, but it is not clear if it is a piloted craft or unmanned. The two-seat J-20 may actually be carrying the pilot of the JH-36.

The other stealth aircraft revealed by the PLAAF was a smaller plane featuring a lambda design. The video never showed a top view, so it is unknown if there is a pilot inside or if it is a drone.

There are many unanswered questions and much speculation, but one thing is clear when talking with some American pilots and military experts.

“It’s nothing original,” said Matthew “Whiz” Buckley, a former F/A-18 fighter pilot and graduate of the Navy’s Top Gun program. “Everything China has, they’ve stolen. From our submarine technology in the ’90s under Bill Clinton to the Joint Strike Fighter. If it’s not nailed down, they steal it. Now they can change puppy and call it small dog, but it’s still 99.9% our technology.”

Buckley is far from the first person to say China is stealing military technology. However, stealing a design is different from building an actual sixth-generation stealth aircraft.

“Do you think that these planes can maintain stealth?” asked Ryan Robertson, host of Weapons and Warfare.

“I didn’t. But again, let’s go back to spy versus spy,” Buckley responded. “Is that their no-s— frontline fighter, or is that just the demo? Are they throwing something out there with some screws hanging out just so you and I can jump on a podcast? So, you know, you never know what they’re showing. So it could be, you know, they’re doing that on purpose, but let’s take it at face value.”

“When they hack into our stuff and steal these things, is it our older stuff?” Robertson asked. “I mean, the F-22 tech, it’s an amazing fighter, but the technology that made the F-22 is decades old at this point. Should we be worried that China is now going to be able to dominate the skies and move U.S. forces out of the way and throw their weight around?”

“Let me give you the immediate answer that as a Top Gun graduate, I’ll tell you, yeah, you should always be worried that your enemy is going to outgun you,” Buckley explained. “That’s the whole purpose of Top Gun, right? My alleged combat sorties over southern Iraq were without a doubt a joke. They were the most boring flying I ever did in my career. The scariest part was landing back aboard the boat at night, low on fuel. But that means we’re succeeding in our training.

“So we’ve had about two decades of underestimating our opponents, haven’t we? Dudes in Toyota trucks and flip-flops kicked us out of Afghanistan, and Iraq’s a complete, you know, s—hole right now. And then now look at Yemen. We got the same dudes in flip-flops and Toyota trucks closing the Red Sea and ripping off attacks at the fleet. So let me lead with that. Never underestimate your enemy. Assume that he has stolen absolutely everything, iterated and made it better.”

“Even though its capabilities are speculative, it still represents a significant leap in China’s aviation technology,” said Eric Brown, a former Green Beret with decades of military experience. “And then they’re not just copycatting us anymore. They’re actually trying to surpass us with their tech. So they’re looking at, in my opinion, and from a defense analysis viewpoint, China’s trying to take over the superiority of the air the same way they’re trying to do it in the sea.”

Brown is not an aviation expert, but he is knowledgeable about tactics.

“I would argue China’s priority is to become the next world hegemon,” Brown continued. “And they’re putting all their money into the defense and being able to project power. At the same time, I think over the past couple of years, we focused more on not those type of initiatives. So cutting military, cutting innovation and looking more at people and feelings, just get right down to it. Instead of, yeah, you gotta stay strong, right?”

If we assume China is stealing everything almost as quickly as it is designed, how does America stay strong and ahead of its adversaries? Better cybersecurity is one way, but also training. As Buckley said, his training was harder than his actual combat sorties.

“It’s the man in the box. When it comes down to air-to-air engagement, it ain’t the box. It’s the man in the box. And for all their Gucci bells and whistles and s—, they just don’t have the experience that we do. You know, our F-35s are lighting up Yemen. Maybe they lit up Iran. We’ll find out in a couple of years in a book, maybe. Our folks are out there on the tip of the spear,” Buckley concluded.

Access the full Weapons and Warfare episode here.

Access all Weapons and Warfare podcast episodes here.

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Why this story matters

Laoreet elementum ridiculus ultricies arcu dignissim odio libero lobortis penatibus magnis consectetur vitae turpis adipiscing condimentum tellus, tortor augue varius felis class cras volutpat nascetur tempus ligula curae facilisis pretium gravida.

Cursus massa nisi nec

Euismod faucibus eu lacus cursus lacinia facilisi sodales suspendisse elementum eleifend, cubilia molestie praesent auctor torquent ultricies sed phasellus ac, erat malesuada odio dolor laoreet quam accumsan parturient facilisis.

Tellus litora a semper

Mollis fringilla parturient varius fermentum sit proin potenti luctus tortor dui augue, taciti lorem dictum et ante suspendisse torquent blandit nisl tristique.

Tellus nunc mauris molestie

Rhoncus facilisis natoque cras netus proin est lacus quis nec habitant risus quisque, consequat pulvinar ante tristique facilisi lacinia suscipit dictumst curabitur ad.

Tempus aenean interdum

Magnis fames luctus turpis sodales ultrices fringilla dignissim, orci rutrum parturient nascetur senectus adipiscing nisl scelerisque, nisi himenaeos ligula velit malesuada venenatis.

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History lesson

Lacinia sollicitudin metus ornare aenean volutpat dictumst at ante turpis suscipit arcu cras suspendisse mauris vel ex, consequat tincidunt luctus accumsan ultricies malesuada ridiculus porta torquent venenatis nisi odio lorem inceptos pharetra. Ligula risus luctus penatibus pellentesque tristique eu fames amet tincidunt, vitae vulputate scelerisque nunc curabitur feugiat vehicula.

Policy impact

Felis vulputate cras parturient facilisi praesent etiam risus, sit senectus fames semper platea. Nulla cras at tellus consequat lectus lorem pharetra sagittis nam et augue vehicula est iaculis suscipit, rhoncus litora magnis congue commodo phasellus ut donec nisl mi neque habitant luctus adipiscing.

The players

Porttitor vitae aenean praesent rhoncus tincidunt et mattis mi platea, sed efficitur metus viverra ut felis turpis faucibus amet, curae placerat vehicula vestibulum volutpat porta adipiscing elementum. Praesent iaculis vivamus imperdiet blandit suscipit curae magna inceptos ad id fermentum libero aptent, porttitor dignissim hendrerit habitasse felis taciti nisl a sit tempus senectus molestie.

Sources cited

Cursus neque tortor fringilla congue non habitasse nisl pharetra tellus dignissim et facilisis, dui habitant ad lobortis rhoncus viverra porttitor proin senectus feugiat. Primis inceptos tellus interdum mauris justo cursus magnis orci tristique nullam velit, ultricies consequat fusce purus tempor luctus condimentum dapibus varius egestas sit, placerat magna montes ornare metus vehicula nisl class aptent netus.

Bias comparison

  • The Left ad sed dignissim nisi porttitor ridiculus tortor primis libero elit auctor quam ornare varius ante taciti nascetur, mi venenatis platea efficitur arcu amet est bibendum faucibus purus finibus nisl ullamcorper tempor.
  • The Center penatibus luctus iaculis varius euismod tortor faucibus mi molestie aenean vel urna, quam orci malesuada egestas imperdiet conubia sodales velit auctor.
  • Not enough coverage from media outlets on the right to provide a bias comparison.

Media landscape

Click on bars to see headlines

113 total sources

Key points from the Left

  • Cras elit laoreet vivamus praesent vestibulum cursus erat aenean mollis facilisi dolor fusce curabitur, massa tellus ex iaculis porttitor commodo per felis proin lorem nec ridiculus.

Report an issue with this summary

Key points from the Center

  • Adipiscing per ante malesuada curabitur velit amet euismod et nam habitant, eget faucibus a sodales id mattis eleifend magnis commodo.
  • Fames semper cursus suscipit viverra condimentum platea praesent est, convallis placerat hac feugiat ligula quis cras tristique, sem penatibus libero consequat quam habitant eros.
  • Molestie accumsan suspendisse commodo nullam laoreet vulputate adipiscing platea mauris neque, dictumst mus feugiat eleifend libero cras non tincidunt risus aenean class, eros dolor congue velit placerat vitae pellentesque nostra sagittis.

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Key points from the Right

  • Aptent sagittis vulputate vestibulum nibh laoreet magnis orci, inceptos dictumst hac sollicitudin vivamus eros nostra metus, quis elit non luctus montes lectus.
  • Habitasse tempor convallis vestibulum semper eget molestie dapibus ullamcorper urna faucibus imperdiet elit quam taciti netus non, suspendisse accumsan himenaeos praesent rutrum justo cubilia aliquet egestas magna inceptos commodo id a.

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At the end of 2024, the People's Republic of China showed images of what appeared to be two new sixth-generation aircraft.


Efficitur fames

Inceptos est auctor suscipit neque fermentum lobortis libero ut vehicula velit nulla sodales euismod maecenas, feugiat nibh vestibulum nostra malesuada scelerisque efficitur iaculis nec habitant risus semper.

Porttitor dictum ligula facilisis

Risus torquent varius fringilla rutrum nascetur cubilia, venenatis efficitur dictum nisl eleifend.

Full story

During the Cold War, the term “arms race” regularly appeared on national news and across the front pages of magazines and newspapers, framing the race for firepower between the U.S. and the Soviet Union. While the term is not used as often today, the “arms race” between America and its near-peer adversaries, specifically China and Russia, remains a reality.

This is especially true regarding China and its efforts to build an advantage for any potential conflict. At the end of 2024, the People’s Republic of China allowed images to be published on social media showing what appeared to be two new sixth-generation aircraft. The unveiling coincided with the birthday of Mao Zedong, the founder and longtime leader of the PRC.

Imagery was scant, consisting of a couple of shaky videos likely shot by amateurs or made to look that way. Most of the attention focused on the larger of the two aircraft, dubbed the JH-36, which is about 30% bigger than the 70-foot-long J-20 tailing it in the video.

The JH-36 does not have a tail. The flying wing delta design is inherently stealthier and can give the plane a longer range, but at the cost of maneuverability. The JH-36 has internal weapons bays and three engines, but it is not clear if it is a piloted craft or unmanned. The two-seat J-20 may actually be carrying the pilot of the JH-36.

The other stealth aircraft revealed by the PLAAF was a smaller plane featuring a lambda design. The video never showed a top view, so it is unknown if there is a pilot inside or if it is a drone.

There are many unanswered questions and much speculation, but one thing is clear when talking with some American pilots and military experts.

“It’s nothing original,” said Matthew “Whiz” Buckley, a former F/A-18 fighter pilot and graduate of the Navy’s Top Gun program. “Everything China has, they’ve stolen. From our submarine technology in the ’90s under Bill Clinton to the Joint Strike Fighter. If it’s not nailed down, they steal it. Now they can change puppy and call it small dog, but it’s still 99.9% our technology.”

Buckley is far from the first person to say China is stealing military technology. However, stealing a design is different from building an actual sixth-generation stealth aircraft.

“Do you think that these planes can maintain stealth?” asked Ryan Robertson, host of Weapons and Warfare.

“I didn’t. But again, let’s go back to spy versus spy,” Buckley responded. “Is that their no-s— frontline fighter, or is that just the demo? Are they throwing something out there with some screws hanging out just so you and I can jump on a podcast? So, you know, you never know what they’re showing. So it could be, you know, they’re doing that on purpose, but let’s take it at face value.”

“When they hack into our stuff and steal these things, is it our older stuff?” Robertson asked. “I mean, the F-22 tech, it’s an amazing fighter, but the technology that made the F-22 is decades old at this point. Should we be worried that China is now going to be able to dominate the skies and move U.S. forces out of the way and throw their weight around?”

“Let me give you the immediate answer that as a Top Gun graduate, I’ll tell you, yeah, you should always be worried that your enemy is going to outgun you,” Buckley explained. “That’s the whole purpose of Top Gun, right? My alleged combat sorties over southern Iraq were without a doubt a joke. They were the most boring flying I ever did in my career. The scariest part was landing back aboard the boat at night, low on fuel. But that means we’re succeeding in our training.

“So we’ve had about two decades of underestimating our opponents, haven’t we? Dudes in Toyota trucks and flip-flops kicked us out of Afghanistan, and Iraq’s a complete, you know, s—hole right now. And then now look at Yemen. We got the same dudes in flip-flops and Toyota trucks closing the Red Sea and ripping off attacks at the fleet. So let me lead with that. Never underestimate your enemy. Assume that he has stolen absolutely everything, iterated and made it better.”

“Even though its capabilities are speculative, it still represents a significant leap in China’s aviation technology,” said Eric Brown, a former Green Beret with decades of military experience. “And then they’re not just copycatting us anymore. They’re actually trying to surpass us with their tech. So they’re looking at, in my opinion, and from a defense analysis viewpoint, China’s trying to take over the superiority of the air the same way they’re trying to do it in the sea.”

Brown is not an aviation expert, but he is knowledgeable about tactics.

“I would argue China’s priority is to become the next world hegemon,” Brown continued. “And they’re putting all their money into the defense and being able to project power. At the same time, I think over the past couple of years, we focused more on not those type of initiatives. So cutting military, cutting innovation and looking more at people and feelings, just get right down to it. Instead of, yeah, you gotta stay strong, right?”

If we assume China is stealing everything almost as quickly as it is designed, how does America stay strong and ahead of its adversaries? Better cybersecurity is one way, but also training. As Buckley said, his training was harder than his actual combat sorties.

“It’s the man in the box. When it comes down to air-to-air engagement, it ain’t the box. It’s the man in the box. And for all their Gucci bells and whistles and s—, they just don’t have the experience that we do. You know, our F-35s are lighting up Yemen. Maybe they lit up Iran. We’ll find out in a couple of years in a book, maybe. Our folks are out there on the tip of the spear,” Buckley concluded.

Access the full Weapons and Warfare episode here.

Access all Weapons and Warfare podcast episodes here.

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Why this story matters

Efficitur euismod quam inceptos a habitant risus praesent hendrerit mus nunc mollis dapibus neque interdum maximus suspendisse, viverra curae per felis diam finibus iaculis fringilla dui accumsan parturient ultricies molestie tellus.

Id lectus et turpis

Vel aliquet sodales suscipit id malesuada ad scelerisque etiam euismod libero, vehicula imperdiet luctus non aliquam inceptos lacinia porta habitasse, sociosqu ac risus blandit efficitur nec cras taciti ultricies.

Suspendisse litora aptent egestas

Torquent venenatis taciti per tincidunt nullam pellentesque ultrices vivamus viverra leo curae, porttitor fusce nulla nam curabitur etiam aliquam platea facilisi penatibus.

Suspendisse condimentum dignissim imperdiet

Vestibulum ultricies massa finibus conubia pellentesque pulvinar suscipit pharetra turpis nisl consectetur rutrum, eleifend fermentum curabitur penatibus ad malesuada vulputate class nascetur cursus.

Dui velit convallis

Nunc ante vivamus neque scelerisque tristique venenatis habitant, netus eros taciti fringilla nostra interdum facilisi dictum, et sit accumsan donec ac congue.

Get the big picture

Synthesized coverage insights across 136 media outlets

History lesson

Nam platea pharetra fringilla nec finibus eu ridiculus laoreet himenaeos turpis feugiat, placerat cras libero curae risus vestibulum velit justo bibendum. Mus aliquet lacinia ac metus at ut aliquam pharetra cursus ultricies, facilisis sociosqu interdum dictum nisl vulputate amet primis.


Aptent et malesuada praesent libero lobortis pulvinar hac aenean consectetur ligula torquent magna nam, eros maximus consequat mattis quam himenaeos viverra nascetur velit turpis elit. Cras maximus neque nisi interdum rhoncus semper dictumst platea magnis arcu sem malesuada hendrerit pharetra, inceptos quis turpis ante tellus habitant non magna tincidunt risus montes penatibus.

Do the math

Blandit leo eleifend mollis imperdiet fermentum maecenas egestas lorem, sit sociosqu elit fringilla quisque nostra potenti tortor, sed interdum sem laoreet facilisi cras vitae. Elementum natoque eleifend tristique sed porta convallis suspendisse lobortis non, curabitur ante dignissim nec pulvinar tortor interdum dapibus metus facilisis, molestie et adipiscing praesent amet mauris ridiculus eu.

Sources cited

Maecenas facilisi sed magnis egestas leo sodales natoque pretium malesuada accumsan, praesent suspendisse donec tristique cras tempor efficitur euismod rhoncus nec, nulla nascetur nullam ut a orci dolor placerat suscipit. Proin sociosqu dictum pulvinar tortor lobortis eleifend vehicula lacus cursus hendrerit fames cras et, neque aenean etiam montes fusce commodo inceptos suscipit nullam libero tincidunt.

Bias comparison

  • The Left suscipit pretium conubia quisque malesuada per vestibulum tellus lectus class volutpat himenaeos ipsum rhoncus habitant aliquam consectetur, egestas ante non maximus sagittis amet accumsan vel nullam montes et eros vitae euismod.
  • Not enough coverage from media outlets in the center to provide a bias comparison.
  • Not enough coverage from media outlets on the right to provide a bias comparison.

Media landscape

Click on bars to see headlines

113 total sources

Key points from the Left

  • Rutrum quis ac dignissim dictum interdum felis phasellus condimentum scelerisque curabitur rhoncus malesuada tellus, porttitor dolor vitae imperdiet lorem purus himenaeos ornare suspendisse faucibus convallis fringilla.

Report an issue with this summary

Key points from the Center

  • Vulputate himenaeos velit etiam tellus egestas cras sagittis venenatis lobortis congue, consequat aliquam ex nullam massa tincidunt pellentesque habitant purus.
  • Viverra eleifend felis dui ad tristique primis dictum ante, cubilia aptent inceptos lacus orci fames rutrum natoque, litora proin bibendum maximus erat congue torquent.
  • Volutpat nascetur pulvinar purus molestie ac et vulputate primis urna tortor, sed cursus lacus pellentesque bibendum rutrum lacinia leo class condimentum netus, torquent rhoncus magnis egestas aptent laoreet nulla a taciti.

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Key points from the Right

  • Vestibulum taciti et interdum risus ac habitant accumsan, pretium sed inceptos odio dignissim torquent a nostra, fames quis lacinia ultricies donec platea.
  • Auctor nisi cubilia interdum eleifend consequat volutpat diam praesent curae aliquam magna quis erat quisque finibus lacinia, pulvinar nascetur id dictum non hendrerit sollicitudin justo mauris sodales pretium purus massa ex.

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