Secretary of State explains how humanitarian aid is kept from Hamas
Media Landscape
This story is a Media Miss by the left as only 0% of the coverage is from left leaning media. Learn moreProtestors relentlessly interrupted Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin
as they told the Senate Appropriations committee why the Biden administration is asking for an additional
$106 billion dollars – including $61.4 billion for Ukraine, $14.3 billion for Israel, $13.6 billion for border protection and $10 billion for humanitarian assistance.
Secretary Lloyd Austin: “Only firm American leadership can ensure that tyrants, thugs, and terrorists worldwide are not emboldened to commit more aggression and atrocities.”
There is bipartisan agreement that the United States should continue supporting Ukraine and Israel.
Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash.: “The world is on edge and how the US wields it’s leadership will be a critical factor in determining what happens next. “
Republicans added that they want to beef up security at the southern border.
Secretary of State Antony Blinken: “What we’re working to do, from the perspective of the state department, is to work closely with other countries to get them to assume their share of responsibility in dealing with this migration.”
Sen. Shelley Moore Capito, R-W.V.: With all due respect it’s not working.
Senators also expressed concern about humanitarian aid being stolen.
Sen. Murray: “how you are confident that if aid is provided in places like Gaza will not end up in the hands of terrorists?”
Blinken explained that both Israel and Egypt check every truck at Rafa gate on the Gaza border. These United Nations trucks then go to UN run distribution sites.
Secretary Blinken: “We’re then able to do monitoring on the other end by contacting the designated recipients to ensure that it’s actually gotten to where it’s supposed to go. Without swift and sustained humanitarian relief, the conflict is much more likely to spread, suffering will grow, and Hamas and its sponsors will benefit by fashioning themselves as the saviors of the very desperation that they created. “
Blinken said there will inevitably be some spillage, but as of his testimony that had not happened. Ultimately he said an overwhelming majority of the assistance will get to the people who need it. Straight from DC, I’m Ray Bogan.