Brent Jabbour:
Imagine that hot dog is your finger.
If you worked in a shop, would you pay extra to preserve your digits?
Table Saws are easily the most dangerous tool for woodworkers. Each year around 30,000 people accidently make contact with the blade, 4,000 of those resulting in amputations.
And, If the Consumer Product Safety Commission has its way, every saw on the market would be required to have the same safety feature that prevented the saw from taking a bite out of that hot dog.
SawStop, a manufacturer of premium priced table saws, has technology that will stop the blade the second it comes into contact with skin.
Remember, te hotdog is a finger.
But a pair of lawmakers think this type of mandate would be bad for woodworkers and the nation as a whole.
“If this rule was enacted, it would raise the cost of table saws by $200-$400 per unit.”
SawStop’s least expensive model retails for $900 while a comparable model from Dewalt will run a woodworker $650.
The machine continually sends a small electrical signal through the blade and since the human body is conductive, the moment skin makes contact with the blade, that current changes and the brake activates.
Rep. Gluesenkamp-Perez says SawStop has a monopoly on the technology, due to their patent and litigious actions in the past to stop competitors from making a competing product.
For its part, SawStop issued a release in February saying it would dedicate the patent to the public if the rule were to go into effect.
Although, it could take years to implement that technology into a company’s line of saws.
But still, CPSC commissioners point to stories like Josh Ward’s.
“Because he lost multiple fingers to a table saw in woodshop. And had 7 surgeries and multiple infections.”
Ward’s accident happened in 2012. When his family was suing the school district where the accident happened, his mother told the Nugget the ER doctor said it was the worst hand injury he’d ever seen.
“This to me, was an example of rulemaking that was done by people in suits, not people in Carhartts. “
At this time it’s unclear if or when the regulator will take action on the matter, while the legislation is still in its early stages.