New polling revealed the economy has become more important to voters in the runup to the midterm elections — and Republicans are the party of choice to fix it. In a USA Today/Suffolk University generic party-preference poll, voters preferred Republicans 49%-45%.
That is a change from polling 100 days before the election in July when Democrats had a 44%-40% advantage over Republicans. The numbers are being driven by the ever increasing importance of the economy coupled with polling on abortion remaining about the same since the Dobbs decision.
According to the survey, American voters have a very pessimistic view of the economy. More than half, 53% think we are in a recession, 18% think the economy is stagnate and 10% think it’s in recovery. In addition a majority of Americans are changing habits like eating out less often and canceling or postponing vacations.
Meanwhile, abortion’s influence on voters has stayed relatively steady. In July, 15% of voters said it was their most important issue, now, 18% of voters say the same. The number of voters saying economy and inflation is the most important has increased six percentage points.
While the economy is having a big impact when looking at the electorate with a wide angle, abortion is creating a significant difference in preference for independent men and women. Independent women favor Democrats over Republicans 51% to 40%, while independent men favor the Republicans over Democrats 57% to 35%. The polling indicates abortion is a big contributor to that gap.