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Headshot of <span class="author-name text-name1">Alex Peebles</span>
Alex Peebles Reporter

Doctors warn deadly ‘twindemic’ could be months away

Headshot of <span class="author-name text-name1">Alex Peebles</span>
Alex Peebles Reporter

While the world has become very familiar with the word “pandemic,” medical experts say a “twindemic” could be on the horizon. A twindemic is a double threat of both COVID-19 and the flu.

“Twindemic really stands for two different viruses, the flu virus and the Coronavirus, both having peak surges or symptomatic infections at the same time,” Straight Arrow News medical expert and cardiologist Dr. Payal Kohli said.

Dr. Kohli said Americans didn’t face a twindemic last year because of stay-at-home orders and mask mandates. When many of those mandates were removed this year, so was the added protection from the flu. She added that the strongest protection from both the flu and COVID is getting the vaccines, and it’s safe to get them both in one sitting.

“If it’s more convenient for you to get them together, just go and get them together,” Dr. Kohli said.


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