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Ray Bogan Political Correspondent

Democrats want Chief Justice Roberts to investigate Justice Thomas

Ray Bogan Political Correspondent

Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee are demanding an investigation into Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. It comes after ProPublica revealed billionaire Republican donor Harlan Crow took Thomas on vacations worth six figures and bought a property from him.

Judiciary Democrats sent a letter to Chief Justice John Roberts which stated, “We urge you to immediately open such an investigation and take all needed action to prevent further misconduct.”

The lawmakers said if Roberts doesn’t address it, they will with legislation. They also want ethics reform for justices who have lighter rules than other government employees.

“To restore the integrity and reputation of the court, they have to do something. An investigation followed by a change in the approach on ethics,” Judiciary Chairman Dick Durbin, D-Ill., said.

“I want the Supreme Court to persevere as an institution. I want it to be respected by people both on the left and the right. But when you see this kind of integration between the court and the political right, it’s just cratering people’s faith in the institution,” Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., said.

Republicans expressed doubt that Thomas broke the law and wondered if there was something else behind the release of this information.

“I think what’s happening now is the Democrats are trying to target Clarence Thomas. It is again part of a multi-decade effort to do so. And I’m opposed to anything that is really just an effort to go after him to try and discredit him. I really think that’s really inappropriate,” Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., said.

Sen. Thom Tillis, R-N.C., also wondered whether the legislative branch of government should be trying to tell the judicial branch how to handle ethics.

“But the question is, is it consistent with the Article III branch’s ethics and disclosure rules? And then whether or not there should be a reconsideration of that. And in my mind should be something that, that separate and equal branch should take on, not the U.S. Senate. Sounds like there may be a little bit of politics in there,” Tillis said.

Chief Justice Roberts has not said if he will investigate. Justice Thomas amended his financial disclosures to reflect the property sale and said he complies with all rules regarding hospitality like the vacations.

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Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee are demanding an investigation into Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas after ProPublica revealed billionaire Republican donor Harlan Crow took Thomas on vacations worth six figures, and bought a property from him. 


Judiciary Democrats sent a letter to Chief Justice John Roberts which stated:We urge you to immediately open such an investigation and take all needed action to prevent further misconduct.”


The lawmakers said if Roberts doesn’t address it, they will with legislation. They also want ethics reform for Justices, who have lighter rules than other government employees. 


“To restore the integrity and reputation of the court, they have to do something, an investigation followed by a change in the approach on ethics,” Judiciary Chairman Dick Durbin, D-Ill., said.  


“I want the Supreme Court to persevere as an institution. I want it to be respected by people both on the left and the right. But when you see this kind of integration between the court and the political right, it’s just cratering people’s faith in the institution,” Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., said. 


Republicans expressed doubt that Thomas broke the law and wondered if there was something else behind the release of this information. 


“I think what’s happening now is the Democrats are trying to target Clarence Thomas, it is again part of a multi decade effort to do so. And I’m opposed to anything, but it’s really just an effort to go after him to try and discredit him. I really think that’s really inappropriate,” Sen. Jos Hawley, R-Mo., said. 


Senator Thom Tillis also wondered whether the legislative branch of government should be trying to tell the judicial branch how to handle ethics. 


“But the question is, is it consistent with the article three branches, ethics and disclosure rules? And then whether or not there should be a reconsideration of that and in my, in my mind should be something that that separate and equal branch should take on? Not the US Senate? Sounds like there may be a little bit of politics in there,” Sen. Thom Tillis, R-N.C., said. 


Chief Justice Roberts has not said if he’ll investigate. Justice Thomas amended his financial disclosures to reflect the property sale and said he complies with all rules regarding hospitality like the vacations. 

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