Gov. Gavin Newsom, (D) California: “The state of California, trying to lead by example, also that we needed to do more and we needed to better by becoming the first state in the country to require vaccine mandate, or at least verification and/or a testing requirement. We’re now following up today to align our school strategy to the state strategy and become the first state in the country to require that all of our staff, not just teachers, credentialed staff, para-educators, custodial staff, the bus drivers, folks that are critical to supporting the entire school ecosystem also submit a verification of vaccination and/or submit to weekly testing.”
“We think this is the right thing to do and we think this is a sustainable way to keeping our schools open and to address the number one anxiety that parents like myself have, I have four young children, and that is knowing that the schools are doing everything in their power to keep our kids safe, to keep our kids healthy.”
“While we’re proud of the fact that California has among the highest vaccination rates in America, now 77.5 percent of all eligible Californians have received at least one dose, it’s not good enough. We have more work to do.”