The Border Patrol isn’t just dealing with an uptick in activity at the southern border, in fact the agency is now asking for the public’s help in identifying human smugglers – at the northern border in Maine.
It’s the latest push to cover a vast area that’s becoming increasingly busy.
The agents of the Houlton Sector say they rely on public assistance to crack down on smuggling and other illicit activities, there’s even a phone number to call to make confidential reports.
Since April 22, agents have stopped four smuggling attempts. They arrested seven in Mars Hill, two in Houlton, two in Fort Fairfield, and eight in Van Buren. The charges include human smuggling and illegal reentry after a previous deportation. At least four vehicles were seized.
In a separate incident, agents found 17 illegal immigrants living in this house. It was being rented out by a Massachusetts based company so they could live there and work. Agents say there has been a sharp increase of illegal labor moving in and out of Maine.
Sector Chief William Maddocks said in a statement “With the public’s help, we can enforce the law and deliver consequences for those committing crimes. Together, we can keep Maine’s border communities safe and free of illicit cross-border activity.”
The Houlton Sector includes the entire state of Maine. There are about 200 agents patrolling 611 miles of land and river border. While it’s not a perfect comparison, the Yuma sector in Southwestern Arizona, covers 126 miles and has more than 700 agents. In addition to the small staff in Maine, it lacks infrastructure like walls or fencing, and has less technology like motion sensors and cameras.
The Border Patrol says asking for the public’s help isn’t new. They say this request falls into the “If you see something say something campaign” that began in 2010. Straight from DC?