Shannon Longworth: Let’s be honest. Most American eyes have been on the conflict overseas–for fear of World War III.
But a domestic issue hasn’t gone away, and our nationwide reminder sadly came Sunday.
MAYOR DARRELL STEINBERG | (D) SACRAMENTO: “As a state and as a nation, this senseless epidemic of gun violence must be addressed.”}
Shannon Longworth: That’s the mayor of Sacramento, addressing the mass shooting, which left six people dead and more than a dozen injured on Sunday.
President Biden quickly released a statement, pointing out that his branch of government has been working to implement his “gun crime reduction strategy.” Essentially, it invests more money in crime prevention and helps municipalities hire more police officers–quite the opposite of defunding the police, which many Democrats maintain as their platform.
In that statement, Biden called on congress to pass gun control measures and support *his* budget to further fund police.
Now, it’s been a little over a year since Biden introduced *his* plan for addressing the issue…perhaps that’s not enough time to see results? I want to know what you think in the comments below.