What is
Straight Arrow News?
Straight Arrow News is on a mission to raise the bar on journalism in a time of media bias and mistrust. We do it via fact-based reporting and hearing from both sides. Overall, our focus is serving you the truth.

How do we achieve our mission?
We report down the middle with facts. Our reporting is delivered to you without bias, filter, or spin.
We are privately owned and funded by our CEO Joe Ricketts, who, along with our advisory board and journalists that work here, believes that unbiased news should be the standard, not the exception.
We are here to empower you with cutting-edge insights. With our Media Miss™ tool you can discover stories being underreported (or even not reported) by different sides of mainstream media. It is our way of making sure you have a complete picture of the news.
We foster a balanced space for differing opinions.
In our opinion section, we provide opposing views from our contributors with equal time for each side.
Don’t believe us?
Independent experts at AllSides, Ad Fontes Media and NewsGuard, who regularly evaluate the bias and reliability of news outlets, have verified our unbiased, fact-based approach.
AllSides has recognized SAN with a Center rating and Balance Certification™— a distinction awarded to “exemplary news media outlets” whose “news reporting is substantially free from partisan political bias.”
Ad Fontes describes SAN’s reporting as “Middle or Balanced Bias,” validating our commitment to unbiased, straight facts.
NewsGuard has given SAN a perfect 100/100 reliability rating and confirmed that SAN adheres to all nine of the organization’s standards for credibility and transparency.

Straight Facts.
Any time. Anywhere.
Get a complete picture of the news on your phone or tablet by downloading the Straight Arrow News app, available on both Android and iOS.
Welcome to fact-based, truly non-partisan journalism – the only way news should be.

The problem we are trying to solve
We launched to chart a middle path between the wedge issues that divide us by carefully examining all sides of each story and acknowledging key talking points from both sides of the aisle.
We respect differences in beliefs and opinion, celebrating the American values that unite us. We strive to deliver the news with nuance and empathy.

Get the whole picture
with Media Miss™
Discover reporting you’re not seeing from biased, mainstream media outlets.
Using our real-time Media Miss™ tool, we spotlight which stories right- and left-leaning outlets aren’t covering, so you can receive a complete picture of the news. This is how news should be – fair, factual, and unbiased. Periodically updating throughout the day, you can find new Media Misses right here, further empowering you to see through the agendas other news sources are pushing.
With these leading-edge insights, we remain true to our mission of serving you unbiased, trustworthy journalism.
We cover the topics you want!
Politics | U.S. News | Business | Military
International | Tech | Energy | U.S. Elections

Unbiased news.
Directly to your inbox.
Get the latest and trending U.S. and international news, discover underreported stories from each side using our real-time Media Miss™ tool and understand important issues across politics, business, tech, and energy.
Sign up for SAN’s weekly newsletter, including Media Miss™ highlights, here.
Our team
Straight Arrow News has hired journalists from both liberal and conservative outlets who have a combined 120 years of experience in the industry. The company’s newsroom leaders come from companies such as Fox News, CNN, USA Today, CNBC and The Blaze. They work together across ideological lines to focus on the facts and build a news brand that will bring people together. Straight Arrow News launched in June 2021 and continues to grow and evolve. Please join us as we cover the stories all Americans care about.

Get in touch
Do you have a news tip or question you’d like to share with us?