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David Pakman Host of The David Pakman Show

Republicans want Biden impeached but have no evidence

David Pakman Host of The David Pakman Show

There is division in the Republican ranks regarding the potential impeachment of President Joe Biden based on his family’s business dealings during his tenure as vice president. In July, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) said GOP lawmakers may consider an impeachment. However, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) opposed the idea, stating that impeachment is not currently being considered due to a lack of sufficient Republican votes.

Straight Arrow News contributor David Pakman unpacks the so-called evidence against the president and concludes that whatever the GOP finally decides to do, there’s no substantial basis for impeachment.

Secondly, why would they impeach Joe Biden? It’s not even clear that they know. If you ask them, they say, “Biden crime family, influence peddling, blah blah blah [sic].” But when you really get down to it and investigate, the witnesses they claim they have, some have been missing for years. They don’t know where they are, they can’t get a hold of them. The audio recordings they claim to have, they actually don’t really have. Or if they do have transcripts, they don’t actually say the thing that they claim that they say. 

All of the dominoes seem never to fall. Devon Archer recently testified behind closed doors — was a witness who was supposedly going to blow the roof off the entire Biden crime family. If anything, Devon Archer’s testimony made it seem like Joe Biden was not interfering in any way to help Hunter Biden’s business interests. And by the way, not that it would be right, but even if he had interfered to help Hunter Biden, it’s not clear that there would be any crime there, particularly if Joe Biden wasn’t an elected official at the time. 

I, again, want to be crystal clear. I have no interest in protecting anyone. Go after whoever — cronyism, nepotism — it’s everywhere. Democrats, Republicans, it’s all over the place. That doesn’t mean it’s all equally criminal. That doesn’t mean it’s all impeachment-worthy. But I never would say out of hand, ‘Don’t investigate.’

I don’t care if you’re a current or former president or vice president. If it appears as though you did something wrong — and by wrong, it could be unethical or immoral, conflict of interest or actually criminal, two different categories — investigate it.

Let’s talk about the impeachment of President Joe Biden. What on earth am I talking about? Republicans have decided, some of them, that they are determined to do the very thing to Joe Biden that they claim is and has been wrongly done to Donald Trump. Let me explain. 


Very recently, Republican Congressman Andy Ogles appeared on TV and said he wants to move forward with an impeachment of Joe Biden, and says, We’ve got to move quickly, because the election’s coming up, making it clear that it would be a form of election interference, and that it would be politically motivated. For over a year now and really longer, Trump and his defenders and many Republicans have been saying, the investigations of Trump, the indictments of Trump have been politically timed, meant to hurt Trump and a form of election interference. 


Now, has there been any evidence that Joe Biden was involved in the investigations or indictments of Trump? No, there’s no evidence of that. Does that stop Republicans from arguing that it is Joe Biden directing those indictments? No, they still argue that that’s what’s going on. They say it’s bad, and yet now, they want to do the same thing to Joe Biden. Now, I can’t speak for all people on the left. I can’t speak for all Democrats leftist, Green party people, Marxist whoever, okay. 


I just speak for myself, as someone who is on the left. I have said from the beginning, if it seems Hunter Biden did something wrong or illegal, investigate him. If it seems Joe Biden did something wrong or illegal, investigate him. If you think that after the investigation, there is a crime, bring it to a grand jury. And if the grand jury votes and says we think you should indict, go ahead and indict and let hunter or Joe or whoever have their day in court. No one is — no one should be — above the law in the United States. However, there are two really important caveats to this when it comes to Joe Biden. 


First of all, unlike Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner, and other Trump family and friends, Hunter Biden has never had anything to do with the Joe Biden administration. So first of all, if the wrongdoing is only Hunter Biden, and this is whether there is or isn’t, and he’s taking a plea on a gun charge and on unpaid taxes, but just because Hunter Biden may have done something, doesn’t mean it has anything to do with Joe Biden. Could it? Sure. 


They claim there’s a Biden bribery scandal involving Joe and all this difference? Prove it? I mean, investigate it and prove it. They’ve been looking for years, they struggled to find the evidence. But the first thing is, just because Hunter Biden may have done something doesn’t mean that Joe Biden was involved, unless you can actually prove it. 


Secondly, why would they impeach Joe Biden, it’s not even clear if they know. If you ask them, they say, Biden crime family, influence peddling lalalala. But when you really get down to it and investigate, the witnesses they claim they have some have been missing for years, they don’t know where they are, they can’t get a hold of them. The audio recordings they claim to have, they actually don’t really have. Or if they do have transcripts, they don’t actually say the thing that they claim that they say. 


All of the dominoes seem never to fall. Devon Archer recently testified behind closed doors — was a witness who was supposedly going to blow the roof off the entire Biden crime family. If anything, Devon Archer’s testimony made it seem like Joe Biden was not interfering in any way to help Hunter Biden’s business interests. And by the way, not that it would be right, but even if he had interfered to help Hunter Biden, it’s not clear that there would be any crime there, particularly if Joe Biden wasn’t an elected official at the time. 


I again want to be crystal clear. I have no interest in protecting anyone. Go after whoever cronyism, nepotism, it’s everywhere, Democrats, Republicans, it’s all over the place. That doesn’t mean it’s all equally criminal. That doesn’t mean it’s all impeachment worthy. But I never would say out of hand, don’t investigate. I don’t care if you’re a current or former president or vice president. If it appears as though you did something wrong — and by wrong, it could be unethical or immoral, conflict of interest or actually criminal two different categories. Investigate it. Right now, they would be doing the same thing to Joe Biden that they claimed Biden did to Trump and that it’s wrong if they were to indict him — impeach him. Because they do not actually have any kind of evidence of wrongdoing.


If they find it I will be right there saying Biden is not above the law and he’s not above reproach, but so far it’s been nothing


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