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Headshot of <span class="author-name text-name1">Alex Peebles</span>
Alex Peebles

Straight To It: Gwen’s Thursday, September 23 recap

Headshot of <span class="author-name text-name1">Alex Peebles</span>
Alex Peebles

Gwen’s Straight To It picks for Thursday, September 23 include:

  • The national murder rate remains high after spiking 30% in 2020. View Shannon’s story on ‘Crime Spikes’ here.
  • Gallup approval ratings for President Joe Biden hit a new low.
  • The European Union plans to bring back a universal electronics charger, viewed as a setback to Apple.
  • Prince Harry and Meghan Markle meet with NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio and Governor Kathy Hochul in New York.